[Asterisk-code-review] lib/python/asterisk/pcap: Add a UDP proxy for VoIP packet an... (testsuite[master])
Matt Jordan
asteriskteam at digium.com
Sun Nov 22 19:59:26 CST 2015
Matt Jordan has uploaded a new change for review.
Change subject: lib/python/asterisk/pcap: Add a UDP proxy for VoIP packet analysis
lib/python/asterisk/pcap: Add a UDP proxy for VoIP packet analysis
This patch adds a UDP proxy for VoIP packet analysis, VOIPProxy. The proxy
will forward received packets to some destination, based on some set of
rules that map a received port to a destination address/port tuple. Default
rules will forward packets from 5060 to and vice versa, with
the proxy listening on 5061.
Other tests may extend the VOIPProxy class or use it to verify received
packets. This patch refactors the existing VOIPListener into two classes:
VOIPListener, which continues to act as an extension of a PcapListener, and
a new base class, VOIPSniffer. The VOIPSniffer class merely provides the
mechanisms for registering callbacks and calling them with parsed packets
(SIPPacket, etc.). Both VOIPProxy and VOIPListener inherit from VOIPSniffer
to use this functionality.
Note that since twisted will return UDP packets to us parsed as a 'string'
object if the packet data is an ASCII string, we can no longer rely on either
obtaining the Layer 2 - Layer 4 headers, nor can we expect to get the UDP data
as binary data. As such, some of the Packet derived classes are now tolerant
to receiving a string, where appropriate. Those classes that are not explicitly
will throw if passed a string because their data should never be of type 'str'.
Change-Id: I7753a6ab33df88e7634c339adb8532d1b0b35d78
M lib/python/asterisk/pcap.py
1 file changed, 164 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)
git pull ssh://gerrit.asterisk.org:29418/testsuite refs/changes/85/1685/1
diff --git a/lib/python/asterisk/pcap.py b/lib/python/asterisk/pcap.py
index 72f9a67..d1414c4 100644
--- a/lib/python/asterisk/pcap.py
+++ b/lib/python/asterisk/pcap.py
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
+from twisted.internet.protocol import DatagramProtocol
+from twisted.internet import reactor
from construct import *
from construct.protocols.ipstack import ip_stack
@@ -105,9 +107,14 @@
self.packet_type = packet_type
self.raw_packet = raw_packet
- self.eth_layer = ip_stack.parse(raw_packet.data)
- self.ip_layer = self.eth_layer.next
- self.transport_layer = self.ip_layer.next
+ if isinstance(self.raw_packet, str):
+ self.eth_layer = None
+ self.ip_layer = None
+ self.transport_layer = None
+ else:
+ self.eth_layer = ip_stack.parse(raw_packet.data)
+ self.ip_layer = self.eth_layer.next
+ self.transport_layer = self.ip_layer.next
class RTCPPacket(Packet):
@@ -429,7 +436,7 @@
body_type, _, _ = content_type.partition(';')
if (body_type == 'application/sdp'):
- return SDPPacket(ascii_pack bet, raw_packet)
+ return SDPPacket(ascii_pack, raw_packet)
elif (body_type == 'multipart/related'):
return MultipartPacket(content_type, ascii_packet, raw_packet)
elif (body_type == 'application/rlmi+xml'):
@@ -492,6 +499,9 @@
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.ascii_packet
class SIPPacketFactory():
"""A packet factory for producing SIP (and SDP) packets
@@ -516,14 +526,15 @@
A SIPPacket if we could
ret_packet = None
- hex_string = binascii.b2a_hex(packet.data[42:])
- try:
+ if not isinstance(packet, str):
+ hex_string = binascii.b2a_hex(packet.data[42:])
ascii_string = hex_string.decode('hex')
- if ('SIP/2.0' in ascii_string):
- ret_packet = SIPPacket(ascii_string, packet)
- except:
- pass
+ else:
+ ascii_string = packet
+ if ('SIP/2.0' in ascii_string):
+ ret_packet = SIPPacket(ascii_string, packet)
# If we got a SIP packet, it has an SDP, and that SDP specified an
# RTP port and RTCP port; then set that information for this particular
# stream in the factory manager so that the factories for RTP can
@@ -660,14 +671,151 @@
for factory in self._packet_factories:
interpreted_packet = factory.interpret_packet(packet)
- except:
- pass
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOGGER.debug('{0} threw Exception {1}'.format(factory, e))
if interpreted_packet is not None:
return interpreted_packet
-class VOIPListener(PcapListener):
+class VOIPSniffer(object):
+ """Base class for a pluggable module that wants to inspect packets
+ Attributes:
+ callbacks Registered callbacks by packet type
+ packet_factory The one and only PacketFactoryManager
+ traces Dictionary of sniffed message traffic, organized by
+ source address
+ """
+ def __init__(self, module_config, test_object):
+ """Constructor
+ Keyword Arguments:
+ module_config The module configuration for this pluggable module
+ test_object The object we will attach to
+ """
+ self.packet_factory = PacketFactoryManager()
+ self.packet_factory.create_factory(SIPPacketFactory)
+ self.packet_factory.create_factory(RTPPacketFactory)
+ self.packet_factory.create_factory(RTCPPacketFactory)
+ self.callbacks = {}
+ self.traces = {}
+ def process_packet(self, packet, (host, port)):
+ """Store a known packet in our traces and call our callbacks
+ Keyword Arguments:
+ packet A raw packet received from ... something.
+ (host, port) Tuple of received host and port
+ """
+ packet = self.packet_factory.interpret_packet(packet)
+ if packet is None:
+ return
+ if packet.ip_layer:
+ host = packet.ip_layer.header.source
+ if packet.transport_layer:
+ port = packet.transport_layer.header.source
+ LOGGER.debug('Processing packet from {1}:{2}'.format(packet, host, port))
+ if host not in self.traces:
+ self.traces[host] = []
+ self.traces[host].append(packet)
+ if packet.packet_type not in self.callbacks:
+ return
+ for callback in self.callbacks[packet.packet_type]:
+ callback(packet)
+ def add_callback(self, packet_type, callback):
+ """Add a callback function for received packets of a particular type
+ Note that a particular packet type can only have a single callback
+ Keyword Arguments:
+ packet_type The string name of the packet type to receive
+ callback A function that takes as an argument a Packet object
+ """
+ if packet_type not in self.callbacks:
+ self.callbacks[packet_type] = []
+ self.callbacks[packet_type].append(callback)
+ def remove_callbacks(self, packet_type):
+ """Remove the callbacks for a particular packet type
+ Keyword Arguments:
+ packet_type The string name of the packet type to remove callbacks for
+ """
+ del self.callbacks[packet_type]
+class VOIPProxy(VOIPSniffer):
+ """Pluggable module that acts as a packet level proxy for VoIP packets
+ This module will listen on two UDP ports, and exchange packets between
+ them. Received packets on either port are looked at for SIP, RTP, and
+ RTCP packets, and passed off to observers.
+ Attributes:
+ port The port this proxy listens on
+ rules A dictionary that maps source ports to their destination host/port
+ """
+ class ProxyProtocol(DatagramProtocol):
+ """The twisted DatagramProtocol that swaps packets
+ """
+ def __init__(self, rules, cb):
+ """Constructor
+ Keyword Arguments:
+ rules A Dictionary that maps inbound to outbound ports
+ cb Callback function to called on received packets
+ """
+ self.rules = rules
+ self.cb = cb
+ def datagramReceived(self, data, (host, port)):
+ """Callback for when a datagram is received
+ Keyword Arguments:
+ data The actual packet
+ (host, port) Tuple of source host and port
+ """
+ LOGGER.debug('Proxy received from {0}:{1}\n{2}'.format(
+ host, port, data))
+ if port not in self.rules:
+ LOGGER.debug('Dropping packet from {0}:{1}'.format(
+ host, port))
+ return
+ dest_host = self.rules[port].get('host', host)
+ dest_port = self.rules[port]['port']
+ self.cb(data, (host, port))
+ LOGGER.debug('Forwarding packet to {0}:{1}'.format(
+ dest_host, dest_port))
+ self.transport.write(data, (dest_host, dest_port))
+ DEFAULT_RULES = {5060: {'host': '', 'port': 5062},
+ 5062: {'host': '', 'port': 5060}}
+ def __init__(self, module_config, test_object):
+ """Constructor
+ Keyword Arguments:
+ module_config The module configuration
+ test_object Our one and only test object
+ """
+ super(VOIPProxy, self).__init__(module_config, test_object)
+ self.port = module_config.get('port', 5061)
+ self.rules = module_config.get('rules', VOIPProxy.DEFAULT_RULES)
+ protocol = VOIPProxy.ProxyProtocol(self.rules, self.process_packet)
+ reactor.listenUDP(self.port, protocol)
+class VOIPListener(VOIPSniffer, PcapListener):
"""Pluggable module class that sniffs for SIP, RTP, and RTCP packets
Received packets are stored according to the source.
@@ -685,17 +833,10 @@
module_config The module configuration for this pluggable module
test_object The object we will attach to
- PcapListener.__init__(self, module_config, test_object)
if not 'register-observer' in module_config:
raise Exception('VOIPListener needs register-observer to be set')
- self.packet_factory = PacketFactoryManager()
- self.packet_factory.create_factory(SIPPacketFactory)
- self.packet_factory.create_factory(RTPPacketFactory)
- self.packet_factory.create_factory(RTCPPacketFactory)
- self._callbacks = {}
- self.traces = {}
+ super(VOIPListener, self).__init__(module_config, test_object)
def pcap_callback(self, packet):
"""Packet capture callback function
@@ -707,40 +848,5 @@
Keyword Arguments:
packet A received packet from the pcap listener
+ self.process_packet(packet, (None, None))
- try:
- packet = self.packet_factory.interpret_packet(packet)
- except:
- pass
- if packet is None:
- return
- LOGGER.debug('Got packet %s from %s' % (
- str(packet), packet.ip_layer.header.source))
- if packet.ip_layer.header.source not in self.traces:
- self.traces[packet.ip_layer.header.source] = []
- self.traces[packet.ip_layer.header.source].append(packet)
- if packet.packet_type not in self._callbacks:
- return
- for callback in self._callbacks[packet.packet_type]:
- callback(packet)
- def add_callback(self, packet_type, callback):
- """Add a callback function for received packets of a particular type
- Note that a particular packet type can only have a single callback
- Keyword Arguments:
- packet_type The string name of the packet type to receive
- callback A function that takes as an argument a Packet object
- """
- if packet_type not in self._callbacks:
- self._callbacks[packet_type] = []
- self._callbacks[packet_type].append(callback)
- def remove_callbacks(self, packet_type):
- """Remove the callbacks for a particular packet type
- Keyword Arguments:
- packet_type The string name of the packet type to remove callbacks for
- """
- del self._callbacks[packet_type]
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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: I7753a6ab33df88e7634c339adb8532d1b0b35d78
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: testsuite
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Matt Jordan <mjordan at digium.com>
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