[asterisk-bugs] [JIRA] (ASTERISK-29699) ConfBridge doesn't detect disconnect from webrtc

Joshua C. Colp (JIRA) noreply at issues.asterisk.org
Fri Oct 22 04:24:49 CDT 2021

     [ https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-29699?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ]

Joshua C. Colp closed ASTERISK-29699.

    Resolution: Not A Bug

This is not a bug. ConfBridge itself doesn't detect such things. It's up to the channel driver (chan_pjsip) to detect it and then hang up the channel. There are various options on the PJSIP endpoint, such as rtp_timeout, which can be used for this. There are also session timers which do it from a SIP protocol level, which are done using the "timers" option..

If these aren't set then the channel will continue.

> ConfBridge doesn't detect disconnect from webrtc
> ------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: ASTERISK-29699
>                 URL: https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-29699
>             Project: Asterisk
>          Issue Type: Bug
>      Security Level: None
>          Components: Channels/chan_pjsip, Core/Bridging
>    Affects Versions: 18.7.1
>         Environment: Linux asteriskcloudpjsip 4.19.0-16-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.19.181-1 (2021-03-19) x86_64 GNU/Linux
>            Reporter: Dennis Haney
>              Labels: webrtc
> It seems that ConfBridge doesn't detect when the user has crashed/disconnected or otherwise closed the wss connection.
>   == WebSocket connection from 'me:1247' closed
>     -- Removed contact 'sips:mylogin at me:1247;transport=ws;rtcweb-breaker=no' from AOR 'mylogin at someuniquevalueforyoumachine.mydomain.com' due to shutdown
>   == Contact mylogin at someuniquevalueforyoumachine.mydomain.com/sips:mylogin at me:1247;transport=ws;rtcweb-breaker=no has been deleted
> Checking state of the confbridge user was in at the time:
> asteriskcloudpjsip*CLI> confbridge list 6f22d552eec54391951519ef4b9665bf
> Channel                        Flags  User Profile     Bridge Profile   Menu             CallerID
> ============================== ====== ================ ================ ================ ================
> PJSIP/mylogin.someuniquevalueforyoumachine.mydomain.com-00000001 M      interviewer      default_bridge   default_menu     <unknown>
> asteriskcloudpjsip*CLI> pjsip show channels
>   Channel:  <ChannelId........................................>  <State.....>  <Time.....>
>       Exten: <DialedExten.............>  CLCID: <ConnectedLineCID.......>
> ==========================================================================================
>   Channel: PJSIP/mylogin.someuniquevalueforyoumachine.mydomain Up            00:14:28
>       Exten: 1                           CLCID: "someuniquevalueforyoumachine.mydomain.com" <>
> This never gets cleaned up.
> asteriskcloudpjsip*CLI> pjsip show channelstats like my
>                                              ...........Receive......... .........Transmit..........
>  BridgeId ChannelId ........ UpTime.. Codec.   Count    Lost Pct  Jitter   Count    Lost Pct  Jitter RTT....
>  ===========================================================================================================
>  f3bd17e0 mylogin.someuni 00:14:57 opus      140       0    0   0.000  44841       0    0   0.003   0.000
> Objects found: 1
> Furthermore, Transmit never detects it is sending packets into the void and marks them as dropped.

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