[asterisk-bugs] [JIRA] (ASTERISK-29761) res: Fix for Doxygen

Asterisk Team (JIRA) noreply at issues.asterisk.org
Fri Nov 19 03:01:49 CST 2021

    [ https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-29761?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=257073#comment-257073 ] 

Asterisk Team commented on ASTERISK-29761:

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> res: Fix for Doxygen
> --------------------
>                 Key: ASTERISK-29761
>                 URL: https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-29761
>             Project: Asterisk
>          Issue Type: Bug
>      Security Level: None
>          Components: Documentation
>    Affects Versions: 16.22.0, 18.8.0, 19.0.0
>            Reporter: Alexander Traud
>            Severity: Trivial
> If all {{WARN_}} are enabled in the file {{doc/asterisk-ng-doxygen.in}}, the following appears in the file {{doxygen.log}}:
> {code}
> res/snmp/agent.h:18: warning: argument 'Not' of command @param is not found in the argument list of agent_thread(void *arg)
> res/snmp/agent.h:25: warning: unable to resolve reference to 'res_snmp_dontStop' for \ref command
> res/snmp/agent.c:189: warning: The following parameter of agent_thread(void *arg) is not documented:
>   parameter 'arg'
> res/snmp/agent.h:18: warning: argument 'Not' of command @param is not found in the argument list of agent_thread(void *arg)
> res/snmp/agent.h:25: warning: unable to resolve reference to 'res_snmp_dontStop' for \ref command
> res/snmp/agent.h:28: warning: The following parameter of agent_thread(void *arg) is not documented:
>   parameter 'arg'
> res/prometheus/bridges.c:40: warning: Found unknown command '\snapshot'
> res/prometheus/bridges.c:42: warning: The following parameter of get_bridge_channel_count(struct prometheus_metric *metric, struct ast_bridge_snapshot *snapshot) is not documented:
>   parameter 'snapshot'
> res/res_stir_shaken/certificate.h:30: warning: argument 'callier_id_number' of command @param is not found in the argument list of stir_shaken_certificate_get_by_caller_id_number(const char *caller_id_number)
> res/res_stir_shaken/certificate.c:84: warning: The following parameter of stir_shaken_certificate_get_by_caller_id_number(const char *caller_id_number) is not documented:
>   parameter 'caller_id_number'
> res/res_stir_shaken/certificate.h:30: warning: argument 'callier_id_number' of command @param is not found in the argument list of stir_shaken_certificate_get_by_caller_id_number(const char *caller_id_number)
> res/res_stir_shaken/certificate.h:35: warning: The following parameter of stir_shaken_certificate_get_by_caller_id_number(const char *caller_id_number) is not documented:
>   parameter 'caller_id_number'
> res/prometheus/channels.c:43: warning: Found unknown command '\snapshot'
> res/prometheus/channels.c:45: warning: The following parameter of get_channel_state(struct prometheus_metric *metric, struct ast_channel_snapshot *snapshot) is not documented:
>   parameter 'snapshot'
> res/res_stir_shaken/curl.c:86: warning: The following parameters of curl_header_callback(char *buffer, size_t size, size_t nitems, void *data) are not documented:
>   parameter 'buffer'
>   parameter 'size'
>   parameter 'nitems'
> res/prometheus/endpoints.c:42: warning: Found unknown command '\snapshot'
> res/prometheus/endpoints.c:44: warning: The following parameter of get_endpoint_state(struct prometheus_metric *metric, struct ast_endpoint_snapshot *snapshot) is not documented:
>   parameter 'snapshot'
> res/res_calendar.c:587: warning: documented empty return type of ast_calendar_unregister
> res/res_chan_stats.c:122: warning: argument 'topic' of command @param is not found in the argument list of default_route(void *data, struct stasis_subscription *sub, struct stasis_message *message)
> res/res_chan_stats.c:49: warning: argument 'topic' of command @param is not found in the argument list of statsmaker(void *data, struct stasis_subscription *sub, struct stasis_message *message)
> res/res_chan_stats.c:81: warning: argument 'topic' of command @param is not found in the argument list of updates(void *data, struct stasis_subscription *sub, struct stasis_message *message)
> res/res_config_ldap.c:894: warning: Found unknown command '\TODO'
> res/res_config_ldap.c:1761: warning: Found unknown command '\breif'
> res/res_config_sqlite3.c:560: warning: argument 'data' of command @param is not found in the argument list of row_counter_wrapper(void *arg, int num_columns, char **values, char **columns)
> res/res_config_sqlite3.c:576: warning: The following parameter of row_counter_wrapper(void *arg, int num_columns, char **values, char **columns) is not documented:
>   parameter 'arg'
> res/res_crypto.c:492: warning: documented empty return type of crypto_load
> res/res_hep.c:147: warning: Found unknown command '\REF'
> include/asterisk/res_hep.h:90: warning: unable to resolve reference to 'payload' for \ref command
> include/asterisk/res_hep.h:105: warning: unable to resolve reference to 'capture_info' for \ref command
> include/asterisk/res_hep.h:90: warning: unable to resolve reference to 'payload' for \ref command
> include/asterisk/res_hep.h:105: warning: unable to resolve reference to 'capture_info' for \ref command
> res/res_http_websocket.c:210: warning: The following parameter of ast_websocket_server_add_protocol(struct ast_websocket_server *server, const char *name, ast_websocket_callback callback) is not documented:
>   parameter 'server'
> include/asterisk/http_websocket.h:211: warning: unable to resolve reference to 'protocol' for \ref command
> include/asterisk/http_websocket.h:130: warning: unable to resolve reference to 'websocket_server' for \ref command
> include/asterisk/http_websocket.h:132: warning: unable to resolve reference to 'websocket_server' for \ref command
> include/asterisk/http_websocket.h:133: warning: unexpected token in comment block while parsing the argument of command retval
> res/res_http_websocket.c:266: warning: The following parameter of ast_websocket_server_remove_protocol(struct ast_websocket_server *server, const char *name, ast_websocket_callback callback) is not documented:
>   parameter 'server'
> res/res_http_websocket.c:1088: warning: Unsupported xml/html tag <host> found
> res/res_http_websocket.c:1088: warning: Unsupported xml/html tag <path> found
> res/res_monitor.c:308: warning: The following parameter of ast_monitor_start(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *format_spec, const char *fname_base, int need_lock, int stream_action, const char *beep_id) is not documented:
>   parameter 'beep_id'
> res/res_mwi_external.c:225: warning: documented empty return type of ast_mwi_mailbox_set_msgs_new
> res/res_mwi_external.c:230: warning: documented empty return type of ast_mwi_mailbox_set_msgs_old
> res/res_mwi_external.c:888: warning: documented empty return type of mwi_initial_events
> res/res_mwi_external.c:260: warning: documented empty return type of mwi_mailbox_delete
> res/res_mwi_external.c:274: warning: documented empty return type of mwi_mailbox_delete_all
> res/res_mwi_external.c:110: warning: documented empty return type of mwi_observe_delete
> res/res_mwi_external.c:92: warning: documented empty return type of mwi_post_event
> include/asterisk/res_mwi_external.h:107: warning: documented empty return type of ast_mwi_mailbox_set_msgs_new
> include/asterisk/res_mwi_external.h:118: warning: documented empty return type of ast_mwi_mailbox_set_msgs_old
> include/asterisk/phoneprov.h:96: warning: argument 'defaults' of command @param is not found in the argument list of ast_phoneprov_add_extension(char *provider_name, struct varshead *vars)
> res/res_phoneprov.c:1621: warning: The following parameter of ast_phoneprov_add_extension(char *provider_name, struct varshead *vars) is not documented:
>   parameter 'vars'
> res/res_phoneprov.c:511: warning: The following parameter of build_route(struct phoneprov_file *pp_file, struct phone_profile *profile, struct user *user, char *uri) is not documented:
>   parameter 'profile'
> res/res_pjproject.c:482: warning: documented empty return type of ast_pjproject_caching_pool_destroy
> res/res_pjproject.c:475: warning: documented empty return type of ast_pjproject_caching_pool_init
> res/res_pjproject.c:279: warning: documented empty return type of ast_pjproject_log_intercept_begin
> res/res_pjproject.c:288: warning: documented empty return type of ast_pjproject_log_intercept_end
> include/asterisk/res_pjproject.h:100: warning: documented empty return type of ast_pjproject_caching_pool_destroy
> include/asterisk/res_pjproject.h:89: warning: documented empty return type of ast_pjproject_caching_pool_init
> include/asterisk/res_pjproject.h:65: warning: documented empty return type of ast_pjproject_log_intercept_begin
> include/asterisk/res_pjproject.h:77: warning: documented empty return type of ast_pjproject_log_intercept_end
> res/res_prometheus.c:419: warning: unexpected token in comment block while parsing the argument of command retval
> res/res_rtp_asterisk.c:3468: warning: documented empty return type of rtp_learning_start
> include/asterisk/multicast_rtp.h:54: warning: Found unknown command '\revval'
> include/asterisk/statsd.h:92: warning: argument 'type_str' of command @param is not found in the argument list of ast_statsd_log_full(const char *metric_name, const char *metric_type, intmax_t value, double sample_rate)
> res/res_statsd.c:174: warning: The following parameter of ast_statsd_log_full(const char *metric_name, const char *metric_type, intmax_t value, double sample_rate) is not documented:
>   parameter 'metric_type'
> include/asterisk/statsd.h:54: warning: argument 'type_str' of command @param is not found in the argument list of ast_statsd_log_string(const char *metric_name, const char *metric_type, const char *value, double sample_rate)
> res/res_statsd.c:117: warning: The following parameter of ast_statsd_log_string(const char *metric_name, const char *metric_type, const char *value, double sample_rate) is not documented:
>   parameter 'metric_type'
> res/res_stun_monitor.c:272: warning: The following parameter of setup_stunaddr(const char *value, int reload) is not documented:
>   parameter 'reload'
> res/res_stun_monitor.c:208: warning: documented empty return type of stun_stop_monitor
> main/rtp_engine.c:1257: warning: documented empty return type of ast_rtp_codecs_payloads_xover
> include/asterisk/rtp_engine.h:2698: warning: argument 'rtp' of command @param is not found in the argument list of ast_rtp_instance_set_stream_num(struct ast_rtp_instance *instance, int stream_num)
> main/rtp_engine.c:3830: warning: The following parameter of ast_rtp_instance_set_stream_num(struct ast_rtp_instance *instance, int stream_num) is not documented:
>   parameter 'instance'
> {code}These are the remaining warnings in {{/res}} combined as one.

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