[asterisk-bugs] [JIRA] (ASTERISK-28273) H245 logical channels don't close when asterisk is terminated the call.

Alexander Anikin (JIRA) noreply at issues.asterisk.org
Tue Jun 4 07:23:47 CDT 2019

     [ https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-28273?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ]

Alexander Anikin updated ASTERISK-28273:

    Assignee: Dimos  (was: Alexander Anikin)
      Status: Waiting for Feedback  (was: In Progress)


Uploaded new patch (ASTERISK-28273-7), please try with him.

New things are there:

remove delay between closing LCs and EndSession sending.

remove sessionID = 0 for opposites with H.245 version <= 8
(when we are slave with MSD, we could ask sessionID from master side by setting it to zero, seems like many switches report this as error, i guess they have lower H.245 version). SessionID is 1/2/3 for audio/video/data channels for that cases.

remove inital opening transmit LC when we are slave with MSD. If we are slave our transmit LC will opened after receive LC will established. This change avoid simultaneous opening LCs from both sides with same number. 

> H245 logical channels don't close when asterisk is terminated the call.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: ASTERISK-28273
>                 URL: https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-28273
>             Project: Asterisk
>          Issue Type: Bug
>      Security Level: None
>          Components: Addons/chan_ooh323
>    Affects Versions: 13.19.0
>         Environment: Debian 
>            Reporter: Dimos
>            Assignee: Dimos
>              Labels: patch
>         Attachments: alcatel_asterisk_patch3.png, alcatel_ends_call.png, alcatel_terminating_call.txt, alcatelToAsteriskCallRequest.jpeg, alcatelToAsteriskCallRequest.txt, ASTERISK-28273-1.patch, ASTERISK-28273-2.patch, ASTERISK-28273-3.patch, ASTERISK-28273-4.patch, ASTERISK-28273-5.patch, ASTERISK-28273-6.patch, ASTERISK-28273-7.patch, asterisk_console_patch5.txt, asterisk_ends_call_2.jpeg, asterisk_ends_call.png, asterisk_terminating_call.txt, Astrisk-Alcatel_afterPaching.txt, call_with_patch2.png, Cap_exchange_remaining.log, endSessionCommandAFTERreleaseComplete.png, endSessionCommandBEFOREreleaseComplete.png, full, full28052019, full_patch5, h323_log, H323_log_28052019, H323_log_patch3.txt, h323_log_patch5, ok.png, OLCrejected.jpeg, OLCrejected.PNG, ooh323_log-call_with_patch2.txt, prompt1.txt, RTPpacketsAfterCallCompleted_.jpg
> There is a H323 trunk between asterisk and Alcatel pbx. When asterisk terminates the call, it does not send H245 closeLogicalChannel  request for the opened logical channels but only sends H245 EndSessionCommand. So, the Alcatel pbx keeps the H245 logical channels active in conference room and  that makes zombie/stucked channels. When Alcatel pbx ends the call there is no problem. 

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