[asterisk-bugs] [JIRA] (ASTERISK-28644) Stale comment in app_queue about ring_entry exception

Walter Doekes (JIRA) noreply at issues.asterisk.org
Tue Dec 3 02:25:32 CST 2019

Walter Doekes created ASTERISK-28644:

             Summary: Stale comment in app_queue about ring_entry exception
                 Key: ASTERISK-28644
                 URL: https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-28644
             Project: Asterisk
          Issue Type: Bug
      Security Level: None
          Components: Applications/app_queue
    Affects Versions: 16.6.1
            Reporter: Walter Doekes
            Severity: Trivial

commit 465a7518ccf06550b131e6dae8e41eaa4243c1ba
Author: Mark Spencer <markster at digium.com>
Date:   Wed Aug 13 18:58:01 2003 +0000

    Do the right thing with ringall queues with entries that have penalties
@@ -738,10 +749,7 @@ static int try_calling(struct queue_ent *qe, char *options, char *announceoverri
                /* Special case: If we ring everyone, go ahead and ring them, otherwise
                   just calculate their metric for the appropriate strategy */
-               if (!qe->parent->strategy)
-                       ring_entry(qe, tmp);
-               else
-                       calc_metric(qe->parent, cur, x++, qe, tmp);
+               calc_metric(qe->parent, cur, x++, qe, tmp);
                /* Put them in the list of outgoing thingies...  We're ready now. 
                   XXX If we're forcibly removed, these outgoing calls won't get
                   hung up XXX */
Looks like that comment should've been removed.

The ring_entry() is now done a bit later on, and is seemingly unrelated to this comment.

It's still here, confusing the reader:
$ git log --format=oneline -1 origin/master 
c1ad1ea39147b77b786c10fee24af7912920551f (origin/master, origin/HEAD) Merge "media_cache.c: Various CLI improvements"

$ git show origin/master:apps/app_queue.c | grep 'go ahead and ring them' -A13
		/* Special case: If we ring everyone, go ahead and ring them, otherwise
		   just calculate their metric for the appropriate strategy */
		if (!calc_metric(qe->parent, cur, x++, qe, tmp)) {
			/* Put them in the list of outgoing thingies...  We're ready now.
			   XXX If we're forcibly removed, these outgoing calls won't get
			   hung up XXX */
			tmp->q_next = outgoing;
			outgoing = tmp;
			/* If this line is up, don't try anybody else */
			if (outgoing->chan && (ast_channel_state(outgoing->chan) == AST_STATE_UP))
		} else {

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