[asterisk-bugs] [JIRA] (ASTERISK-27629) [patch] headers: Replace typeof with __typeof__.

Alexander Traud (JIRA) noreply at issues.asterisk.org
Sat Jan 27 02:55:49 CST 2018

Alexander Traud created ASTERISK-27629:

             Summary: [patch] headers: Replace typeof with __typeof__.
                 Key: ASTERISK-27629
                 URL: https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-27629
             Project: Asterisk
          Issue Type: Bug
      Security Level: None
          Components: Core/Portability
    Affects Versions: 15.2.0, 13.19.0
         Environment: FreeBSD 11.1 with clang 4.0
            Reporter: Alexander Traud
            Severity: Minor

The documentation of GCC [states|http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Alternate-Keywords.html#Alternate-Keywords] one should not use {{typeof}} in header files. Instead, {{\_\_typeof\_\_}} should be used. In Asterisk, {{typeof}} is used 117 times in header files. If {{typeof}} is within a DEFINE and referenced only by C code, {{typeof}} is not really used in a header file because it is eliminated by the preprocessor already. Of these 117, only 4 occasions were identified to be used within a header file itself. 3 were directly used and were found by a text search. 1 occasion (utils.h) is a DEFINE which is then used within the function {{ast_alertpipe_swap(.)}}, which is coded in a header file.

These issues were found by compiling {{res_snmp.c}} within FreeBSD 11.1 with its default compiler _clang_ 4.0. Although the root cause is quite obvious, uncertainty remains why these errors happened only with the module {{res_snmp.c}}. These headers are included by other modules before. Therefore, something else in the build system must be wrong, because this got obvious only when trying to compile {{res_snmp.c}} and did not happen with clang 4.0 (and clang 5.0) on Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, or Fedora.

Workaround: Disable res_snmp via {{menuselect}} or to  remove the package {{net-snmp}} from the installation, for example via {{pkg delete net-snmp}}.

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