[asterisk-bugs] [JIRA] (ASTERISK-25248) [patch]Improve Chan_Local's bridging speed

Corey Farrell (JIRA) noreply at issues.asterisk.org
Fri Dec 15 10:48:07 CST 2017

     [ https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-25248?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ]

Corey Farrell closed ASTERISK-25248.

    Resolution: Suspended

As far as I can tell the patch was never posted for review and they no longer apply to current branches of Asterisk so I'm suspending this ticket.

> [patch]Improve Chan_Local's bridging speed
> ------------------------------------------
>                 Key: ASTERISK-25248
>                 URL: https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-25248
>             Project: Asterisk
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>      Security Level: None
>          Components: Channels/chan_local
>    Affects Versions: 11.18.0
>         Environment: OpenSuSE 13.1 on a Quad Core
>            Reporter: Michael Cargile
>            Severity: Minor
>         Attachments: chan_local_bridge.patch
> Was adding a feature to our software where it would call a phone using a local channel. Upon connection the call would get routed to an AGI where is would then route the phones channel to a meetme conference depending on various parameters. The AGI is designed to work on the underlying SIP channel and has issues with transferring the Local channel so the Local channel has to be bridged out of the way.
> This worked fine during development and testing on a Polycom phone. However when deployed none of the Cisco phones would work. After quite a bit of digging and a wireshark dump we realized the only difference was the Cisco phones were taking between 200 and 500ms to start sending RTP after sending the 200OK. When looking into the source code of chan_local, the check_bridge function is only called during RTP processing. Wrote a patch to run check_bridge more often.
> After building a test rig and running over a million calls chan_local calls through it without a single crash I am pretty confident that the changes are stable. It also has considerable improved the response time of the channel bridging for the Cisco phones.

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