[asterisk-bugs] [JIRA] (ASTERISK-26444) Asterisk 13.11.2 'features show' command in CLI does not return prompt.
John Kiniston (JIRA)
noreply at issues.asterisk.org
Wed Oct 5 16:44:01 CDT 2016
John Kiniston created ASTERISK-26444:
Summary: Asterisk 13.11.2 'features show' command in CLI does not return prompt.
Key: ASTERISK-26444
URL: https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-26444
Project: Asterisk
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: None
Components: Channels/chan_pjsip, Features
Affects Versions: 13.11.2
Environment: Debian 8.6
Linux Kiniston-Asterisk13-Dev 3.16.0-4-686-pae #1 SMP Debian 3.16.36-1+deb8u1 (2016-09-03) i686 GNU/Linux
Reporter: John Kiniston
Severity: Minor
Typing features show on the CLI does not return you to the CLI prompt like other commands do.
Kiniston-Asterisk13-Dev*CLI> features show
Builtin Feature Default Current
--------------- ------- -------
Pickup *8 *8
Blind Transfer # *0
Attended Transfer
One Touch Monitor #73
Disconnect Call * *
Park Call #72
One Touch MixMonitor #74
Dynamic Feature Default Current
--------------- ------- -------
Feature Groups:
If you hit Return or a message is output on the console the prompt returns.
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