[asterisk-bugs] [JIRA] (ASTERISK-26621) Queue application does not ring members with Local interface

Jonas Kellens (JIRA) noreply at issues.asterisk.org
Wed Nov 23 08:37:10 CST 2016

Jonas Kellens created ASTERISK-26621:

             Summary: Queue application does not ring members with Local interface
                 Key: ASTERISK-26621
                 URL: https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-26621
             Project: Asterisk
          Issue Type: Bug
      Security Level: None
          Components: Applications/app_queue
    Affects Versions: 13.12.2
         Environment: Linux 2.6.32-642.4.2.el6.x86_64
            Reporter: Jonas Kellens

It seems that once a member of the queue can not be reached due to the fact that it is busy in another call, this queue member is never again being called by the queue application !

Important : I can reproduce this every time again and again.

Look at these 3 calls :

Call 1 : both queue members are being called (normal behaviour, everything is fine)

[Nov 22 11:27:10] VERBOSE[1992][C-00000898] pbx.c: Executing [queue at pbx-routing:15] Queue("SIP/incoming-0000219f", "myqueue1,,,,10,,,") in new stack
[Nov 22 11:27:10] VERBOSE[1992][C-00000898] res_musiconhold.c: Started music on hold, class 'default', on channel 'SIP/incoming-0000219f'

[Nov 22 11:27:10] VERBOSE[2063][C-00000898] pbx.c: Executing [mysip517 at CallFromQueue:1] NoOp("Local/mysip517 at CallFromQueue-00000447;2", "") in new stack
[Nov 22 11:27:10] VERBOSE[1992][C-00000898] app_queue.c: Called Local/mysip517 at CallFromQueue
[Nov 22 11:27:10] VERBOSE[2063][C-00000898] pbx.c: Executing [mysip517 at CallFromQueue:2] NoOp("Local/mysip517 at CallFromQueue-00000447;2", "exten = mysip517") in new stack
[Nov 22 11:27:10] VERBOSE[2063][C-00000898] pbx.c: Executing [mysip517 at CallFromQueue:3] Dial("Local/mysip517 at CallFromQueue-00000447;2", "SIP/mysip517") in new stack

[Nov 22 11:27:10] VERBOSE[2064][C-00000898] pbx.c: Executing [mysip467 at CallFromQueue:1] NoOp("Local/mysip467 at CallFromQueue-00000448;2", "") in new stack
[Nov 22 11:27:10] VERBOSE[1992][C-00000898] app_queue.c: Called Local/mysip467 at CallFromQueue
[Nov 22 11:27:10] VERBOSE[2064][C-00000898] pbx.c: Executing [mysip467 at CallFromQueue:2] NoOp("Local/mysip467 at CallFromQueue-00000448;2", "exten = mysip467") in new stack
[Nov 22 11:27:10] VERBOSE[2064][C-00000898] pbx.c: Executing [mysip467 at CallFromQueue:3] Dial("Local/mysip467 at CallFromQueue-00000448;2", "SIP/mysip467") in new stack

[Nov 22 11:27:10] VERBOSE[2063][C-00000898] app_dial.c: Called SIP/mysip517
[Nov 22 11:27:10] VERBOSE[2064][C-00000898] app_dial.c: Called SIP/mysip467
[Nov 22 11:27:10] VERBOSE[2063][C-00000898] app_dial.c: SIP/mysip517-000021a1 is ringing
[Nov 22 11:27:10] VERBOSE[1992][C-00000898] app_queue.c: Local/mysip517 at CallFromQueue-00000447;1 is ringing
[Nov 22 11:27:11] VERBOSE[2064][C-00000898] app_dial.c: SIP/mysip467-000021a2 is ringing
[Nov 22 11:27:11] VERBOSE[1992][C-00000898] app_queue.c: Local/mysip467 at CallFromQueue-00000448;1 is ringing


Call 2 : only one member is being called, queue member mysip467 is busy in another conversation (still normal behaviour, everything is fine)

[Nov 22 11:33:05] VERBOSE[6703][C-000008e0] pbx.c: Executing [queue at pbx-routing:15] Queue("SIP/incoming-000022bc", "myqueue1,,,,10,,,") in new stack
[Nov 22 11:33:05] VERBOSE[6703][C-000008e0] res_musiconhold.c: Started music on hold, class 'default', on channel 'SIP/incoming-000022bc'

[Nov 22 11:33:05] VERBOSE[6751][C-000008e0] pbx.c: Executing [mysip517 at CallFromQueue:1] NoOp("Local/mysip517 at CallFromQueue-0000046c;2", "") in new stack
[Nov 22 11:33:05] VERBOSE[6703][C-000008e0] app_queue.c: Called Local/mysip517 at CallFromQueue
[Nov 22 11:33:05] VERBOSE[6751][C-000008e0] pbx.c: Executing [mysip517 at CallFromQueue:2] NoOp("Local/mysip517 at CallFromQueue-0000046c;2", "exten = mysip517") in new stack
[Nov 22 11:33:05] VERBOSE[6751][C-000008e0] pbx.c: Executing [mysip517 at CallFromQueue:3] Dial("Local/mysip517 at CallFromQueue-0000046c;2", "SIP/mysip517") in new stack

[Nov 22 11:33:05] VERBOSE[6752][C-000008e0] pbx.c: Executing [mysip467 at CallFromQueue:1] NoOp("Local/mysip467 at CallFromQueue-0000046d;2", "") in new stack
[Nov 22 11:33:05] VERBOSE[6703][C-000008e0] app_queue.c: Called Local/mysip467 at CallFromQueue
[Nov 22 11:33:05] VERBOSE[6752][C-000008e0] pbx.c: Executing [mysip467 at CallFromQueue:2] NoOp("Local/mysip467 at CallFromQueue-0000046d;2", "exten = mysip467") in new stack
[Nov 22 11:33:05] VERBOSE[6752][C-000008e0] pbx.c: Executing [mysip467 at CallFromQueue:3] Dial("Local/mysip467 at CallFromQueue-0000046d;2", "SIP/mysip467") in new stack

[Nov 22 11:33:05] VERBOSE[6751][C-000008e0] app_dial.c: Called SIP/mysip517
[Nov 22 11:33:05] VERBOSE[6752][C-000008e0] app_dial.c: Called SIP/mysip467
[Nov 22 11:33:05] VERBOSE[6751][C-000008e0] app_dial.c: SIP/mysip517-000022be is ringing
[Nov 22 11:33:05] VERBOSE[6703][C-000008e0] app_queue.c: Local/mysip517 at CallFromQueue-0000046c;1 is ringing

[Nov 22 11:33:05] VERBOSE[6752][C-000008e0] app_dial.c: SIP/mysip467-000022bf redirecting info has changed, passing it to Local/mysip467 at CallFromQueue-0000046d;2
[Nov 22 11:33:05] VERBOSE[6752][C-000008e0] app_dial.c: SIP/mysip467-000022bf is busy
[Nov 22 11:33:05] VERBOSE[6752][C-000008e0] app_dial.c: Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:1/0/0)
[Nov 22 11:33:05] VERBOSE[6752][C-000008e0] pbx.c: Executing [mysip467 at CallFromQueue:4] Hangup("Local/mysip467 at CallFromQueue-0000046d;2", "") in new stack
[Nov 22 11:33:05] VERBOSE[6752][C-000008e0] pbx.c: Spawn extension (CallFromQueue, mysip467, 4) exited non-zero on 'Local/mysip467 at CallFromQueue-0000046d;2'


Call 3 : only one member is being called, queue member mysip467 is no longer in another conversation thus should also be called again (not normal behaviour)

[Nov 22 11:33:30] VERBOSE[7081][C-000008e7] pbx.c: Executing [queue at pbx-routing:15] Queue("SIP/incoming-000022d6", "myqueue1,,,,10,,,") in new stack
[Nov 22 11:33:30] VERBOSE[7081][C-000008e7] res_musiconhold.c: Started music on hold, class 'default', on channel 'SIP/incoming-000022d6'

[Nov 22 11:33:30] VERBOSE[7129][C-000008e7] pbx.c: Executing [mysip517 at CallFromQueue:1] NoOp("Local/mysip517 at CallFromQueue-00000472;2", "") in new stack
[Nov 22 11:33:30] VERBOSE[7081][C-000008e7] app_queue.c: Called Local/mysip517 at CallFromQueue
[Nov 22 11:33:30] VERBOSE[7129][C-000008e7] pbx.c: Executing [mysip517 at CallFromQueue:2] NoOp("Local/mysip517 at CallFromQueue-00000472;2", "exten = mysip517") in new stack
[Nov 22 11:33:30] VERBOSE[7129][C-000008e7] pbx.c: Executing [mysip517 at CallFromQueue:3] Dial("Local/mysip517 at CallFromQueue-00000472;2", "SIP/mysip517") in new stack
[Nov 22 11:33:30] VERBOSE[7129][C-000008e7] app_dial.c: Called SIP/mysip517
[Nov 22 11:33:30] VERBOSE[7129][C-000008e7] app_dial.c: SIP/mysip517-000022d8 is ringing
[Nov 22 11:33:30] VERBOSE[7081][C-000008e7] app_queue.c: Local/mysip517 at CallFromQueue-00000472;1 is ringing

(only mysip517 is being called)


If a queue member (in my example mysip467) states to the Queue application that it is busy and can not take a call, it seems that the Queue application remembers this forever and never again sends a call to this queue member. Even if the member is available again.

The queue member mysip467 is not occupied with any call. But still it is never again being called by the queue application.

Core debug shows :

[Nov 22 13:52:27] DEBUG[27563][C-00000007] app_queue.c: There is 1 available member.
[Nov 22 13:52:27] DEBUG[27563][C-00000007] app_queue.c: It's our turn (SIP/incoming-0000001c).
[Nov 22 13:52:27] DEBUG[27563][C-00000007] app_queue.c: SIP/incoming-0000001c is trying to call a queue member.
[Nov 22 13:52:27] DEBUG[27563][C-00000007] app_queue.c: (Parallel) Trying 'Local/mysip467 at CallFromQueue' with metric 0
[Nov 22 13:52:27] DEBUG[27563][C-00000007] app_queue.c: Local/mysip467 at CallFromQueue has another call trying, can't receive call
[Nov 22 13:52:27] DEBUG[27563][C-00000007] app_queue.c: (Parallel) Trying 'Local/mysip517 at CallFromQueue' with metric 0
[Nov 22 13:52:27] DEBUG[27563][C-00000007] app_queue.c: Local/mysip517 at CallFromQueue has another call trying, can't receive call
[Nov 22 13:52:27] DEBUG[27563][C-00000007] app_queue.c: (Parallel) Trying 'Local/mysip440 at CallFromQueue' with metric 0
[Nov 22 13:52:27] DEBUG[27563][C-00000007] app_queue.c: Local/mysip440 at CallFromQueue has another call trying, can't receive call
[Nov 22 13:52:27] DEBUG[27563][C-00000007] app_queue.c: Nobody left to try ringing in queue
[Nov 22 13:52:27] DEBUG[27563][C-00000007] app_queue.c: Everyone is busy at this time
[Nov 22 13:52:27] DEBUG[27563][C-00000007] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Connection okay.
[Nov 22 13:52:27] DEBUG[27563][C-00000007] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Retrieve SQL: SELECT * FROM queue_members WHERE interface LIKE '%' AND queue_name = 'myqueue1' ORDER BY interface

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