[asterisk-bugs] [JIRA] (ASTERISK-24839) CDRs: LinkedID field in Attended Transfer not reporting as expected

Matt Jordan (JIRA) noreply at issues.asterisk.org
Thu Mar 26 09:41:35 CDT 2015

    [ https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-24839?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=225606#comment-225606 ] 

Matt Jordan commented on ASTERISK-24839:

[~jonasswiatek]: sorry for the delay in digging into the logs. As it is, in this particular case, this is actually a similar situation to ASTERISK-23493. Since this has been a point of confusion twice due to how the spec describes an attended transfer, I'll update the CDR spec to clarify the different attended transfer scenarios.

As it is, this is not a bug. In your scenario, you are not performing a core attended transfer (which is what the CDR spec envisions) - rather, you are performing a SIP protocol attended transfer, which behaves differently than a core attended transfer. In a SIP attended transfer, the transferer has two different channels that make up the transfer - in your case, {{SIP/swiatek2-0000000b}} and {{SIP/swiatek2-0000000c}}. As far as Asterisk is concerned, these two channels have *no* relationship to each other. They are two independent channels that happen to have the same destination for the media (although even then, that isn't always guaranteed).

When the transfer completes, these two channels never interact. As a result, there is no way to have the linkedid of {{SIP/swiatek-0000000a}} be propagated to {{SIP/swiatek2-0000000c}}. The linkedid can only propagate between records when there is either (a) a relationship established between the channels when they are created, or (b) when two channels are bridged together. In a SIP protocol transfer, this doesn't happen.

In order to correlate the records, I would look to either the {{accountcode}} field or the actual device names involved in the transfer.

> CDRs: LinkedID field in Attended Transfer not reporting as expected
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: ASTERISK-24839
>                 URL: https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-24839
>             Project: Asterisk
>          Issue Type: Bug
>      Security Level: None
>          Components: CDR/cdr_adaptive_odbc, CDR/General
>    Affects Versions: 13.2.0
>         Environment: Linux CentOS6 (Amazon Linux on AWS EC2)
>            Reporter: Jonas Swiatek
>            Assignee: Matt Jordan
>            Severity: Critical
>         Attachments: asterisk.conf, cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf, cdr.conf, cdr_issue_log.txt, extconfig.conf, extensions.conf, sip.conf
> Initial report made here: http://forums.asterisk.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=92599, and malcolmd has directed me to create this issue.
> Asterisk doesn't generate CDR Data it should according to the Asterisk 12 CDR Specification for the "Attended Transfer to Channel"-scenario.
> *\[EDIT\]*: [~mjordan]: I've copied/pasted the actual error from the forums here, as this is the important bit:
> {quote}
> What I get in my CDR records is:
> || seq || src || dst || dcontext || uniqueid || linkedid ||
> | 141 | 682 | 850 | act-22575 | 1424894097.687 | 1424894097.687 | 
> | 143 | 850 | 851 | act-22575 | 1424894105.695 | 1424894105.695 <- notice linkedid different | 
> | 145 | 682 | 850 | act-22575 | 1424894097.687 | 1424894097.687 | 
> What I would expect (according to the Asterisk 12 CDR Spec), is something like this:
>  || seq || src || dst || dcontext || uniqueid || linkedid || 
> | 141 | 682 | 850 | act-22575 | 1424894097.687 | 1424894097.687 | 
> | 143 | 850 | 851 | act-22575 | 1424894105.695 | 1424894097.687 | 
> | 145 | 682 | 851 | act-22575 | 1424894097.687 | 1424894097.687 | 
> {quote}
> I'm using adaptive-odbc, connected to a PostgreSQL Database, with the following configuration:
> {noformat}
> [first]
> connection=asterisk-pgsql
> table=asterisk_cdr
> alias start => calldate
> {noformat}
> {{cdr.conf}} is the default created when running make samples, but set to log both unanswered and congested calls.
> This is my full configuration in extensions.conf:
> {noformat}
> [general]
> static                          = yes
> writeprotect                    = no
> extenpatternmatchnew            = yes           ; Using new pattern matcher as a test
> clearglobalvars                 = no
> userscontext                    = default	; User context is where entries from users.conf are registered.
> [account-shared-extensions-22575]
> exten => 682,1,NoOp()
>         same => n,Set(CDR(userid)=9264)
>         same => n,Set(AccountID=22575)
>         same => n,Dial(SIP/swiatek,25)
>         same => n,Hangup()
> exten => 850,1,NoOp()
>         same => n,Set(CDR(userid)=9574)
>         same => n,Set(AccountID=22575)
>         same => n,Dial(SIP/swiatek2,25)
>         same => n,Hangup()
> exten => 851,1,NoOp()
>         same => n,Set(CDR(userid)=9598)
>         same => n,Set(AccountID=22575)
>         same => n,Dial(SIP/swiatek3,25)
>         same => n,Hangup()
> [user-default-9264] ;swiatek
> include => account-shared-extensions-22575
> exten => *99,1,NoOp()
>         same => n,VoiceMailMain(swiatek at vm-22575,s)
>         same => n,Hangup()
> [user-default-9574] ;swiatek2
> include => account-shared-extensions-22575
> exten => *99,1,NoOp()
>         same => n,VoiceMailMain(swiatek2 at vm-22575,s)
>         same => n,Hangup()
> [user-default-9598] ;swiatek3
> include => account-shared-extensions-22575
> exten => *99,1,NoOp()
>         same => n,VoiceMailMain(swiatek3 at vm-22575,s)
>         same => n,Hangup()
> {noformat}
> This is my users configured at the end of sip.conf (rest of the file is unchanged except for allowing some IP ranges):
> {noformat}
> [user-template](!)
> type            = friend
> host            = dynamic
> dtmfmode        = auto
> disallow        = all
> allow           = ulaw
> allow           = alaw
> ;secret         = testhest
> context         = outbound-init
> mohsuggest	= sound_1
> alwaysauthreject=yes
> [swiatek](user-template)
> context=user-default-9264
> callerid="Jonas Swiatek" <682>
> mailbox=swiatek at vm-22575
> accountcode=22575
> mohsuggest=sound_1
> [swiatek2](user-template)
> context=user-default-9574
> callerid="Jonas 2" <850>
> mailbox=swiatek2 at vm-22575
> accountcode=22575
> [swiatek3](user-template)
> context=user-default-9598
> callerid="Jonas 3" <851>
> mailbox=swiatek3 at vm-22575
> accountcode=22575
> {noformat}
> Steps taken:
> When testing this, I've got three phones (A(682), B(850) and C(851)) on my desk, one for each extension. I test is like this:
> # A, dial B
> # Pickup B, press Transfer, dial 851#
> # Pickip C, hangup B. C and A are connected.
> # Hangup A.
> See the initial post (http://forums.asterisk.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=92599) for a formatted layout of the table data I'm getting, and what I think it should be when reading the CDR Spec for Asterisk 12 and later.
> Recording log output from Asterisk during this test call:
> {noformat}
>   == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
>     -- Executing [850 at user-default-9264:1] NoOp("SIP/swiatek-00000032", "") in new stack
>     -- Executing [850 at user-default-9264:2] Set("SIP/swiatek-00000032", "CDR(userid)=9574") in new stack
>     -- Executing [850 at user-default-9264:3] Set("SIP/swiatek-00000032", "AccountID=22575") in new stack
>     -- Executing [850 at user-default-9264:4] Dial("SIP/swiatek-00000032", "SIP/swiatek2,25") in new stack
>   == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
>     -- Called SIP/swiatek2
>     -- SIP/swiatek2-00000033 is ringing
>     -- SIP/swiatek2-00000033 answered SIP/swiatek-00000032
>     -- Channel SIP/swiatek-00000032 joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <7910e64c-3f55-4153-b591-e092f1f61172>
>     -- Channel SIP/swiatek2-00000033 joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <7910e64c-3f55-4153-b591-e092f1f61172>
>     -- Channel SIP/swiatek2-00000033 left 'native_rtp' basic-bridge <7910e64c-3f55-4153-b591-e092f1f61172>
>     -- Channel SIP/swiatek-00000032 left 'native_rtp' basic-bridge <7910e64c-3f55-4153-b591-e092f1f61172>
>   == Spawn extension (user-default-9264, 850, 4) exited non-zero on 'SIP/swiatek-00000032'
>   == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
>     -- Executing [850 at user-default-9264:1] NoOp("SIP/swiatek-00000034", "") in new stack
>     -- Executing [850 at user-default-9264:2] Set("SIP/swiatek-00000034", "CDR(userid)=9574") in new stack
>     -- Executing [850 at user-default-9264:3] Set("SIP/swiatek-00000034", "AccountID=22575") in new stack
>     -- Executing [850 at user-default-9264:4] Dial("SIP/swiatek-00000034", "SIP/swiatek2,25") in new stack
>   == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
>     -- Called SIP/swiatek2
>     -- SIP/swiatek2-00000035 is ringing
>     -- SIP/swiatek2-00000035 answered SIP/swiatek-00000034
>     -- Channel SIP/swiatek-00000034 joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <8d1a7359-cda4-4b00-bd99-16227d0c05f8>
>     -- Channel SIP/swiatek2-00000035 joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <8d1a7359-cda4-4b00-bd99-16227d0c05f8>
>     -- Music class sound_1 requested but no musiconhold loaded.
>   == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
>     -- Executing [851 at user-default-9574:1] NoOp("SIP/swiatek2-00000036", "") in new stack
>     -- Executing [851 at user-default-9574:2] Set("SIP/swiatek2-00000036", "CDR(userid)=9598") in new stack
>     -- Executing [851 at user-default-9574:3] Set("SIP/swiatek2-00000036", "AccountID=22575") in new stack
>     -- Executing [851 at user-default-9574:4] Dial("SIP/swiatek2-00000036", "SIP/swiatek3,25") in new stack
>   == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
>     -- Called SIP/swiatek3
>     -- SIP/swiatek3-00000037 is ringing
>     -- SIP/swiatek3-00000037 answered SIP/swiatek2-00000036
>     -- Channel SIP/swiatek2-00000036 joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <2078600c-dd52-4005-8d67-4963b8b3dcf2>
>     -- Channel SIP/swiatek3-00000037 joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <2078600c-dd52-4005-8d67-4963b8b3dcf2>
>     -- Channel SIP/swiatek-00000034 left 'native_rtp' basic-bridge <8d1a7359-cda4-4b00-bd99-16227d0c05f8>
>     -- Channel SIP/swiatek2-00000036 left 'native_rtp' basic-bridge <2078600c-dd52-4005-8d67-4963b8b3dcf2>
>     -- Channel SIP/swiatek-00000034 swapped with SIP/swiatek2-00000036 into 'native_rtp' basic-bridge <2078600c-dd52-4005-8d67-4963b8b3dcf2>
>   == Spawn extension (user-default-9574, 851, 4) exited non-zero on 'SIP/swiatek2-00000036'
>     -- Channel SIP/swiatek2-00000035 left 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <8d1a7359-cda4-4b00-bd99-16227d0c05f8>
>     -- Channel SIP/swiatek3-00000037 left 'native_rtp' basic-bridge <2078600c-dd52-4005-8d67-4963b8b3dcf2>
>     -- Channel SIP/swiatek-00000034 left 'native_rtp' basic-bridge <2078600c-dd52-4005-8d67-4963b8b3dcf2>
>   == Spawn extension (user-default-9264, 850, 4) exited non-zero on 'SIP/swiatek-00000034'
> {noformat}

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