[asterisk-bugs] [JIRA] (ASTERISK-24809) core show translation - gives (hopefully) erroneous output

Ian Gilmour (JIRA) noreply at issues.asterisk.org
Wed Feb 18 14:33:34 CST 2015

Ian Gilmour created ASTERISK-24809:

             Summary: core show translation - gives (hopefully) erroneous output
                 Key: ASTERISK-24809
                 URL: https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-24809
             Project: Asterisk
          Issue Type: Bug
      Security Level: None
    Affects Versions: 13.2.0
         Environment: Centos 6.6 Virtual Machine
            Reporter: Ian Gilmour

In Asterisk 13.2.0 (compiled and run in the same Centos 6.6 VirtualBox VM) I get:
*CLI> core show translations
No such command 'core show translations' (type 'core show help core show translations' for other possible commands)
*CLI> core show translation 
         Translation times between formats (in microseconds) for one second of data
          Source Format (Rows) Destination Format (Columns)

           ulaw  alaw   gsm  g726 g726aal2 adpcm  slin  slin  slin  slin  slin  slin  slin  slin  slin lpc10 speex speex speex  ilbc  g722 testlaw
     ulaw     -  9150 15000 15000    15000 15000  9000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 15000 15000 23000 23000 15000 17250   15000
     alaw  9150     - 15000 15000    15000 15000  9000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 15000 15000 23000 23000 15000 17250   15000
      gsm 15000 15000     - 15000    15000 15000  9000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 15000 15000 23000 23000 15000 17250   15000
     g726 15000 15000 15000     -    15000 15000  9000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 15000 15000 23000 23000 15000 17250   15000
 g726aal2 15000 15000 15000 15000        - 15000  9000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 15000 15000 23000 23000 15000 17250   15000
    adpcm 15000 15000 15000 15000    15000     -  9000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 15000 15000 23000 23000 15000 17250   15000
     slin  6000  6000  6000  6000     6000  6000     -  8000  8000  8000  8000  8000  8000  8000  8000  6000  6000 14000 14000  6000  8250    6000
     slin 14500 14500 14500 14500    14500 14500  8500     -  8000  8000  8000  8000  8000  8000  8000 14500 14500 14000 14000 14500 14000   14500
     slin 14500 14500 14500 14500    14500 14500  8500  8500     -  8000  8000  8000  8000  8000  8000 14500 14500  6000 14000 14500  6000   14500
     slin 14500 14500 14500 14500    14500 14500  8500  8500  8500     -  8000  8000  8000  8000  8000 14500 14500 14500 14000 14500 14500   14500
     slin 14500 14500 14500 14500    14500 14500  8500  8500  8500  8500     -  8000  8000  8000  8000 14500 14500 14500  6000 14500 14500   14500
     slin 14500 14500 14500 14500    14500 14500  8500  8500  8500  8500  8500     -  8000  8000  8000 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500   14500
     slin 14500 14500 14500 14500    14500 14500  8500  8500  8500  8500  8500  8500     -  8000  8000 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500   14500
     slin 14500 14500 14500 14500    14500 14500  8500  8500  8500  8500  8500  8500  8500     -  8000 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500   14500
     slin 14500 14500 14500 14500    14500 14500  8500  8500  8500  8500  8500  8500  8500  8500     - 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500 14500   14500
    lpc10 15000 15000 15000 15000    15000 15000  9000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000     - 15000 23000 23000 15000 17250   15000
    speex 15000 15000 15000 15000    15000 15000  9000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 15000     - 23000 23000 15000 17250   15000
    speex 23500 23500 23500 23500    23500 23500 17500 17500  9000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 23500 23500     - 23000 23500 15000   23500
    speex 23500 23500 23500 23500    23500 23500 17500 17500 17500 17500  9000 17000 17000 17000 17000 23500 23500 23500     - 23500 23500   23500
     ilbc 15000 15000 15000 15000    15000 15000  9000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 15000 15000 23000 23000     - 17250   15000
     g722 15600 15600 15600 15600    15600 15600  9600 17500  9000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 15600 15600 15000 23000 15600     -   15600
  testlaw 15000 15000 15000 15000    15000 15000  9000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 15000 15000 23000 23000 15000 17250       -

On Asterisk 1.8.16 (compiled and run in the same Centos 6.6 VirtualBox VM) I get:
*CLI> core show translation
         Translation times between formats (in microseconds) for one second of data
          Source Format (Rows) Destination Format (Columns)

           g723   gsm  ulaw  alaw g726aal2 adpcm  slin lpc10  g729 speex  ilbc  g726  g722   amr siren14 slin16  g719 speex16 siren7 testlaw
     g723     -     -     -     -        -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -       -      -     -       -      -       -
      gsm     -     -     2     2        2  1000     1  3000  5001  9000  8999     2  2001  6000       -   3001     -    9000      -       2
     ulaw     -  5000     -     1        2  1000     1  3000  5001  9000  8999     2  2001  6000       -   3001     -    9000      -       2
     alaw     -  5000     1     -        2  1000     1  3000  5001  9000  8999     2  2001  6000       -   3001     -    9000      -       2
 g726aal2     -  5999  1001  1001        -  1999  1000  3999  6000  9999  9998  1001  3000  6999       -   4000     -    9999      -    1001
    adpcm     -  5000     2     2        2     -     1  3000  5001  9000  8999     2  2001  6000       -   3001     -    9000      -       2
     slin     -  4999     1     1        1   999     -  2999  5000  8999  8998     1  2000  5999       -   3000     -    8999      -       1
    lpc10     -  5999  1001  1001     1001  1999  1000     -  6000  9999  9998  1001  3000  6999       -   4000     -    9999      -    1001
     g729     -  5000     2     2        2  1000     1  3000     -  9000  8999     2  2001  6000       -   3001     -    9000      -       2
    speex     -  5000     2     2        2  1000     1  3000  5001     -  8999     2  2001  6000       -   3001     -    9000      -       2
     ilbc     -  5000     2     2        2  1000     1  3000  5001  9000     -     2  2001  6000       -   3001     -    9000      -       2
     g726     -  5999  1001  1001     1001  1999  1000  3999  6000  9999  9998     -  3000  6999       -   4000     -    9999      -    1001
     g722     -  5000     2     2        2  1000     1  3000  5001  9000  8999     2     -  6000       -   1000     -    6999      -       2
      amr     -  8998  4000  4000     4000  4998  3999  6998  8999 12998 12997  4000  5999     -       -   6999     -   12998      -    4000
  siren14     -     -     -     -        -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -       -      -     -       -      -       -
   slin16     -  7000  2002  2002     2002  3000  2001  5000  7001 11000 10999  2002  2000  8000       -      -     -    5999      -    2002
     g719     -     -     -     -        -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -       -      -     -       -      -       -
  speex16     -  7001  2003  2003     2003  3001  2002  5001  7002 11001 11000  2003  2001  8001       -      1     -       -      -    2003
   siren7     -     -     -     -        -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -       -      -     -       -      -       -
  testlaw     -  5000     2     2        2  1000     1  3000  5001  9000  8999     2  2001  6000       -   3001     -    9000      -       -

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