[asterisk-bugs] [JIRA] (ASTERISK-24586) TestSuite: Write channel subscription tests for ARI

John Bigelow (JIRA) noreply at issues.asterisk.org
Tue Feb 17 17:03:34 CST 2015

     [ https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-24586?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ]

John Bigelow reassigned ASTERISK-24586:

    Assignee: John Bigelow

> TestSuite: Write channel subscription tests for ARI
> ---------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: ASTERISK-24586
>                 URL: https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-24586
>             Project: Asterisk
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>      Security Level: None
>          Components: Resources/res_ari, Resources/res_ari_channels, Resources/res_stasis, Tests/testsuite
>            Reporter: Matt Jordan
>            Assignee: John Bigelow
> When ARI creates a channel, it creates an implicit subscription for that channel. Certain aspects of that subscription are not currently tested - namely, persisting a subscription out to both halves of a Local channel.
> We currently have tests for:
> * Subscribing to channels ({{tests/rest_api/applications/subscribe-channel}})
> * Creating channels:
> ** Vanilla - {{tests/rest_api/channels/originate}}
> ** With an ID - {{tests/rest_api/channels/originate_with_id}}
> ** With variables - {{tests/rest_api/channels/originate_with_vars}}
> ** With a continue - {{tests/rest_api/channels/originate_then_continue}}
> There are a few gaps here:
> * Creation of channels to the dialplan
> * Creation of channels to other Stasis applications
> Both of these should be covered with Local and non-Local channels.
> h1. Originate to Dialplan
> h2. Local channels
> * Create a Local channel using {{POST /channels}}. Both halves of the Local channel should be sent to different dialplan locations.
> * Verify that no {{StasisStart}} event is received for the channel halves, and that no subsequent ARI events are received
> * Verify that the Local channels execute dialplan at the correct location
> h2. PJSIP channel (non-Local)
> * Create a PJSIP channel using {{POST /channels}}. The destination of the channel on Answer should be a dialplan location.
> * Verify that no {{StasisStart}} event is received for the channel. Verify that no subsequent ARI events are received.
> * Verify that on answer, the PJSIP channel executes dialplan at the correct location.
> h1. Originate to Stasis application
> *Note*: Most tests currently already do this. What they don't test is creating a Local channel and checking the subscription of the portion sent to the dialplan.
> h2. Local channels
> * Create a Local channel using {{POST /channels}}. One half should be sent to the application that created the channel; the other should be sent to the dialplan.
> * Verify that a {{StasisStart}} event is received for the {{;1}} half. Verify that the {{;2}} side executes dialplan, and that the {{Stasis}} application receives ARI events showing the progress of dialplan execution.
> h1. Originate to other Stasis application
> h2. Local channels
> * Create a Local channel using {{POST /channels}}. One half should be sent to a separate Stasis application; the other should be sent to the dialplan.
> * Verify that the application that created the channel does *not* receive a {{StasisStart}} event.
> * Verify that a {{StasisStart}} event is received for the {{;1}} half in the application that the channel was sent to. Verify that the {{;2}} side executes dialplan, and that the {{Stasis}} application specified receives ARI events showing the progress of dialplan execution.
> h2. PJSIP channel (non-Local)
> * Create a PJSIP channel using {{POST /channels}} with a destination of a separate Stasis application than the one that created the channel.
> * Verify that the application that created the channel does *not* receive a {{StasisStart}} event.
> * Verify that a {{StasisStart}} event is received in the application that the channel was sent to. 

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