[asterisk-bugs] [JIRA] (ASTERISK-23493) SIP Attended Transfer CDR record has differing linkedid than associated CDRs from the entire call - conflicts with spec

Matt Jordan (JIRA) noreply at issues.asterisk.org
Wed Mar 19 16:38:19 CDT 2014

    [ https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-23493?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=216712#comment-216712 ] 

Matt Jordan commented on ASTERISK-23493:

The specification makes an assumption there about how the transfers occur; it can't predict everything about the linkedids. Here's the important bit about linkedids:

LinkedID Propagation

When two channels are bridged, the linkedid property for the channels is updated. The channel with the oldest linkedid "wins", and the other channel's linkedid is replaced. This creates an association between the channels that lasts even if the bridge is broken at a latter time.

Note that dialed channels automatically receive the linkedid of the calling channel.

This then becomes a question of agent: who called whom first, and who had the oldest linkedid?

Looking at the first two records:

('2014-03-18', '09:06:44', '"Test" <119>', '119', '112', 'internal', 'SIP/119-00000002', 'SIP/112-00000003', 'Dial', 'SIP/112,20,TtWwM(record^119^1395119204.5)', '8', '5', 'ANSWERED', '', 'BILLING', '', '', '1395119204.5', '1395119204.5', '2'),
('2014-03-18', '09:06:24', '"Test" <100>', '100', '119', 'internal', 'SIP/100-00000000', 'SIP/119-00000001', 'Dial', 'SIP/119,20,TtWwM(record^100^1395119184.3)', '28', '24', 'ANSWERED', '', 'BILLING', '', '', '1395119184.3', '1395119184.3', '0'),

Despite the fact that '119' is one extension, this is actually two channels at work here: {{SIP/119-00000002}} and {{SIP/119-00000001}}. Because {{SIP/119-00000002}} dialed {{SIP/112-00000003}}, I'd expect that record to use {{SIP/119-00000002}}'s linkedid. All is well. However, since {{SIP/100-0000000}} dialed {{SIP/119-00000001}}, I'd expect that record to use {{SIP/100-00000000}}'s linkedid. Which is what occurs.

Now, later we see {{SIP/100-00000000}} talking with {{SIP/119-00000002}}:

('2014-03-18', '09:06:52', '"Test" <100>', '100', '119', 'internal', 'SIP/100-00000000', 'SIP/119-00000002', 'Dial', 'SIP/119,20,TtWwM(record^100^1395119184.3)', '0', '0', 'ANSWERED', '', 'BILLING', '', '', '1395119184.3', '1395119184.3', '4'),

Neither of these were dialed channels, so now we go to channel age. Because {{SIP/100-00000000}} is older than {{SIP/119-00000002}}, we use the linkedid for {{SIP/119-00000002}}. However, that doesn't get propagated back to the first record, because that call already hung up! We can see that it already hung up as the duration for the first record (between {{SIP/119-00000002}} and {{SIP/112-00000003}}) was 8 seconds, and {{SIP/100-00000000}} wasn't bridged with {{SIP/119-00000002}} until that point. That goes back to the entry on finalization in the specification:


A CDR is finalized in one of the following scenarios:

    If in a dial, the dial operation completes with a status other than ANSWER
    If in a bridge, either party A or party B leaves the bridge
    Either channel in a CDR hangs up
    The CDR is forked and the forking operation instructs that the CDR should be finalized

When a CDR is finalized, no further modifications can be made to the CDR by the user or Asterisk.

Asterisk doesn't hang onto records indefinitely, waiting to see if some future event changes them. When it knows the parties are no longer talking (in this case, {{SIP/119-00000002}} and {{SIP/112-00000003}}), it writes the record out.

So I agree with Rusty. There is not a bug here.

> SIP Attended Transfer CDR record has differing linkedid than associated CDRs from the entire call - conflicts with spec
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: ASTERISK-23493
>                 URL: https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-23493
>             Project: Asterisk
>          Issue Type: Bug
>      Security Level: None
>    Affects Versions: 12.1.1
>            Reporter: c0rnoTa
>            Assignee: Matt Jordan
>         Attachments: CDR.sql, myDebugLog
> Attended Transfer CDR as specified in Asterisk 12 CDR specification does not work.
>  Party A calls Party B
>  Party B calls Party C and does an Attended transfer from Party A to Party B
>  CDR has old behavior as in Asterisk 1.4/1.8/11. There is no trace of CDR between Party A to Party C when bridged.

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