[asterisk-bugs] [JIRA] (ASTERISK-23956) sip_setoption mis-types calls to ast_rtp_instance_set_write_format and ast_rtp_instance_set_read_format

Matt Jordan (JIRA) noreply at issues.asterisk.org
Thu Jun 26 19:06:58 CDT 2014

Matt Jordan created ASTERISK-23956:

             Summary: sip_setoption mis-types calls to ast_rtp_instance_set_write_format and ast_rtp_instance_set_read_format
                 Key: ASTERISK-23956
                 URL: https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-23956
             Project: Asterisk
          Issue Type: Bug
      Security Level: None
          Components: Channels/chan_sip/General, Core/RTP
    Affects Versions:
            Reporter: Doug Bailey
            Severity: Minor

The sip_setoption casts arguments to ast_rtp_instance_set_write_format and ast_rtp_instance_set_read_format to ints when they actually should be using format_t.

This bug is also in the 1.8 branch.  

It appears that res_rtp_asterisk does not use this call. 

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