[asterisk-bugs] [JIRA] (ASTERISK-21225) Setting nat=force_rport in [general] sip.conf will never work

Alexandr Gordeev (JIRA) noreply at issues.asterisk.org
Thu Mar 28 00:49:01 CDT 2013

    [ https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-21225?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=204674#comment-204674 ] 

Alexandr Gordeev edited comment on ASTERISK-21225 at 3/28/13 12:47 AM:

I use Asterisk 10.7.0 and "nat=yes" (Force rport to always be on and perform comedia RTP handling).

# asterisk -rx "sip show settings"
{code}Parsing /etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf

Global Settings:
  UDP Bindaddress:
  TCP SIP Bindaddress:    Disabled
  TLS SIP Bindaddress:    Disabled
  Videosupport:           No
  Textsupport:            No
  Ignore SDP sess. ver.:  No
  AutoCreate Peer:        No
  Match Auth Username:    Yes
  Allow unknown access:   No
  Allow subscriptions:    No
  Allow overlap dialing:  No
  Allow promisc. redir:   No
  Enable call counters:   No
  SIP domain support:     No
  Realm. auth:            No
  Our auth realm          asterisk
  Use domains as realms:  No
  Call to non-local dom.: Yes
  URI user is phone no:   No
  Always auth rejects:    Yes
  Direct RTP setup:       No
  User Agent:             Asterisk 10.7.0
  SDP Session Name:       Asterisk 10.7.0
  SDP Owner Name:         root
  Reg. context:           (not set)
  Regexten on Qualify:    No
  Trust RPID:             No
  Send RPID:              No
  Legacy userfield parse: No
  Caller ID:              asterisk
  From: Domain:
  Record SIP history:     Off
  Call Events:            Off
  Auth. Failure Events:   Off
  T.38 support:           Yes
  T.38 EC mode:           Redundancy
  T.38 MaxDtgrm:          -1
  SIP realtime:           Disabled
  Qualify Freq :          60000 ms
  Q.850 Reason header:    No
  Store SIP_CAUSE:        No

Network QoS Settings:
  IP ToS SIP:             CS0
  IP ToS RTP audio:       CS0
  IP ToS RTP video:       CS0
  IP ToS RTP text:        CS0
  802.1p CoS SIP:         4
  802.1p CoS RTP audio:   5
  802.1p CoS RTP video:   6
  802.1p CoS RTP text:    5
  Jitterbuffer enabled:   No

Network Settings:
  SIP address remapping:  Disabled, no localnet list
  Externhost:             <none>
  Externaddr:             (null)
  Externrefresh:          10

Global Signalling Settings:
  Codecs:                 (gsm|ulaw|alaw|h263|testlaw)
  Codec Order:            none
  Relax DTMF:             No
  RFC2833 Compensation:   No
  Symmetric RTP:          Yes
  Compact SIP headers:    No
  RTP Keepalive:          0 (Disabled)
  RTP Timeout:            60
  RTP Hold Timeout:       120
  MWI NOTIFY mime type:   application/simple-message-summary
  DNS SRV lookup:         No
  Pedantic SIP support:   Yes
  Reg. min duration       60 secs
  Reg. max duration:      3600 secs
  Reg. default duration:  120 secs
  Outbound reg. timeout:  20 secs
  Outbound reg. attempts: 0
  Notify ringing state:   Yes
    Include CID:          No
  Notify hold state:      No
  SIP Transfer mode:      closed
  Max Call Bitrate:       384 kbps
  Auto-Framing:           No
  Outb. proxy:            <not set>
  Session Timers:         Accept
  Session Refresher:      uas
  Session Expires:        1800 secs
  Session Min-SE:         90 secs
  Timer T1:               500
  Timer T1 minimum:       100
  Timer B:                32000
  No premature media:     Yes
  Max forwards:           70

Default Settings:
  Allowed transports:     UDP
  Outbound transport:     UDP
  Context:                default
  Force rport:            Yes
  DTMF:                   rfc2833
  Qualify:                0
  Use ClientCode:         No
  Progress inband:        Never
  Language:               ru
  MOH Interpret:          default
  MOH Suggest:
  Voice Mail Extension:   asterisk

Asterisk ending (0).
# asterisk -rx "sip show peer r1234_line1"
Parsing /etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf

  * Name       : r1234_line1
  Description  :
  Secret       : <Set>
  MD5Secret    : <Not set>
  Remote Secret: <Not set>
  Context      : from-ipclients
  Subscr.Cont. : <Not set>
  Language     : ru
  AMA flags    : Unknown
  Transfer mode: closed
  CallingPres  : Presentation Allowed, Not Screened
  Callgroup    :
  Pickupgroup  :
  MOH Suggest  :
  Mailbox      :
  VM Extension : asterisk
  LastMsgsSent : 0/0
  Call limit   : 1
  Max forwards : 0
  Dynamic      : Yes
  Callerid     : "" <1234567890>
  MaxCallBR    : 384 kbps
  Expire       : 3218
  Insecure     : no
  Force rport  : Yes
  ACL          : No
  DirectMedACL : No
  T.38 support : Yes
  T.38 EC mode : Redundancy
  T.38 MaxDtgrm: -1
  DirectMedia  : No
  PromiscRedir : No
  User=Phone   : No
  Video Support: No
  Text Support : No
  Ign SDP ver  : No
  Trust RPID   : No
  Send RPID    : No
  Subscriptions: No
  Overlap dial : No
  DTMFmode     : rfc2833
  Timer T1     : 500
  Timer B      : 32000
  ToHost       :
  Addr->IP     :
  Defaddr->IP  : (null)
  Prim.Transp. : UDP
  Allowed.Trsp : UDP
  Def. Username: r1234_line1
  SIP Options  :
  Codecs       : (gsm|ulaw|alaw|g729)
  Codec Order  : (alaw:20,ulaw:20,g729:20,gsm:20)
  Auto-Framing :  No
  Status       : OK (160 ms)
  Useragent    : Linksys/SPA2102-3.3.6
  Reg. Contact : sip:r1234_line1 at
  Qualify Freq : 60000 ms
  Sess-Timers  : Accept
  Sess-Refresh : uas
  Sess-Expires : 1800 secs
  Min-Sess     : 90 secs
  RTP Engine   : asterisk
  Parkinglot   :
  Use Reason   : No
  Encryption   : No

Asterisk ending (0)

{code}09:28:20.932560 IP > SIP, length: 422
09:28:24.681426 IP > SIP, length: 945
09:28:24.924838 IP > SIP, length: 322
09:28:24.925086 IP > SIP, length: 433
09:28:27.264832 IP > SIP, length: 814
09:28:27.268305 IP > SIP, length: 442
09:28:27.389518 IP > UDP, length 32
09:28:27.410068 IP > UDP, length 32{code}

Why media traffic going to ?
      was (Author: axonaro):
    I use Asterisk 10.7.0 and "nat=yes" (Force rport to always be on and perform comedia RTP handling).

# asterisk -rx "sip show settings"
{code}Parsing /etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf

Global Settings:
  UDP Bindaddress:
  TCP SIP Bindaddress:    Disabled
  TLS SIP Bindaddress:    Disabled
  Videosupport:           No
  Textsupport:            No
  Ignore SDP sess. ver.:  No
  AutoCreate Peer:        No
  Match Auth Username:    Yes
  Allow unknown access:   No
  Allow subscriptions:    No
  Allow overlap dialing:  No
  Allow promisc. redir:   No
  Enable call counters:   No
  SIP domain support:     No
  Realm. auth:            No
  Our auth realm          asterisk
  Use domains as realms:  No
  Call to non-local dom.: Yes
  URI user is phone no:   No
  Always auth rejects:    Yes
  Direct RTP setup:       No
  User Agent:             Asterisk 10.7.0
  SDP Session Name:       Asterisk 10.7.0
  SDP Owner Name:         root
  Reg. context:           (not set)
  Regexten on Qualify:    No
  Trust RPID:             No
  Send RPID:              No
  Legacy userfield parse: No
  Caller ID:              asterisk
  From: Domain:
  Record SIP history:     Off
  Call Events:            Off
  Auth. Failure Events:   Off
  T.38 support:           Yes
  T.38 EC mode:           Redundancy
  T.38 MaxDtgrm:          -1
  SIP realtime:           Disabled
  Qualify Freq :          60000 ms
  Q.850 Reason header:    No
  Store SIP_CAUSE:        No

Network QoS Settings:
  IP ToS SIP:             CS0
  IP ToS RTP audio:       CS0
  IP ToS RTP video:       CS0
  IP ToS RTP text:        CS0
  802.1p CoS SIP:         4
  802.1p CoS RTP audio:   5
  802.1p CoS RTP video:   6
  802.1p CoS RTP text:    5
  Jitterbuffer enabled:   No

Network Settings:
  SIP address remapping:  Disabled, no localnet list
  Externhost:             <none>
  Externaddr:             (null)
  Externrefresh:          10

Global Signalling Settings:
  Codecs:                 (gsm|ulaw|alaw|h263|testlaw)
  Codec Order:            none
  Relax DTMF:             No
  RFC2833 Compensation:   No
  Symmetric RTP:          Yes
  Compact SIP headers:    No
  RTP Keepalive:          0 (Disabled)
  RTP Timeout:            60
  RTP Hold Timeout:       120
  MWI NOTIFY mime type:   application/simple-message-summary
  DNS SRV lookup:         No
  Pedantic SIP support:   Yes
  Reg. min duration       60 secs
  Reg. max duration:      3600 secs
  Reg. default duration:  120 secs
  Outbound reg. timeout:  20 secs
  Outbound reg. attempts: 0
  Notify ringing state:   Yes
    Include CID:          No
  Notify hold state:      No
  SIP Transfer mode:      closed
  Max Call Bitrate:       384 kbps
  Auto-Framing:           No
  Outb. proxy:            <not set>
  Session Timers:         Accept
  Session Refresher:      uas
  Session Expires:        1800 secs
  Session Min-SE:         90 secs
  Timer T1:               500
  Timer T1 minimum:       100
  Timer B:                32000
  No premature media:     Yes
  Max forwards:           70

Default Settings:
  Allowed transports:     UDP
  Outbound transport:     UDP
  Context:                default
  Force rport:            Yes
  DTMF:                   rfc2833
  Qualify:                0
  Use ClientCode:         No
  Progress inband:        Never
  Language:               ru
  MOH Interpret:          default
  MOH Suggest:
  Voice Mail Extension:   asterisk

Asterisk ending (0).
# asterisk -rx "sip show peer r1234_line1"
Parsing /etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf

  * Name       : r1234_line1
  Description  :
  Secret       : <Set>
  MD5Secret    : <Not set>
  Remote Secret: <Not set>
  Context      : from-ipclients
  Subscr.Cont. : <Not set>
  Language     : ru
  AMA flags    : Unknown
  Transfer mode: closed
  CallingPres  : Presentation Allowed, Not Screened
  Callgroup    :
  Pickupgroup  :
  MOH Suggest  :
  Mailbox      :
  VM Extension : asterisk
  LastMsgsSent : 0/0
  Call limit   : 1
  Max forwards : 0
  Dynamic      : Yes
  Callerid     : "" <1234567890>
  MaxCallBR    : 384 kbps
  Expire       : 3218
  Insecure     : no
  Force rport  : Yes
  ACL          : No
  DirectMedACL : No
  T.38 support : Yes
  T.38 EC mode : Redundancy
  T.38 MaxDtgrm: -1
  DirectMedia  : No
  PromiscRedir : No
  User=Phone   : No
  Video Support: No
  Text Support : No
  Ign SDP ver  : No
  Trust RPID   : No
  Send RPID    : No
  Subscriptions: No
  Overlap dial : No
  DTMFmode     : rfc2833
  Timer T1     : 500
  Timer B      : 32000
  ToHost       :
  Addr->IP     :
  Defaddr->IP  : (null)
  Prim.Transp. : UDP
  Allowed.Trsp : UDP
  Def. Username: r1234_line1
  SIP Options  :
  Codecs       : (gsm|ulaw|alaw|g729)
  Codec Order  : (alaw:20,ulaw:20,g729:20,gsm:20)
  Auto-Framing :  No
  Status       : OK (160 ms)
  Useragent    : Linksys/SPA2102-3.3.6
  Reg. Contact : sip:r1234_line1 at
  Qualify Freq : 60000 ms
  Sess-Timers  : Accept
  Sess-Refresh : uas
  Sess-Expires : 1800 secs
  Min-Sess     : 90 secs
  RTP Engine   : asterisk
  Parkinglot   :
  Use Reason   : No
  Encryption   : No

Asterisk ending (0)

{code}09:28:19.911907 IP > SIP, length: 569
09:28:20.911952 IP > SIP, length: 569
09:28:20.932560 IP > SIP, length: 422
09:28:24.681426 IP > SIP, length: 945
09:28:24.924838 IP > SIP, length: 322
09:28:24.925086 IP > SIP, length: 433
09:28:27.264832 IP > SIP, length: 814
09:28:27.268305 IP > SIP, length: 442
09:28:27.389518 IP > UDP, length 32
09:28:27.410068 IP > UDP, length 32{code}

Why media traffic going to ?
> Setting nat=force_rport in [general] sip.conf will never work
> -------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: ASTERISK-21225
>                 URL: https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-21225
>             Project: Asterisk
>          Issue Type: Bug
>      Security Level: None
>          Components: Channels/chan_sip/General
>    Affects Versions: 11.2.1
>            Reporter: Alexandre Vezina
>            Assignee: Michael L. Young
>            Severity: Minor
>         Attachments: asterisk-21225-handle-options-default-prob_1.8_v3.diff, asterisk-21225-handle-options-default-prob_v3.diff
> I noticed that it was impossible to set nat=force_rport in the general section of sip.conf. It actually has no effect when issuing cli command "sip show settings" (result is Force rport: Auto (No).
> The function to reload configurations in chan_sip.c sets the flag SIP_PAGE3_NAT_AUTO_RPORT in the global flags and the function sip_parse_nat_option in config_parser.c will only add the flag SIP_NAT_FORCE_RPORT if SIP_PAGE3_NAT_AUTO_RPORT is not present.
> So, it seems impossible to raise the flag SIP_NAT_FORCE_RPORT in the [general] section of sip.conf.

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