[asterisk-bugs] [JIRA] (ASTERISK-22972) [patch] CLI "manager show commands" Truncates Columns

Ahmed ZRIBI (JIRA) noreply at issues.asterisk.org
Thu Dec 12 07:49:03 CST 2013

     [ https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-22972?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ]

Ahmed ZRIBI updated ASTERISK-22972:

manager show commands shows some columns truncated, giving incomplete action names and privilege.
debian*CLI> manager show commands
  Action           Privilege        Synopsis
  ------           ---------        --------
  WaitEvent        <none>           Wait for an event to occur.
  QueueReset       <none>           Reset queue statistics.
  QueueReload      <none>           Reload a queue, queues, or any sub-section of a queue o
  QueueRule        <none>           Queue Rules.
  QueueMemberRing  agent,all        Set the ringinuse value for a queue member.
  QueuePenalty     agent,all        Set the penalty for a queue member.
  QueueLog         agent,all        Adds custom entry in queue_log.
  QueuePause       agent,all        Makes a queue member temporarily unavailable.
  QueueRemove      agent,all        Remove interface from queue.
  QueueAdd         agent,all        Add interface to queue.
  QueueSummary     <none>           Show queue summary.
  QueueStatus      <none>           Show queue status.
  Queues           <none>           Queues.
  PlayDTMF         call,all         Play DTMF signal on a specific channel.
  MuteAudio        system,all       Mute an audio stream.
  VoicemailUsersL  call,reporting,  List All Voicemail User Information.
  StopMixMonitor   <none>           Stop recording a call through MixMonitor, and free the
  MixMonitor       <none>           Record a call and mix the audio during the recording.
  MixMonitorMute   <none>           Mute / unMute a Mixmonitor recording.
  ConfbridgeSetSi  call,all         Set a conference user as the single video source distri
  ConfbridgeStopR  call,all         Stop recording a Confbridge conference.
  ConfbridgeStart  call,all         Start recording a Confbridge conference.
  ConfbridgeLock   call,all         Lock a Confbridge conference.
  ConfbridgeUnloc  call,all         Unlock a Confbridge conference.
  ConfbridgeKick   call,all         Kick a Confbridge user.
  ConfbridgeUnmut  call,all         Unmute a Confbridge user.
  ConfbridgeMute   call,all         Mute a Confbridge user.
  ConfbridgeListR  reporting,all    List active conferences.
  ConfbridgeList   reporting,all    List participants in a conference.
  IAXregistry      system,reportin  Show IAX registrations.
  IAXnetstats      system,reportin  Show IAX Netstats.
  IAXpeerlist      system,reportin  List IAX Peers.
  IAXpeers         system,reportin  List IAX peers.
  SIPpeerstatus    system,all       Show the status of one or all of the sip peers.
  SIPnotify        system,all       Send a SIP notify.
  SIPshowregistry  system,reportin  Show SIP registrations (text format).
  SIPqualifypeer   system,reportin  Qualify SIP peers.
  SIPshowpeer      system,reportin  show SIP peer (text format).
  SIPpeers         system,reportin  List SIP peers (text format).
  AgentLogoff      agent,all        Sets an agent as no longer logged in.
  Agents           agent,all        Lists agents and their status.
  LocalOptimizeAw  system,call,all  Optimize away a local channel when possible.
  SKINNYshowline   system,reportin  Show SKINNY line (text format).
  SKINNYlines      system,reportin  List SKINNY lines (text format).
  SKINNYshowdevic  system,reportin  Show SKINNY device (text format).
  SKINNYdevices    system,reportin  List SKINNY devices (text format).
  AGI              agi,all          Add an AGI command to execute by Async AGI.
  UnpauseMonitor   call,all         Unpause monitoring of a channel.
  PauseMonitor     call,all         Pause monitoring of a channel.
  ChangeMonitor    call,all         Change monitoring filename of a channel.
  StopMonitor      call,all         Stop monitoring a channel.
  Monitor          call,all         Monitor a channel.
  Bridge           call,all         Bridge two channels already in the PBX.
  Park             call,all         Park a channel.
  Parkinglots      <none>           Get a list of parking lots
  ParkedCalls      <none>           List parked calls.
  ShowDialPlan     config,reportin  Show dialplan contexts and extensions
  Filter           system,all       Dynamically add filters for the current manager session
  AOCMessage       aoc,all          Generate an Advice of Charge message on a channel.
  ModuleCheck      system,all       Check if module is loaded.
  ModuleLoad       system,all       Module management.
  CoreShowChannel  system,reportin  List currently active channels.
  Reload           system,config,a  Send a reload event.
  CoreStatus       system,reportin  Show PBX core status variables.
  CoreSettings     system,reportin  Show PBX core settings (version etc).
  UserEvent        user,all         Send an arbitrary event.
  UpdateConfig     config,all       Update basic configuration.
  SendText         call,all         Send text message to channel.
  ListCommands     <none>           List available manager commands.
  MailboxCount     call,reporting,  Check Mailbox Message Count.
  MailboxStatus    call,reporting,  Check mailbox.
  AbsoluteTimeout  system,call,all  Set absolute timeout.
  PresenceState    call,reporting,  Check Presence State
  ExtensionState   call,reporting,  Check Extension Status.
  Command          command,all      Execute Asterisk CLI Command.
  Originate        originate,all    Originate a call.
  Atxfer           call,all         Attended transfer.
  Redirect         call,all         Redirect (transfer) a call.
  ListCategories   config,all       List categories in configuration file.
  CreateConfig     config,all       Creates an empty file in the configuration directory.
  Status           system,call,rep  List channel status.
  GetConfigJSON    system,config,a  Retrieve configuration (JSON format).
  GetConfig        system,config,a  Retrieve configuration.
  Getvar           call,reporting,  Gets a channel variable.
  Setvar           call,all         Set a channel variable.
  Ping             <none>           Keepalive command.
  Hangup           system,call,all  Hangup channel.
  Challenge        <none>           Generate Challenge for MD5 Auth.
  Login            <none>           Login Manager.
  Logoff           <none>           Logoff Manager.
  Events           <none>           Control Event Flow.
  MessageSend      message,all      Send an out of call message to an endpoint.
  DataGet          <none>           Retrieve the data api tree.
  DBPut            system,all       Put DB entry.
  DBDelTree        system,all       Delete DB Tree.
  DBDel            system,all       Delete DB entry.
  DBGet            system,reportin  Get DB Entry.

manager show commands shows some columns tuncated, giving incomplete action names and privilege.
debian*CLI> manager show commands
  Action           Privilege        Synopsis
  ------           ---------        --------
  WaitEvent        <none>           Wait for an event to occur.
  QueueReset       <none>           Reset queue statistics.
  QueueReload      <none>           Reload a queue, queues, or any sub-section of a queue o
  QueueRule        <none>           Queue Rules.
  QueueMemberRing  agent,all        Set the ringinuse value for a queue member.
  QueuePenalty     agent,all        Set the penalty for a queue member.
  QueueLog         agent,all        Adds custom entry in queue_log.
  QueuePause       agent,all        Makes a queue member temporarily unavailable.
  QueueRemove      agent,all        Remove interface from queue.
  QueueAdd         agent,all        Add interface to queue.
  QueueSummary     <none>           Show queue summary.
  QueueStatus      <none>           Show queue status.
  Queues           <none>           Queues.
  PlayDTMF         call,all         Play DTMF signal on a specific channel.
  MuteAudio        system,all       Mute an audio stream.
  VoicemailUsersL  call,reporting,  List All Voicemail User Information.
  StopMixMonitor   <none>           Stop recording a call through MixMonitor, and free the
  MixMonitor       <none>           Record a call and mix the audio during the recording.
  MixMonitorMute   <none>           Mute / unMute a Mixmonitor recording.
  ConfbridgeSetSi  call,all         Set a conference user as the single video source distri
  ConfbridgeStopR  call,all         Stop recording a Confbridge conference.
  ConfbridgeStart  call,all         Start recording a Confbridge conference.
  ConfbridgeLock   call,all         Lock a Confbridge conference.
  ConfbridgeUnloc  call,all         Unlock a Confbridge conference.
  ConfbridgeKick   call,all         Kick a Confbridge user.
  ConfbridgeUnmut  call,all         Unmute a Confbridge user.
  ConfbridgeMute   call,all         Mute a Confbridge user.
  ConfbridgeListR  reporting,all    List active conferences.
  ConfbridgeList   reporting,all    List participants in a conference.
  IAXregistry      system,reportin  Show IAX registrations.
  IAXnetstats      system,reportin  Show IAX Netstats.
  IAXpeerlist      system,reportin  List IAX Peers.
  IAXpeers         system,reportin  List IAX peers.
  SIPpeerstatus    system,all       Show the status of one or all of the sip peers.
  SIPnotify        system,all       Send a SIP notify.
  SIPshowregistry  system,reportin  Show SIP registrations (text format).
  SIPqualifypeer   system,reportin  Qualify SIP peers.
  SIPshowpeer      system,reportin  show SIP peer (text format).
  SIPpeers         system,reportin  List SIP peers (text format).
  AgentLogoff      agent,all        Sets an agent as no longer logged in.
  Agents           agent,all        Lists agents and their status.
  LocalOptimizeAw  system,call,all  Optimize away a local channel when possible.
  SKINNYshowline   system,reportin  Show SKINNY line (text format).
  SKINNYlines      system,reportin  List SKINNY lines (text format).
  SKINNYshowdevic  system,reportin  Show SKINNY device (text format).
  SKINNYdevices    system,reportin  List SKINNY devices (text format).
  AGI              agi,all          Add an AGI command to execute by Async AGI.
  UnpauseMonitor   call,all         Unpause monitoring of a channel.
  PauseMonitor     call,all         Pause monitoring of a channel.
  ChangeMonitor    call,all         Change monitoring filename of a channel.
  StopMonitor      call,all         Stop monitoring a channel.
  Monitor          call,all         Monitor a channel.
  Bridge           call,all         Bridge two channels already in the PBX.
  Park             call,all         Park a channel.
  Parkinglots      <none>           Get a list of parking lots
  ParkedCalls      <none>           List parked calls.
  ShowDialPlan     config,reportin  Show dialplan contexts and extensions
  Filter           system,all       Dynamically add filters for the current manager session
  AOCMessage       aoc,all          Generate an Advice of Charge message on a channel.
  ModuleCheck      system,all       Check if module is loaded.
  ModuleLoad       system,all       Module management.
  CoreShowChannel  system,reportin  List currently active channels.
  Reload           system,config,a  Send a reload event.
  CoreStatus       system,reportin  Show PBX core status variables.
  CoreSettings     system,reportin  Show PBX core settings (version etc).
  UserEvent        user,all         Send an arbitrary event.
  UpdateConfig     config,all       Update basic configuration.
  SendText         call,all         Send text message to channel.
  ListCommands     <none>           List available manager commands.
  MailboxCount     call,reporting,  Check Mailbox Message Count.
  MailboxStatus    call,reporting,  Check mailbox.
  AbsoluteTimeout  system,call,all  Set absolute timeout.
  PresenceState    call,reporting,  Check Presence State
  ExtensionState   call,reporting,  Check Extension Status.
  Command          command,all      Execute Asterisk CLI Command.
  Originate        originate,all    Originate a call.
  Atxfer           call,all         Attended transfer.
  Redirect         call,all         Redirect (transfer) a call.
  ListCategories   config,all       List categories in configuration file.
  CreateConfig     config,all       Creates an empty file in the configuration directory.
  Status           system,call,rep  List channel status.
  GetConfigJSON    system,config,a  Retrieve configuration (JSON format).
  GetConfig        system,config,a  Retrieve configuration.
  Getvar           call,reporting,  Gets a channel variable.
  Setvar           call,all         Set a channel variable.
  Ping             <none>           Keepalive command.
  Hangup           system,call,all  Hangup channel.
  Challenge        <none>           Generate Challenge for MD5 Auth.
  Login            <none>           Login Manager.
  Logoff           <none>           Logoff Manager.
  Events           <none>           Control Event Flow.
  MessageSend      message,all      Send an out of call message to an endpoint.
  DataGet          <none>           Retrieve the data api tree.
  DBPut            system,all       Put DB entry.
  DBDelTree        system,all       Delete DB Tree.
  DBDel            system,all       Delete DB entry.
  DBGet            system,reportin  Get DB Entry.

> [patch] CLI "manager show commands" Truncates Columns
> -----------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: ASTERISK-22972
>                 URL: https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-22972
>             Project: Asterisk
>          Issue Type: Bug
>      Security Level: None
>    Affects Versions: 11.2.0, 11.6.0
>         Environment: 3.2.0-4-486 #1 Debian 3.2.51-1
>            Reporter: Ahmed ZRIBI
>            Assignee: Rusty Newton
>            Severity: Trivial
>         Attachments: manager.c.patch
> manager show commands shows some columns truncated, giving incomplete action names and privilege.
> {noformat}
> debian*CLI> manager show commands
>   Action           Privilege        Synopsis
>   ------           ---------        --------
>   WaitEvent        <none>           Wait for an event to occur.
>   QueueReset       <none>           Reset queue statistics.
>   QueueReload      <none>           Reload a queue, queues, or any sub-section of a queue o
>   QueueRule        <none>           Queue Rules.
>   QueueMemberRing  agent,all        Set the ringinuse value for a queue member.
>   QueuePenalty     agent,all        Set the penalty for a queue member.
>   QueueLog         agent,all        Adds custom entry in queue_log.
>   QueuePause       agent,all        Makes a queue member temporarily unavailable.
>   QueueRemove      agent,all        Remove interface from queue.
>   QueueAdd         agent,all        Add interface to queue.
>   QueueSummary     <none>           Show queue summary.
>   QueueStatus      <none>           Show queue status.
>   Queues           <none>           Queues.
>   PlayDTMF         call,all         Play DTMF signal on a specific channel.
>   MuteAudio        system,all       Mute an audio stream.
>   VoicemailUsersL  call,reporting,  List All Voicemail User Information.
>   StopMixMonitor   <none>           Stop recording a call through MixMonitor, and free the
>   MixMonitor       <none>           Record a call and mix the audio during the recording.
>   MixMonitorMute   <none>           Mute / unMute a Mixmonitor recording.
>   ConfbridgeSetSi  call,all         Set a conference user as the single video source distri
>   ConfbridgeStopR  call,all         Stop recording a Confbridge conference.
>   ConfbridgeStart  call,all         Start recording a Confbridge conference.
>   ConfbridgeLock   call,all         Lock a Confbridge conference.
>   ConfbridgeUnloc  call,all         Unlock a Confbridge conference.
>   ConfbridgeKick   call,all         Kick a Confbridge user.
>   ConfbridgeUnmut  call,all         Unmute a Confbridge user.
>   ConfbridgeMute   call,all         Mute a Confbridge user.
>   ConfbridgeListR  reporting,all    List active conferences.
>   ConfbridgeList   reporting,all    List participants in a conference.
>   IAXregistry      system,reportin  Show IAX registrations.
>   IAXnetstats      system,reportin  Show IAX Netstats.
>   IAXpeerlist      system,reportin  List IAX Peers.
>   IAXpeers         system,reportin  List IAX peers.
>   SIPpeerstatus    system,all       Show the status of one or all of the sip peers.
>   SIPnotify        system,all       Send a SIP notify.
>   SIPshowregistry  system,reportin  Show SIP registrations (text format).
>   SIPqualifypeer   system,reportin  Qualify SIP peers.
>   SIPshowpeer      system,reportin  show SIP peer (text format).
>   SIPpeers         system,reportin  List SIP peers (text format).
>   AgentLogoff      agent,all        Sets an agent as no longer logged in.
>   Agents           agent,all        Lists agents and their status.
>   LocalOptimizeAw  system,call,all  Optimize away a local channel when possible.
>   SKINNYshowline   system,reportin  Show SKINNY line (text format).
>   SKINNYlines      system,reportin  List SKINNY lines (text format).
>   SKINNYshowdevic  system,reportin  Show SKINNY device (text format).
>   SKINNYdevices    system,reportin  List SKINNY devices (text format).
>   AGI              agi,all          Add an AGI command to execute by Async AGI.
>   UnpauseMonitor   call,all         Unpause monitoring of a channel.
>   PauseMonitor     call,all         Pause monitoring of a channel.
>   ChangeMonitor    call,all         Change monitoring filename of a channel.
>   StopMonitor      call,all         Stop monitoring a channel.
>   Monitor          call,all         Monitor a channel.
>   Bridge           call,all         Bridge two channels already in the PBX.
>   Park             call,all         Park a channel.
>   Parkinglots      <none>           Get a list of parking lots
>   ParkedCalls      <none>           List parked calls.
>   ShowDialPlan     config,reportin  Show dialplan contexts and extensions
>   Filter           system,all       Dynamically add filters for the current manager session
>   AOCMessage       aoc,all          Generate an Advice of Charge message on a channel.
>   ModuleCheck      system,all       Check if module is loaded.
>   ModuleLoad       system,all       Module management.
>   CoreShowChannel  system,reportin  List currently active channels.
>   Reload           system,config,a  Send a reload event.
>   CoreStatus       system,reportin  Show PBX core status variables.
>   CoreSettings     system,reportin  Show PBX core settings (version etc).
>   UserEvent        user,all         Send an arbitrary event.
>   UpdateConfig     config,all       Update basic configuration.
>   SendText         call,all         Send text message to channel.
>   ListCommands     <none>           List available manager commands.
>   MailboxCount     call,reporting,  Check Mailbox Message Count.
>   MailboxStatus    call,reporting,  Check mailbox.
>   AbsoluteTimeout  system,call,all  Set absolute timeout.
>   PresenceState    call,reporting,  Check Presence State
>   ExtensionState   call,reporting,  Check Extension Status.
>   Command          command,all      Execute Asterisk CLI Command.
>   Originate        originate,all    Originate a call.
>   Atxfer           call,all         Attended transfer.
>   Redirect         call,all         Redirect (transfer) a call.
>   ListCategories   config,all       List categories in configuration file.
>   CreateConfig     config,all       Creates an empty file in the configuration directory.
>   Status           system,call,rep  List channel status.
>   GetConfigJSON    system,config,a  Retrieve configuration (JSON format).
>   GetConfig        system,config,a  Retrieve configuration.
>   Getvar           call,reporting,  Gets a channel variable.
>   Setvar           call,all         Set a channel variable.
>   Ping             <none>           Keepalive command.
>   Hangup           system,call,all  Hangup channel.
>   Challenge        <none>           Generate Challenge for MD5 Auth.
>   Login            <none>           Login Manager.
>   Logoff           <none>           Logoff Manager.
>   Events           <none>           Control Event Flow.
>   MessageSend      message,all      Send an out of call message to an endpoint.
>   DataGet          <none>           Retrieve the data api tree.
>   DBPut            system,all       Put DB entry.
>   DBDelTree        system,all       Delete DB Tree.
>   DBDel            system,all       Delete DB entry.
>   DBGet            system,reportin  Get DB Entry.
> {noformat}

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