[asterisk-bugs] [JIRA] (ASTERISK-22972) [patch] CLI "manager show commands" Truncates Columns

Michael L. Young (JIRA) noreply at issues.asterisk.org
Wed Dec 11 15:21:03 CST 2013

     [ https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-22972?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ]

Michael L. Young updated ASTERISK-22972:

    Summary: [patch] CLI "manager show commands" Truncates Columns  (was: CLI "manager show commands" truncates actions)
> [patch] CLI "manager show commands" Truncates Columns
> -----------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: ASTERISK-22972
>                 URL: https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-22972
>             Project: Asterisk
>          Issue Type: Bug
>      Security Level: None
>    Affects Versions: 11.2.0, 11.6.0
>         Environment: 3.2.0-4-486 #1 Debian 3.2.51-1
>            Reporter: Ahmed ZRIBI
>            Severity: Trivial
>         Attachments: manager.c.patch
> manager show commands Action column is being sliced, giving incomplete action names and privilege.
> {noformat}
> debian*CLI> manager show commands
>   Action           Privilege        Synopsis
>   ------           ---------        --------
>   WaitEvent        <none>           Wait for an event to occur.
>   QueueReset       <none>           Reset queue statistics.
>   QueueReload      <none>           Reload a queue, queues, or any sub-section of a queue o
>   QueueRule        <none>           Queue Rules.
>   QueueMemberRing  agent,all        Set the ringinuse value for a queue member.
>   QueuePenalty     agent,all        Set the penalty for a queue member.
>   QueueLog         agent,all        Adds custom entry in queue_log.
>   QueuePause       agent,all        Makes a queue member temporarily unavailable.
>   QueueRemove      agent,all        Remove interface from queue.
>   QueueAdd         agent,all        Add interface to queue.
>   QueueSummary     <none>           Show queue summary.
>   QueueStatus      <none>           Show queue status.
>   Queues           <none>           Queues.
>   PlayDTMF         call,all         Play DTMF signal on a specific channel.
>   MuteAudio        system,all       Mute an audio stream.
>   VoicemailUsersL  call,reporting,  List All Voicemail User Information.
>   StopMixMonitor   <none>           Stop recording a call through MixMonitor, and free the
>   MixMonitor       <none>           Record a call and mix the audio during the recording.
>   MixMonitorMute   <none>           Mute / unMute a Mixmonitor recording.
>   ConfbridgeSetSi  call,all         Set a conference user as the single video source distri
>   ConfbridgeStopR  call,all         Stop recording a Confbridge conference.
>   ConfbridgeStart  call,all         Start recording a Confbridge conference.
>   ConfbridgeLock   call,all         Lock a Confbridge conference.
>   ConfbridgeUnloc  call,all         Unlock a Confbridge conference.
>   ConfbridgeKick   call,all         Kick a Confbridge user.
>   ConfbridgeUnmut  call,all         Unmute a Confbridge user.
>   ConfbridgeMute   call,all         Mute a Confbridge user.
>   ConfbridgeListR  reporting,all    List active conferences.
>   ConfbridgeList   reporting,all    List participants in a conference.
>   IAXregistry      system,reportin  Show IAX registrations.
>   IAXnetstats      system,reportin  Show IAX Netstats.
>   IAXpeerlist      system,reportin  List IAX Peers.
>   IAXpeers         system,reportin  List IAX peers.
>   SIPpeerstatus    system,all       Show the status of one or all of the sip peers.
>   SIPnotify        system,all       Send a SIP notify.
>   SIPshowregistry  system,reportin  Show SIP registrations (text format).
>   SIPqualifypeer   system,reportin  Qualify SIP peers.
>   SIPshowpeer      system,reportin  show SIP peer (text format).
>   SIPpeers         system,reportin  List SIP peers (text format).
>   AgentLogoff      agent,all        Sets an agent as no longer logged in.
>   Agents           agent,all        Lists agents and their status.
>   LocalOptimizeAw  system,call,all  Optimize away a local channel when possible.
>   SKINNYshowline   system,reportin  Show SKINNY line (text format).
>   SKINNYlines      system,reportin  List SKINNY lines (text format).
>   SKINNYshowdevic  system,reportin  Show SKINNY device (text format).
>   SKINNYdevices    system,reportin  List SKINNY devices (text format).
>   AGI              agi,all          Add an AGI command to execute by Async AGI.
>   UnpauseMonitor   call,all         Unpause monitoring of a channel.
>   PauseMonitor     call,all         Pause monitoring of a channel.
>   ChangeMonitor    call,all         Change monitoring filename of a channel.
>   StopMonitor      call,all         Stop monitoring a channel.
>   Monitor          call,all         Monitor a channel.
>   Bridge           call,all         Bridge two channels already in the PBX.
>   Park             call,all         Park a channel.
>   Parkinglots      <none>           Get a list of parking lots
>   ParkedCalls      <none>           List parked calls.
>   ShowDialPlan     config,reportin  Show dialplan contexts and extensions
>   Filter           system,all       Dynamically add filters for the current manager session
>   AOCMessage       aoc,all          Generate an Advice of Charge message on a channel.
>   ModuleCheck      system,all       Check if module is loaded.
>   ModuleLoad       system,all       Module management.
>   CoreShowChannel  system,reportin  List currently active channels.
>   Reload           system,config,a  Send a reload event.
>   CoreStatus       system,reportin  Show PBX core status variables.
>   CoreSettings     system,reportin  Show PBX core settings (version etc).
>   UserEvent        user,all         Send an arbitrary event.
>   UpdateConfig     config,all       Update basic configuration.
>   SendText         call,all         Send text message to channel.
>   ListCommands     <none>           List available manager commands.
>   MailboxCount     call,reporting,  Check Mailbox Message Count.
>   MailboxStatus    call,reporting,  Check mailbox.
>   AbsoluteTimeout  system,call,all  Set absolute timeout.
>   PresenceState    call,reporting,  Check Presence State
>   ExtensionState   call,reporting,  Check Extension Status.
>   Command          command,all      Execute Asterisk CLI Command.
>   Originate        originate,all    Originate a call.
>   Atxfer           call,all         Attended transfer.
>   Redirect         call,all         Redirect (transfer) a call.
>   ListCategories   config,all       List categories in configuration file.
>   CreateConfig     config,all       Creates an empty file in the configuration directory.
>   Status           system,call,rep  List channel status.
>   GetConfigJSON    system,config,a  Retrieve configuration (JSON format).
>   GetConfig        system,config,a  Retrieve configuration.
>   Getvar           call,reporting,  Gets a channel variable.
>   Setvar           call,all         Set a channel variable.
>   Ping             <none>           Keepalive command.
>   Hangup           system,call,all  Hangup channel.
>   Challenge        <none>           Generate Challenge for MD5 Auth.
>   Login            <none>           Login Manager.
>   Logoff           <none>           Logoff Manager.
>   Events           <none>           Control Event Flow.
>   MessageSend      message,all      Send an out of call message to an endpoint.
>   DataGet          <none>           Retrieve the data api tree.
>   DBPut            system,all       Put DB entry.
>   DBDelTree        system,all       Delete DB Tree.
>   DBDel            system,all       Delete DB entry.
>   DBGet            system,reportin  Get DB Entry.
> {noformat}

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