[asterisk-bugs] [JIRA] Created: (ASTERISK-20425) "manager show commands" output is cropped (privilege column)
Rusty Newton (JIRA)
noreply at issues.asterisk.org
Sat Sep 15 14:29:27 CDT 2012
"manager show commands" output is cropped (privilege column)
Key: ASTERISK-20425
URL: https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-20425
Project: Asterisk
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: None
Components: Core/ManagerInterface
Affects Versions:
Reporter: Johan Wilfer
Severity: Minor
Entering *manager show commands* in the CLI gives a cropped privilege column.
*CLI> manager show commands
Action Privilege Synopsis
------ --------- --------
WaitEvent <none> Wait for an event to occur.
PlayDTMF call,all Play DTMF signal on a specific channel.
VoicemailUsersL call,reporting, List All Voicemail User Information.
MixMonitorMute <none> Mute / unMute a Mixmonitor recording.
MuteAudio system,all Mute an audio stream
MeetmeList reporting,all List participants in a conference.
MeetmeUnmute call,all Unmute a Meetme user.
MeetmeMute call,all Mute a Meetme user.
SIPnotify system,all Send a SIP notify.
SIPshowregistry system,reportin Show SIP registrations (text format).
SIPqualifypeer system,reportin Qualify SIP peers.
SIPshowpeer system,reportin show SIP peer (text format).
SIPpeers system,reportin List SIP peers (text format).
LocalOptimizeAw system,call,all Optimize away a local channel when possible.
DAHDIRestart <none> Fully Restart DAHDI channels (terminates calls).
DAHDIShowChanne <none> Show status of DAHDI channels.
DAHDIDNDoff <none> Toggle DAHDI channel Do Not Disturb status OFF.
DAHDIDNDon <none> Toggle DAHDI channel Do Not Disturb status ON.
DAHDIDialOffhoo <none> Dial over DAHDI channel while offhook.
DAHDIHangup <none> Hangup DAHDI Channel.
DAHDITransfer <none> Transfer DAHDI Channel.
AGI agi,all Add an AGI command to execute by Async AGI.
UnpauseMonitor call,all Unpause monitoring of a channel.
PauseMonitor call,all Pause monitoring of a channel.
ChangeMonitor call,all Change monitoring filename of a channel.
StopMonitor call,all Stop monitoring a channel.
Monitor call,all Monitor a channel.
DBDelTree system,all Delete DB Tree.
DBDel system,all Delete DB entry.
DBPut system,all Put DB entry.
DBGet system,reportin Get DB Entry.
Bridge call,all Bridge two channels already in the PBX.
Park call,all Park a channel.
ParkedCalls <none> List parked calls.
ShowDialPlan config,reportin Show dialplan contexts and extensions
AOCMessage aoc,all Generate an Advice of Charge message on a channel.
ModuleCheck system,all Check if module is loaded.
ModuleLoad system,all Module management.
CoreShowChannel system,reportin List currently active channels.
Reload system,config,a Send a reload event.
CoreStatus system,reportin Show PBX core status variables.
CoreSettings system,reportin Show PBX core settings (version etc).
UserEvent user,all Send an arbitrary event.
UpdateConfig config,all Update basic configuration.
SendText call,all Send text message to channel.
ListCommands <none> List available manager commands.
MailboxCount call,reporting, Check Mailbox Message Count.
MailboxStatus call,reporting, Check mailbox.
AbsoluteTimeout system,call,all Set absolute timeout.
ExtensionState call,reporting, Check Extension Status.
Command command,all Execute Asterisk CLI Command.
Originate originate,all Originate a call.
Atxfer call,all Attended transfer.
Redirect call,all Redirect (transfer) a call.
ListCategories config,all List categories in configuration file.
CreateConfig config,all Creates an empty file in the configuration directory.
Status system,call,rep List channel status.
GetConfigJSON system,config,a Retrieve configuration (JSON format).
GetConfig system,config,a Retrieve configuration.
Getvar call,reporting, Gets a channel variable.
Setvar call,all Set a channel variable.
Ping <none> Keepalive command.
Hangup system,call,all Hangup channel.
Challenge <none> Generate Challenge for MD5 Auth.
Login <none> Login Manager.
Logoff <none> Logoff Manager.
Events <none> Control Event Flow.
DataGet <none> Retrieve the data api tree.
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