[asterisk-bugs] [JIRA] (ASTERISK-19603) Asterisk AMI truncates long responses over medium latency connections

WRP (JIRA) noreply at issues.asterisk.org
Tue Dec 18 11:38:45 CST 2012

    [ https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-19603?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=200827#comment-200827 ] 

WRP commented on ASTERISK-19603:

@mbrevda You seem to be spot on. IMO writetimeout shouldn't be needed when data is actively being sent, but setting writetimeout to something higher does resolve the issue.
> Asterisk AMI truncates long responses over medium latency connections
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: ASTERISK-19603
>                 URL: https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-19603
>             Project: Asterisk
>          Issue Type: Bug
>      Security Level: None
>          Components: Core/ManagerInterface
>    Affects Versions:
>         Environment: CentOS release 5.5 (Final) - 2.6.18-194.el5 #1 SMP Fri Apr 2 14:58:14 EDT 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
>            Reporter: WRP
>            Assignee: WRP
> Asterisk Manager is truncating long responses when it is connected to over a WAN (with reasonable latency ~50ms). This issue is not occurring when connected locally ( or from a machine on the same switch/subnet.
> The particular command being issued is "Action: Command\r\nCommand: database show", which produces about 5000 lines of text when functioning correctly. It ends with "--END COMMAND--".
> When it is being truncated, the command returns a significantly shorter response, though it still ends with "--END COMMAND--".
> A packet capture on the server side reveals that, at a certain point, the Manager has sent out around 10 packets without receiving an ACK, and then sends out a FIN. The ACKs from the client arrive shortly after, followed by a few retransmissions, and a FIN from the client. In a low-latency connection, the ACKs from the client keep up with the Manager and the entire database is shown before "--END COMMAND--" and FIN are sent from the server.
> The problem appears to lie somewhere around astman_append() below, with a buffer of sorts being fully consumed and returning when the client isn't able to read quickly enough: 
> {code}
> static int action_command(struct mansession *s, const struct message *m)
> {
>         const char *cmd = astman_get_header(m, "Command");
>         const char *id = astman_get_header(m, "ActionID");
>         char *buf, *final_buf;
>         char template[] = "/tmp/ast-ami-XXXXXX";        /* template for temporary file */
>         int fd;
>         off_t l;
>         if (ast_strlen_zero(cmd)) {
>                 astman_send_error(s, m, "No command provided");
>                 return 0;
>         }
>         if (check_blacklist(cmd)) {
>                 astman_send_error(s, m, "Command blacklisted");
>                 return 0;
>         }
>         fd = mkstemp(template);
>         astman_append(s, "Response: Follows\r\nPrivilege: Command\r\n");
>         if (!ast_strlen_zero(id)) {
>                 astman_append(s, "ActionID: %s\r\n", id);
>         }
>         /* FIXME: Wedge a ActionID response in here, waiting for later changes */
>         ast_cli_command(fd, cmd);       /* XXX need to change this to use a FILE * */
>         l = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);     /* how many chars available */
>         /* This has a potential to overflow the stack.  Hence, use the heap. */
>         buf = ast_calloc(1, l + 1);
>         final_buf = ast_calloc(1, l + 1);
>         if (buf) {
>                 lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
>                 if (read(fd, buf, l) < 0) {
>                         ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "read() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
>                 }
>                 buf[l] = '\0';
>                 if (final_buf) {
>                         term_strip(final_buf, buf, l);
>                         final_buf[l] = '\0';
>                 }
>                 astman_append(s, "%s", S_OR(final_buf, buf));
>                 ast_free(buf);
>         }
>         close(fd);
>         unlink(template);
>         astman_append(s, "--END COMMAND--\r\n\r\n");
>         if (final_buf) {
>                 ast_free(final_buf);
>         }
>         return 0;
> }
> {code}
> To test my theory, I created a TCP proxy on the server which connects to the Asterisk Manager, allows tcp connections to itself, and buffers Manager responses to an array instead of directly sending them to the client. This works. Removing the buffering component and making the proxy wait for each line to send to the client before reading the next line from the Manager causes the truncated behavior.
> I could only find one ticket that seemed to relate to this issue, though it's from '04. Perhaps it will provide some insight to the person able to solve this issue:
> [patch] Allow Manager API Command to return big amount of output data +++

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