[asterisk-bugs] [Asterisk 0018158]: [patch] Add ConnectedLineNum/Name headers to output of manager action Status
Asterisk Bug Tracker
noreply at bugs.digium.com
Mon May 23 12:53:47 CDT 2011
The following issue has been RESOLVED.
Reported By: gareth
Assigned To: rmudgett
Project: Asterisk
Issue ID: 18158
Category: Core/ManagerInterface/NewFeature
Reproducibility: N/A
Severity: feature
Priority: normal
Status: resolved
Asterisk Version: SVN
JIRA: SWP-2463
Regression: No
Reviewboard Link:
SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball releases): N/A
SVN Revision (number only!):
Request Review:
Resolution: fixed
Fixed in Version:
Date Submitted: 2010-10-18 20:05 CDT
Last Modified: 2011-05-23 12:53 CDT
Summary: [patch] Add ConnectedLineNum/Name headers to output
of manager action Status
This patch adds ConnectedLineNum and ConnectedLineName headers to the
output of the Status manager action.
This makes it easier to find out who the channel is connected to without
having to lookup BridgedChannel or when they are connected to an
application (eg: VoiceMail) which has no bridged channel.
Relationships ID Summary
related to 0018252 Newstate event contains CallerIDName/Ca...
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-05-23 12:53 svnbot Status ready for testing =>
2011-05-23 12:53 svnbot Assigned To => rmudgett
2011-05-23 12:53 svnbot Status assigned => resolved
2011-05-23 12:53 svnbot Resolution open => fixed
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