[asterisk-bugs] [Asterisk 0017964]: [patch] Crash with autoclear=yes with MYSQL() application
Asterisk Bug Tracker
noreply at bugs.digium.com
Thu May 5 20:49:01 CDT 2011
The following issue has been UPDATED.
Reported By: wuwu
Assigned To:
Project: Asterisk
Issue ID: 17964
Category: Addons/app_addon_sql_mysql
Reproducibility: random
Severity: crash
Priority: none
Status: acknowledged
Asterisk Version:
JIRA: SWP-2321
Regression: No
Reviewboard Link:
SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball releases): N/A
SVN Revision (number only!):
Request Review:
Date Submitted: 2010-09-08 02:13 CDT
Last Modified: 2011-05-05 20:49 CDT
Summary: [patch] Crash with autoclear=yes with MYSQL()
i am experiencing random segfaults on different asterisk 1.6.2.x (9-10)
versions - always 64bit plattform - mostly centos 5.5 - one debian version.
the backtrace does look like this
https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=0 0x000072656c6c6143 in ?? ()
https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=1 0x00002aaaaaf22a91 in ?? () from
https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=2 0x00002aaaaaf22e09 in my_net_read ()
https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=3 0x00002aaaaaf1c6e2 in cli_safe_read
() from
https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=4 0x00002aaaaaf1d7d9 in ?? () from
https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=5 0x00002aaaaaf1bd1e in
mysql_real_query () from
https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=6 0x00002aaab104397f in mysql_init ()
https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=7 0x00000000004b288d in pbx_exec
(c=0x2aaaac074570, app=0x2aaab443d180,
data=0x4062f990) at pbx.c:1348
https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=8 0x00000000004bdcdc in
pbx_extension_helper (c=0x2aaaac074570,
con=<value optimized out>, context=0x2aaaac074930 "enterPICA",
exten=0x2aaaac074980 "118899", priority=15, label=0x0,
callerid=0x2aaaac07f210 "00436763621526", action=E_SPAWN,
found=0x4063200c, combined_find_spawn=1) at pbx.c:3711
https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=9 0x00000000004c24e2 in
ast_spawn_extension (c=0x2aaaac074570, args=0x0)
at pbx.c:4181
https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=10 __ast_pbx_run (c=0x2aaaac074570,
args=0x0) at pbx.c:4275
https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=11 0x00000000004c3abb in pbx_thread
(data=0x2aaab4498c40) at pbx.c:4562
https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=12 0x00000000004fdfbc in dummy_start
(data=<value optimized out>) at
https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=13 0x000000384880673d in start_thread ()
from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=14 0x00000038480d3d1d in clone () from
I do make heavy use of the MYSQL functions - in the database there are
also some stored procedures and triggers and functions - also there are
some multi resultset results in my queries (where i only use the first
I now don't know exactly - will this be more a libmysqlclient bug - or is
it more a asterisk bug.
The segfault does always show the same backtrace - so it should be more a
libmysql specific bug - or i am wrong ?
Should i do compile the libmysqlclient for myself to get the debugging
symbols ?
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-05-05 20:49 seanbright Summary Crash with
autoclear=yes with MYSQL() application => [patch] Crash with autoclear=yes with
MYSQL() application
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