[asterisk-bugs] [Asterisk 0018553]: Multiple Parking Lots Being Redirected to the Wrong Parking Lot
Asterisk Bug Tracker
noreply at bugs.digium.com
Fri Jun 3 01:28:15 CDT 2011
A NOTE has been added to this issue.
Reported By: drcabrejos
Assigned To:
Project: Asterisk
Issue ID: 18553
Category: Features/Parking
Reproducibility: always
Severity: major
Priority: normal
Status: acknowledged
Asterisk Version: SVN
JIRA: SWP-3068
Regression: No
Reviewboard Link:
SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball releases): N/A
SVN Revision (number only!):
Request Review:
Date Submitted: 2010-12-29 17:26 CST
Last Modified: 2011-06-03 01:28 CDT
Summary: Multiple Parking Lots Being Redirected to the Wrong
Parking Lot
When creating multiple parking lots, users from parking lot A, B, or C are
being parked on parking lot Z (parking lot at the top of 'parkedcalls
In my scenario, 3 tenants are created. 2 extensions are created for each
Cabrejos, thirdlane, and David are the tenants.
features.conf, extensions.include and sip.conf are on Additional Info.
When dialing "700" for parking lot from David, the following is displayed
on asterisk:
== Using UDPTL TOS bits 184
== Using UDPTL CoS mark 5
== Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
-- Executing [700 at from-inside-David:1] Macro("SIP/102-David-0000000d",
"tl-set-variables2,from-inside-redir-David,David") in new stack
-- Executing [s at macro-tl-set-variables2:1] Set("SIP/102-David-0000000d",
"__tenant=David") in new stack
-- Executing [s at macro-tl-set-variables2:2] Set("SIP/102-David-0000000d",
"CDR(userfield)=David") in new stack
-- Executing [s at macro-tl-set-variables2:3] Set("SIP/102-David-0000000d",
"__FROM_INSIDE=1") in new stack
-- Executing [s at macro-tl-set-variables2:4] Set("SIP/102-David-0000000d",
"__MOH=default-David") in new stack
-- Executing [s at macro-tl-set-variables2:5]
GotoIf("SIP/102-David-0000000d", "1 ?setmoh") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-tl-set-variables2,s,7)
-- Executing [s at macro-tl-set-variables2:7] Set("SIP/102-David-0000000d",
"CHANNEL(musicclass)=default-David") in new stack
[2010-12-23 14:57:42] NOTICE[7770]: chan_sip.c:4034 sip_setoption: Unknown
option: 9
-- Executing [s at macro-tl-set-variables2:8] Goto("SIP/102-David-0000000d",
"from-inside-redir-David,700,1") in new stack
-- Goto (from-inside-redir-David,700,1)
== Channel 'SIP/102-David-0000000d' jumping out of macro
-- Executing [700 at from-inside-redir-David:1]
Park("SIP/102-David-0000000d", "") in new stack
== Parked SIP/102-David-0000000d on 701 (lot default). Will timeout back
to extension [from-inside-redir-David] s, 1 in 180 seconds
-- Added extension '701' priority 1 to parkedcalls
-- Playing 'digits/7.gsm' (language 'en')
-- Playing 'digits/0.gsm' (language 'en')
-- Playing 'digits/1.gsm' (language 'en')
-- Started music on hold, class 'default-David', on
== Spawn extension (from-inside-redir-David, s, 1) exited non-zero on
-- Executing [h at from-inside-redir-David:1]
Hangup("Parked/SIP/102-David-0000000d", "") in new stack
== Spawn extension (from-inside-redir-David, h, 1) exited non-zero on
[2010-12-23 14:57:57] WARNING[2414]: chan_sip.c:3618 __sip_autodestruct:
Autodestruct on dialog 'NGNiMmRiY2M4YWU5NjNiMDYxMTY3NWJmN2YyM2EzNWI.' with
owner in place (Method: BYE)
Issuing "parkedcalls show" command:
thirdlane*CLI> parkedcalls show
Num Channel (Context Extension Pri ) Timeout
*** Parking lot: default (7)
701 SIP/102-David-0000000d (from-inside-redir-David s 1 ) 160s
*** Parking lot: parkinglot_Cabrejos (0)
*** Parking lot: parkinglot_thirdlane (0)
*** Parking lot: parkinglot_David (0)
1 parked call in total.
If calling extension "701", where call was parked, this output is
== Using UDPTL TOS bits 184
== Using UDPTL CoS mark 5
== Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
-- Executing [701 at from-inside-David:1] Macro("SIP/102-David-0000000e",
"tl-set-variables2,from-inside-redir-David,David") in new stack
-- Executing [s at macro-tl-set-variables2:1] Set("SIP/102-David-0000000e",
"__tenant=David") in new stack
-- Executing [s at macro-tl-set-variables2:2] Set("SIP/102-David-0000000e",
"CDR(userfield)=David") in new stack
-- Executing [s at macro-tl-set-variables2:3] Set("SIP/102-David-0000000e",
"__FROM_INSIDE=1") in new stack
-- Executing [s at macro-tl-set-variables2:4] Set("SIP/102-David-0000000e",
"__MOH=default-David") in new stack
-- Executing [s at macro-tl-set-variables2:5]
GotoIf("SIP/102-David-0000000e", "1 ?setmoh") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-tl-set-variables2,s,7)
-- Executing [s at macro-tl-set-variables2:7] Set("SIP/102-David-0000000e",
"CHANNEL(musicclass)=default-David") in new stack
[2010-12-23 15:00:16] NOTICE[8040]: chan_sip.c:4034 sip_setoption: Unknown
option: 9
-- Executing [s at macro-tl-set-variables2:8] Goto("SIP/102-David-0000000e",
"from-inside-redir-David,701,1") in new stack
-- Goto (from-inside-redir-David,701,1)
== Channel 'SIP/102-David-0000000e' jumping out of macro
-- Sent into invalid extension '701' in context 'from-inside-redir-David'
on SIP/102-David-0000000e
-- Executing [i at from-inside-redir-David:1]
Playback("SIP/102-David-0000000e", "invalid") in new stack
-- Playing 'invalid.gsm' (language 'en')
-- Executing [i at from-inside-redir-David:2]
Hangup("SIP/102-David-0000000e", "") in new stack
== Spawn extension (from-inside-redir-David, i, 2) exited non-zero on
-- Executing [h at from-inside-redir-David:1]
Hangup("SIP/102-David-0000000e", "") in new stack
== Spawn extension (from-inside-redir-David, h, 1) exited non-zero on
Notice how it parked the call on 'parkedcalls' ("default" parking lot),
instead of 'parkedcalls-David' ("parkinglot_David").
Tested functionality on the following versions using a clean config: - Works - Doesn't Work - Works - Works
1.8.0 - Doesn't Work - Doesn't Work
1.8.2-rc1 - Doesn't Work
Have also testing using all lower case letters on the tenants and
extensions with the same results.
Let me know if any additional information is required.
Thank you,
David Cabrejos
(0135662) moshe (reporter) - 2011-06-03 01:28
This is a hugh problem for me just moved to and this is causing me
quite some trouble
As eeman said " 1.6.2 and 1.4 are EOL I think there should at least be a
working patch"
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-06-03 01:28 moshe Note Added: 0135662
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