[asterisk-bugs] [DAHDI-linux 0013205]: [patch] bad master selection
Asterisk Bug Tracker
noreply at bugs.digium.com
Tue Feb 15 22:59:33 CST 2011
A NOTE has been added to this issue.
Reported By: biohumanoid
Assigned To: sruffell
Project: DAHDI-linux
Issue ID: 13205
Category: dahdi (the module)
Reproducibility: always
Severity: major
Priority: normal
Status: assigned
Reviewboard Link:
Date Submitted: 2008-07-31 00:11 CDT
Last Modified: 2011-02-15 22:59 CST
Summary: [patch] bad master selection
Current dahdi master handling work in the following way:
The first SPAN become a master
If a new registered !!! SPAN is preferred , it is the new master
If a span is unregistered - the new master is the first available span
If master SPAN is in alarm state - the new master is the first non in
alarm state SPAN
1. dahdi-dummy once loaded will be the master forever.
2. even not-running SPAN can be a master
3. master implementation is ugly...
Relationships ID Summary
related to 0013206 [patch] ztdynamic double buffering on r...
(0132001) biohumanoid (reporter) - 2011-02-15 22:59
What is the best master for TDM systems ?
SPAN(analog/digital), DynamicSPAN(analog/digital), PC timer ?
It highly depends on customers configuration, but it should not be
hardcoded no way.
The best master is the expected master (by the custemer), because only
he/she know, what he/she want.
2 DynamicSPAN devices. 1-st provide timing for DAHDI, DAHDI provide timing
for 2-nd device.
Device https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=2 will tune it's oscillator for
the incoming ethernet packets.
That's the way my devices can work, XORCOM devices can work, someone else
can work.
1 SPAN device, 1 DynamicSPAN device.
SPAN device provide timing for DAHDI, DAHDI provide timing for Dynamic –
DynamicSPAN device.
dahdi_dummy, DynamicSPAN.
Dummy provide timing (hrtimer) for DAHDI, DAHDI provide timing for Dynamic
– DynamicSPAN device.
It's a samples from a real life, that's why I have to maintain my patched
release by release...
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-02-15 22:59 biohumanoid Note Added: 0132001
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