[asterisk-bugs] [Asterisk 0018542]: [patch] OOH323 Incoming and Outgoing Calls Fail Avaya with Asterisk
Asterisk Bug Tracker
noreply at bugs.digium.com
Thu Feb 10 07:29:22 CST 2011
The following issue has been ASSIGNED.
Reported By: vmikhelson
Assigned To: may
Project: Asterisk
Issue ID: 18542
Category: Addons/chan_ooh323
Reproducibility: always
Severity: major
Priority: normal
Status: assigned
Asterisk Version: SVN
Regression: No
Reviewboard Link:
SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball releases): N/A
SVN Revision (number only!):
Request Review:
Date Submitted: 2010-12-28 11:26 CST
Last Modified: 2011-02-10 07:29 CST
Summary: [patch] OOH323 Incoming and Outgoing Calls Fail
Avaya with Asterisk
1. Upgraded to Asterisk from Asterisk
2. All outgoing calls started to fail.
3. "ooh323 show" was not recognized as a valid command. Auto-complete
worked though.
4 Rebooted the system.
pbx*CLI> ooh323 show peers
Name Accountcode ip:port Formats
avaya h3230101 0x4 (ulaw)
AsteriskNOW 1.7
(0131783) svnbot (reporter) - 2011-02-10 07:29
Repository: asterisk
Revision: 307396
U trunk/addons/chan_ooh323.c
U trunk/addons/ooh323c/src/ooCalls.h
U trunk/addons/ooh323c/src/ooSocket.c
U trunk/addons/ooh323c/src/ooStackCmds.c
U trunk/addons/ooh323c/src/oochannels.c
U trunk/addons/ooh323c/src/ooh245.c
U trunk/addons/ooh323c/src/ooh323.c
U trunk/addons/ooh323c/src/ooq931.c
r307396 | may | 2011-02-10 07:29:20 -0600 (Thu, 10 Feb 2011) | 23 lines
Corrections for properly work with H.323v2 (older) endpoints and other
small fixes.
Interpret remote side H.225 version.
Corrections for H.323v2 endpoints:
don't start TCS and MSD before connect,
don't start TCS and MSD by accepting H.245 connection,
start TCS and MSD by StartH245 facility message.
Other fixes:
fix non zeroended remoteDisplayName issue, small fixes in call clearing
by closing H.245 connection, tcp keepalive introduced on TCP
connections (now is hardcoded, will be configurable in the future),
don't force H.245tunneling if FastStart is active, don't send Alerting
singal more than once per call.
(closes issue https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=18542)
Reported by: vmikhelson
issue18542-final-3.patch uploaded by may213 (license 454)
Tested by: vmikhelson
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-02-10 07:29 svnbot Note Added: 0131783
2011-02-10 07:29 svnbot Status acknowledged =>
2011-02-10 07:29 svnbot Assigned To may213 => may
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