[asterisk-bugs] [Asterisk 0017873]: Record audio channels gets out of sync
Asterisk Bug Tracker
noreply at bugs.digium.com
Wed Feb 9 07:48:05 CST 2011
A NOTE has been added to this issue.
Reported By: aureliors123
Assigned To:
Project: Asterisk
Issue ID: 17873
Category: Applications/app_mixmonitor
Reproducibility: random
Severity: minor
Priority: normal
Status: acknowledged
Asterisk Version:
JIRA: SWP-2320
Regression: No
Reviewboard Link:
SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball releases): N/A
SVN Revision (number only!):
Request Review:
Date Submitted: 2010-08-16 22:16 CDT
Last Modified: 2011-02-09 07:48 CST
Summary: Record audio channels gets out of sync
When recording with mixmonitor, some record files channels gets out of
The scenario was:
- Medium call traffic: More than 60 and less than 120 concurrent calls.
- All calls are recorded
- Codec: Alaw
- Record File format: WAV GSM
- Processor load: Never more than 50%
- Asterisk Version: (also happened in older versions, since
- SO Debian 5.0.3 - 2.6.26-2-686
(0131727) loloski (reporter) - 2011-02-09 07:48
Are you sure this fixed your issue, on centos 5.5 there was no even sssd
package available.
[root at pbx ~]# rpm -qa | grep sssd
[root at pbx ~]# cat /etc/issue
CentOS release 5.5 (Final)
Kernel \r on an \m
[root at pbx ~]# ldd /usr/sbin/asterisk
linux-gate.so.1 => (0x00ed8000)
libssl.so.6 => /lib/libssl.so.6 (0x003b8000)
libcrypto.so.6 => /lib/libcrypto.so.6 (0x06864000)
libc.so.6 => /lib/libc.so.6 (0x0085f000)
libxml2.so.2 => /usr/lib/libxml2.so.2 (0x03d4d000)
libz.so.1 => /usr/lib/libz.so.1 (0x00ce1000)
libm.so.6 => /lib/libm.so.6 (0x009ba000)
libdl.so.2 => /lib/libdl.so.2 (0x00ca9000)
libcap.so.1 => /lib/libcap.so.1 (0x00c9a000)
libpthread.so.0 => /lib/libpthread.so.0 (0x009ec000)
libtermcap.so.2 => /lib/libtermcap.so.2 (0x00ca0000)
libresolv.so.2 => /lib/libresolv.so.2 (0x00dd9000)
libgssapi_krb5.so.2 => /usr/lib/libgssapi_krb5.so.2 (0x00402000)
libkrb5.so.3 => /usr/lib/libkrb5.so.3 (0x00320000)
libcom_err.so.2 => /lib/libcom_err.so.2 (0x00cb0000)
libk5crypto.so.3 => /usr/lib/libk5crypto.so.3 (0x00d2d000)
/lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0x00840000)
libkrb5support.so.0 => /usr/lib/libkrb5support.so.0 (0x0023f000)
libkeyutils.so.1 => /lib/libkeyutils.so.1 (0x00def000)
libselinux.so.1 => /lib/libselinux.so.1 (0x00203000)
libsepol.so.1 => /lib/libsepol.so.1 (0x00d91000)
Asterisk doesn't link to a library pertaining to sssd. I might be wrong
too, anyway thanks for your your info. will continue to dig into it, worst
case scenario i will install also create a development machine based on FC
14 like you do for testing purposes.
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-02-09 07:48 loloski Note Added: 0131727
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