[asterisk-bugs] [Asterisk 0017792]: sip.conf register in realtime MySQL DB
Asterisk Bug Tracker
noreply at bugs.digium.com
Wed Aug 4 09:38:56 CDT 2010
The following issue has been UPDATED.
Reported By: jonaskellens
Assigned To:
Project: Asterisk
Issue ID: 17792
Category: PBX/pbx_realtime
Reproducibility: always
Severity: major
Priority: normal
Status: closed
Asterisk Version: Older 1.4 - please test a newer version
Regression: No
Reviewboard Link:
SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball releases): N/A
SVN Revision (number only!):
Request Review:
Resolution: no change required
Fixed in Version:
Date Submitted: 2010-08-04 08:37 CDT
Last Modified: 2010-08-04 09:38 CDT
Summary: sip.conf register in realtime MySQL DB
I want to have the register => statements in a realtime MySQL-database.
I have defined extconfig.conf :
sipusers => mysql,Asterisk,sip_buddies
sippeers => mysql,Asterisk,sip_buddies
sip.conf => mysql,Asterisk,ast_config
My sip.conf file has several parameters set in the [general]-section, but
the registers and sip peers (these are also realtime).
I have defined a table ast_config like this :
id 1
cat_metric 0
var_metric 1
commented 0
filename sip.conf
category general
var_name register
var_val username:password at sip.provider.net
id 2
cat_metric 0
var_metric 2
commented 0
filename sip.conf
category general
var_name register
var_val username2:password2 at sip.provider.net
When I issue a reload, the registrations go well :
asterisk*CLI> sip show registry
Host Username Refresh State
sip.provider.net:5060 username1 165 Registered
Wed, 04 Aug 2010 15:19:11
sip.provider.net:5060 username2 105 Registered
Wed, 04 Aug 2010 15:19:11
However the CLI is flooded with these messages :
[Aug 4 15:20:03] WARNING[20234]: chan_sip.c:18187 build_peer: Qualify is
incompatible with dynamic uncached realtime. Please either turn
rtcachefriends on or turn qualify off on peer 'user3'
[Aug 4 15:20:03] WARNING[20234]: chan_sip.c:18187 build_peer: Qualify is
incompatible with dynamic uncached realtime. Please either turn
rtcachefriends on or turn qualify off on peer 'user4'
[Aug 4 15:20:03] WARNING[20234]: chan_sip.c:18187 build_peer: Qualify is
incompatible with dynamic uncached realtime. Please either turn
rtcachefriends on or turn qualify off on peer 'user5'
[Aug 4 15:20:03] WARNING[20234]: chan_sip.c:18187 build_peer: Qualify is
incompatible with dynamic uncached realtime. Please either turn
rtcachefriends on or turn qualify off on peer 'user2'
[Aug 4 15:20:03] WARNING[20234]: chan_sip.c:18187 build_peer: Qualify is
incompatible with dynamic uncached realtime. Please either turn
rtcachefriends on or turn qualify off on peer 'user2'
In my sip.conf file I have :
rtcachefriends=yes ; Cache realtime friends by adding them to
the internal list
; just like friends added from the config
file only on a
; as-needed basis? (yes|no)
;rtsavesysname=yes ; Save systemname in realtime database at
; Default= no
rtupdate=yes ; Send registry updates to database using
realtime? (yes|no)
; If set to yes, when a SIP UA registers
successfully, the ip address,
; the origination port, the registration
period, and the username of
; the UA will be set to database via
; If not present, defaults to 'yes'. Note:
realtime peers will
; probably not function across reloads in
the way that you expect, if
; you turn this option off.
And on every peer in the realtime MySQL-database I have qualify on (and I
would like to keep it that way)
Question: what is going wrong with the above implementation ?!
(0125528) pabelanger (manager) - 2010-08-04 09:38
Thanks for your comments. This does not appear to be a bug report and we
are closing it. We appreciate the difficulties you are facing, but it would
make more sense to raise your question in the support tracker,
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-08-04 09:38 pabelanger Note Added: 0125528
2010-08-04 09:38 pabelanger Status new => closed
2010-08-04 09:38 pabelanger Resolution open => no change
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