[asterisk-bugs] [Asterisk 0017232]: Remote dialplan execution stops randomly over IAX2/SIP.
Asterisk Bug Tracker
noreply at bugs.digium.com
Mon Apr 26 22:13:45 CDT 2010
A NOTE has been added to this issue.
Reported By: EduFrazao
Assigned To:
Project: Asterisk
Issue ID: 17232
Category: Applications/app_playback
Reproducibility: always
Severity: minor
Priority: normal
Status: acknowledged
Asterisk Version:
JIRA: SWP-1340
Regression: No
Reviewboard Link:
SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball releases): N/A
SVN Revision (number only!):
Request Review:
Date Submitted: 2010-04-22 16:15 CDT
Last Modified: 2010-04-26 22:13 CDT
Summary: Remote dialplan execution stops randomly over
Hi all.
Im tryng to connect Two Asterisk Boxes, via IAX, both with version, or any 1.6.2.x ( same result ).
This is the scenario: SIP Phone -> Local Asterisk (IAX) Remote Asterisk ->
Sip Phone.
All works fine with the calls, when it terminates on a remote SIP Phone.
But, When I try to use any application on the remote server Like a
Voicemail, or Meetme, o even a simple extension that uses some Playback
statements, the dialplan stalls before few playbacks.
Absolutelly nothing is reported on the CLI, even with verbose and debug in
Anyway, ive made this tests:
1) Downgrade Asterisk to, and run it, with exactly same
configuration files. For my surprise, all works, perfecly!
2) Build a VPN, and connects a SIP Phone, directly to the remote server,
and dial the test extension, made by some Playback statements. It works
To make more tests, I upgraded the local server to again, and call
the playback tests again, on the remote server, that is using
Works too. If I start a call from to, the problem occours.
It means, that the problem is with the playback on the bridged call, from box.
Ive tried to connect the servers with SIP, and test if this problem is
only with the IAX trunk, but the problem persists even with SIP, so, ive
back to my IAX Configuration.
About my System:
Two boxes, on a Dual XEON E5410, with kernel 2.6.31, 2GB RAM, and GCC
Relationships ID Summary
related to 0017214 Exceptionally long voice queuing when u...
(0120950) EduFrazao (reporter) - 2010-04-26 22:13
Sorry by say this only now, but I'm using this boxes inside a XEN HOST.
This boxes are both paravirtualized.
I dont think that is relevant before, as the core funcionalitty of the PBX
is perfect, and because the version is working really nice on this
But, a made some tests in a now virtualized hardware, with this version,
and it is working fine.
Why only with XEN the problem happens? And, why the version works
fine with this boxes!?
Im using the kernel 2.6.31 on the Guests, and XEN 3.4.1, with this results
in dahdi_test timer access:
pbx01 ~ # uname -a
Linux pbx01 2.6.31-xen-r9 https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=5 SMP Wed Apr
21 18:40:16 BRT 2010 x86_64
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5410 @ 2.33GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
pbx01 ~ # dahdi_test -c 20
Opened pseudo dahdi interface, measuring accuracy...
99.998% 99.988% 99.999% 99.994% 99.999% 99.992% 99.997% 99.998%
99.995% 99.995% 99.997% 99.996% 99.997% 99.997% 99.998% 99.996%
99.995% 99.996% 99.997% 99.999%
--- Results after 20 passes ---
Best: 99.999 -- Worst: 99.988 -- Average: 99.996018, Difference:
pbx01 ~ # cat /proc/dahdi/1
Span 1: DAHDI_DUMMY/1 "DAHDI_DUMMY/1 (source: Linux26) 1" (MASTER)
pbx01 ~ # strings /lib/modules/2.6.31-xen-r9/dahdi/dahdi_dummy.ko | grep
-i source
%s (source: Linux26) %
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-04-26 22:13 EduFrazao Note Added: 0120950
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