[asterisk-bugs] [Asterisk 0017084]: [patch] Asterisk crash in func_odbc
Asterisk Bug Tracker
noreply at bugs.digium.com
Sun Apr 25 05:25:22 CDT 2010
A NOTE has been added to this issue.
Reported By: falves11
Assigned To:
Project: Asterisk
Issue ID: 17084
Category: Channels/General
Reproducibility: random
Severity: crash
Priority: normal
Status: ready for testing
Asterisk Version: SVN
JIRA: SWP-1162
Regression: No
Reviewboard Link:
SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball releases): 1.6.1
SVN Revision (number only!): 253802
Request Review:
Date Submitted: 2010-03-23 12:46 CDT
Last Modified: 2010-04-25 05:25 CDT
Summary: [patch] Asterisk crash in func_odbc
I am attaching the GDB backtrace
(0120859) falves11 (reporter) - 2010-04-25 05:25
I got a new ODBC crash today. I am suing the latest unixodbc and the latest
freetds. Please let me know if this is related to the same issue.
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-04-25 05:25 falves11 Note Added: 0120859
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