[asterisk-bugs] [Asterisk 0013971]: [branch] gtalk web no incoming or outgoing calls
Asterisk Bug Tracker
noreply at bugs.digium.com
Wed Apr 14 17:04:38 CDT 2010
A NOTE has been added to this issue.
Reported By: adriavidal
Assigned To: phsultan
Project: Asterisk
Issue ID: 13971
Category: Channels/chan_gtalk
Reproducibility: always
Severity: major
Priority: normal
Status: ready for testing
Asterisk Version: SVN
Regression: No
Reviewboard Link:
SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball releases): trunk
SVN Revision (number only!):
Request Review:
Date Submitted: 2008-11-25 17:35 CST
Last Modified: 2010-04-14 17:04 CDT
Summary: [branch] gtalk web no incoming or outgoing calls
Calls from or to asterisk done from or to a web enabled gtalk account are
not connected.
Here a put an example of an incoming call from web to Asterisk
There is a branch for this issue that should be used for testing:
Relationships ID Summary
related to 0014223 Gtalk/jingle fails with Empathy
(0120427) jcovert (reporter) - 2010-04-14 17:04
We've been running pier's change at 117133 in production for a while, but
just started having crashes.
This troubles me (from 117133):
//First change: withowt this, there are no resources available for
snprintf(idroster, sizeof(idroster), "%s/%s", them, resources->resource);
//Before change it was...
if (resources)
snprintf(idroster, sizeof(idroster), "%s/%s", them,
else {
ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "no gtalk capable clients to talk to.\n");
return NULL;
I really should have noticed this before. The removal of the check for
"resources" being non-zero before calling snprintf(...
resources->resources) seems VERY bad. In fact, it's causing a crash:
https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=0 0x00be3993 in strlen () from
(gdb) bt
https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=0 0x00be3993 in strlen () from
https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=1 0x00bb3bce in vfprintf () from
https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=2 0x00bd43b4 in vsnprintf () from
https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=3 0x00bb9e85 in snprintf () from
https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=4 0x00ef5eb5 in gtalk_alloc
(client=0xb7957990, us=0x830f0d6
"info at xxxxxxx.com/Talk846FAECD",
them=0xb6c8223c "yyyyy at zzzzz.com/", sid=0x0) at chan_gtalk.c:959
And, if I show buddies, I see:
Buddy: yyyyy at zzzzz.com
Resource: None
I'm going to try a few things.
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-04-14 17:04 jcovert Note Added: 0120427
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