[asterisk-bugs] [Asterisk 0015986]: chan_h323 and ptlib-2.4.5 and h323plus-1.21.1
Asterisk Bug Tracker
noreply at bugs.digium.com
Wed Sep 30 09:41:33 CDT 2009
The following issue has been UPDATED.
Reported By: balgaa
Assigned To:
Project: Asterisk
Issue ID: 15986
Category: Channels/chan_h323
Reproducibility: always
Severity: major
Priority: normal
Status: new
Asterisk Version: SVN
Regression: No
SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball releases): N/A
SVN Revision (number only!):
Request Review:
Date Submitted: 2009-09-29 10:55 CDT
Last Modified: 2009-09-30 09:41 CDT
Summary: chan_h323 and ptlib-2.4.5 and h323plus-1.21.1
1.I can compile chan_h323 with h323plus-1.21.1 and ptlib-2.4.5 without any
problem after apply patch from issue 15912 id.
2./configure doesn't detect h323plus library
checking /root/ptlib-2.4.5/version.h usability... yes
checking /root/ptlib-2.4.5/version.h presence... yes
checking for /root/ptlib-2.4.5/version.h... yes
checking if PWLib version 2.4.5 is compatible with chan_h323... yes
checking PWLib installation validity... no
config.status: creating channels/h323/Makefile
after run ./configure command, i run make command and i can see never
compile chan_h323 module during compilation process and make install
doesn't work too.
3.If I run ./configure command using pwlib-1.10.3 and openh323-1.18.0 then
it can work.
checking /usr/src/pwlib_v1_10_3/version.h usability... yes
checking /usr/src/pwlib_v1_10_3/version.h presence... yes
checking for /usr/src/pwlib_v1_10_3/version.h... yes
checking if PWLib version 1.10.3 is compatible with chan_h323... yes
checking PWLib installation validity... yes
checking /usr/src/openh323_v1_18_0/version.h usability... yes
checking /usr/src/openh323_v1_18_0/version.h presence... yes
checking for /usr/src/openh323_v1_18_0/version.h... yes
checking if OpenH323 version 1.18.0 is compatible with chan_h323... yes
checking OpenH323 build option... opt
checking OpenH323 installation validity... yes
config.status: creating channels/h323/Makefile
It seems ./configure can't detect ptlib-2.4.5 and h323plus.
pbx*CLI> core show version
Asterisk SVN-branch-1.6.2-r220369M built by root @ pbx.boldsoft.mn on a
i686 running Linux on 2009-09-29 07:53:09 UTC
Relationships ID Summary
duplicate of 0015912 [patch] chan_h323 with h323plus 1.21.0 ...
(0111604) balgaa (reporter) - 2009-09-30 09:41
I added 15912 patch and it doesn't help to my issue.
It seems problem with ./configure or configure.in?
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-09-30 09:41 balgaa Note Added: 0111604
2009-09-30 09:41 balgaa Status closed => new
2009-09-30 09:41 balgaa Resolution duplicate => reopened
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