[asterisk-bugs] [Asterisk 0014818]: [patch] "setvar" configuration option for mgcp
Asterisk Bug Tracker
noreply at bugs.digium.com
Wed Sep 23 18:40:35 CDT 2009
The following issue has been RESOLVED.
Reported By: alea-soluciones
Assigned To: tilghman
Project: Asterisk
Issue ID: 14818
Category: Channels/chan_mgcp
Reproducibility: always
Severity: feature
Priority: normal
Status: resolved
Target Version: 1.6.x Version Tracker
Asterisk Version: SVN
Regression: No
SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball releases): trunk
SVN Revision (number only!): 186228
Request Review:
Resolution: fixed
Fixed in Version:
Date Submitted: 2009-04-02 21:29 CDT
Last Modified: 2009-09-23 18:40 CDT
Summary: [patch] "setvar" configuration option for mgcp
Support for add "setvar" conf options for outgoing calls created from mgcp
The defined vars/values will be created as channel vars when the
corresponding user create a new channel.
The format for this option is (same as setvar at sip.conf):
(spaces are optional)
Only the servar for lines are accepted, the setvar options set for wild
char endpoint will be discarded....
So if we define a mta with the following data:
setvar = WRONG1=value1
setvar = WRONG2=value2
wcardep = aaln/*
host = dynamic
context = pbx4-from-ext-vm
callerid = "" <918298119>
setvar = PBX=main_pbx
line = aaln/1
context = pbx4-from-ext
callerid = "" <4119>
setvar = PBX=main_pbx
setvar = PBXSERV=gold
line = aaln/2
WRONG1 and WRONG2 will be discarded, only are correct "PBX" at aaln/1 line
and "PBX" and "PBXSERV" at aaln/2
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-09-23 18:40 svnbot Status ready for review =>
2009-09-23 18:40 svnbot Assigned To => tilghman
2009-09-23 18:40 svnbot Status assigned => resolved
2009-09-23 18:40 svnbot Resolution open => fixed
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