[asterisk-bugs] [Asterisk 0015895]: When useragent was added to realtime_update_peer in chan_sip the necessary ldap changes were not made
Asterisk Bug Tracker
noreply at bugs.digium.com
Mon Sep 14 20:10:50 CDT 2009
A NOTE has been added to this issue.
Reported By: jcovert
Assigned To: suretec
Project: Asterisk
Issue ID: 15895
Category: Resources/res_config_ldap
Reproducibility: always
Severity: minor
Priority: normal
Status: assigned
Asterisk Version:
Regression: No
SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball releases): N/A
SVN Revision (number only!):
Request Review:
Date Submitted: 2009-09-14 18:39 CDT
Last Modified: 2009-09-14 20:10 CDT
Summary: When useragent was added to realtime_update_peer in
chan_sip the necessary ldap changes were not made
When useragent was added to realtime_update_peer in chan_sip the necessary
ldap changes were not made
The call to realtime_update_peer was modified in chan_sip to store
'useragent' This causes constant error messages:
[Sep 14 14:34:27] ERROR[30323]: res_config_ldap.c:1286 update_ldap:
Couldn't modify dn:uid=johncovert.test,ou=people,dc=onstate,dc=net because
Undefined attribute type
This problem last happened when "lastms" was added. See issue
Whenever a new item is added to realtime, it is necessary to update the
ldap definitions to support it. I propose making the following changes
required to eliminate this error:
1. Modify contrib/scripts/asterisk.ldap-schema as follows:
a. update version number and list this bug number in the changes.
b. Add objectIdentifier AstAccountUserAgent AstAttrType:59
c. Add
attributetype ( AstAccountUserAgent
NAME 'AstAccountUserAgent'
DESC 'Ast Account User Agent'
EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
d. Add AstAccountUserAgent to objectclass AsteriskSIPUser and for
completeness to objectclass AsteriskIAXUser even though not yet used.
2. Modify configs/res_ldap.conf.sample to include
useragent = AstAccountUserAgent
in the Sip Users Table
3. This time also modify chan_sip.c to refer future developers to the need
to update these two files whenever adding new realtime updates.
I expect to submit patches within the next two or three days once I have
actually tested this; I cannot do this while production is running today.
(0110645) jcovert (reporter) - 2009-09-14 20:10
Hmmm. A little more to do here. Whatever is in useragent on a
de-registration is causing the following to happen:
[Sep 14 16:26:06] ERROR[2893]: res_config_ldap.c:1286 update_ldap:
Couldn't modify dn:uid=johncovert.test,ou=people,dc=onstate,dc=net because
Invalid syntax
Might be null. Need to handle the null case correctly, whether it's
registration or de-registration. Might need to define the field
differently in the LDAP definition. New stuff to learn about LDAP if I
have to do that.
Will work on this later.
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-09-14 20:10 jcovert Note Added: 0110645
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