[asterisk-bugs] [Asterisk 0014652]: [patch] early-dial SIP 484 "incomplete address"
Asterisk Bug Tracker
noreply at bugs.digium.com
Tue Sep 8 14:23:34 CDT 2009
The following issue has been ASSIGNED.
Reported By: vieri
Assigned To: dvossel
Project: Asterisk
Issue ID: 14652
Category: Channels/chan_sip/General
Reproducibility: always
Severity: minor
Priority: normal
Status: assigned
Target Version: 1.4.28
Asterisk Version: 1.4.23
Regression: No
SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball releases): N/A
SVN Revision (number only!):
Request Review:
Date Submitted: 2009-03-12 04:40 CDT
Last Modified: 2009-09-08 14:23 CDT
Summary: [patch] early-dial SIP 484 "incomplete address"
Calls in which at least one Grandstream GXP2000 or GXP280 is involved, get
dropped after about 20 seconds. This happens only if the Grandstreams are
configured to use "early dial" and Asterisk has pedantic=yes (with
pedantic=no the calls are not dropped).
I really need pedantic=yes to encode the # digits.
Would it be possible to use pedantic=no but make the # digits "work"?
(because I realize this may be a Grandstream firmware bug which I don't
think will be fixed any time soon)
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-09-08 14:23 lmadsen Status feedback => assigned
2009-09-08 14:23 lmadsen Assigned To => dvossel
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