[asterisk-bugs] [Asterisk 0014031]: [patch] "pri_find_dchan: No D-channels available!" error on console when using wcb4xxp

Asterisk Bug Tracker noreply at bugs.digium.com
Tue Oct 20 11:34:39 CDT 2009

The following issue has been ASSIGNED. 
Reported By:                sruffell
Assigned To:                mattf
Project:                    Asterisk
Issue ID:                   14031
Category:                   Channels/chan_dahdi
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   major
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     assigned
Asterisk Version:           SVN 
Regression:                 No 
Reviewboard Link:            
SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball releases):  trunk 
SVN Revision (number only!): 160386 
Request Review:              
Date Submitted:             2008-12-08 14:55 CST
Last Modified:              2009-10-20 11:34 CDT
Summary:                    [patch] "pri_find_dchan: No D-channels available!"
error on console when using wcb4xxp
When a wcb4xxp is connected as a BRI span in TE mode, you get errors like:

[Dec 2 22:02:48] WARNING[4759]: chan_dahdi.c:3008 pri_find_dchan: No
D-channels available! Using Primary channel 6 as D-channel anyway!
[Dec 2 22:02:49] WARNING[4758]: chan_dahdi.c:3008 pri_find_dchan: No
D-channels available! Using Primary channel 3 as D-channel anyway!
[Dec 2 22:03:19] WARNING[4759]: chan_dahdi.c:3008 pri_find_dchan: No
D-channels available! Using Primary channel 6 as D-channel anyway!

On your asterisk console and in your asterisk log. 
Relationships       ID      Summary
has duplicate       0014617 HFC-s card cannot initiate outgoing calls
related to          0012757 [branch] when BRI span go down cannot m...

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
2009-10-20 11:34 jpeeler        Status                   confirmed => assigned
2009-10-20 11:34 jpeeler        Assigned To               => mattf           

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