[asterisk-bugs] [Asterisk 0016207]: [patch] asterisk keeps starting new processes for streaming audio MOH
Asterisk Bug Tracker
noreply at bugs.digium.com
Mon Nov 23 13:35:35 CST 2009
The following issue is now READY FOR TESTING.
Reported By: dcabot
Assigned To: tilghman
Project: Asterisk
Issue ID: 16207
Category: Resources/res_musiconhold
Reproducibility: always
Severity: major
Priority: normal
Status: ready for testing
Asterisk Version:
Regression: No
Reviewboard Link:
SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball releases): N/A
SVN Revision (number only!):
Request Review:
Date Submitted: 2009-11-07 20:51 CST
Last Modified: 2009-11-23 13:35 CST
Summary: [patch] asterisk keeps starting new processes for
streaming audio MOH
Using AsteriskNOW 1.5.0, FreePBX, Asterisk
Added streaming category to MOH.
application=/usr/bin/mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -f 8192 -b 0
Asterisk starts mpg123 in sets of twos. Stopped at 22 instances.
[root at FreePBX-1 asterisk]# ps ax|grep mpg123
3469 ? S 1:14 /usr/bin mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -f 8192 -b
0 http://scfire-ntc-aa08.stream.aol.com:80/stream/1010
3606 ? S 1:10 /usr/bin mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -f 8192 -b
0 http://scfire-ntc-aa08.stream.aol.com:80/stream/1010
3607 ? S 1:06 /usr/bin mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -f 8192 -b
0 http://scfire-ntc-aa08.stream.aol.com:80/stream/1010
3631 ? S 1:06 /usr/bin mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -f 8192 -b
0 http://scfire-ntc-aa08.stream.aol.com:80/stream/1010
3633 ? S 1:18 /usr/bin mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -f 8192 -b
0 http://scfire-ntc-aa08.stream.aol.com:80/stream/1010
3655 ? S 1:05 /usr/bin mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -f 8192 -b
0 http://scfire-ntc-aa08.stream.aol.com:80/stream/1010
3656 ? S 1:05 /usr/bin mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -f 8192 -b
0 http://scfire-ntc-aa08.stream.aol.com:80/stream/1010
4067 ? R 0:23 /usr/bin mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -f 8192 -b
0 http://scfire-ntc-aa08.stream.aol.com:80/stream/1010
4069 ? R 0:29 /usr/bin mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -f 8192 -b
0 http://scfire-ntc-aa08.stream.aol.com:80/stream/1010
4106 ? S 0:21 /usr/bin mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -f 8192 -b
0 http://scfire-ntc-aa08.stream.aol.com:80/stream/1010
4108 ? S 0:21 /usr/bin mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -f 8192 -b
0 http://scfire-ntc-aa08.stream.aol.com:80/stream/1010
4140 ? S 0:24 /usr/bin mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -f 8192 -b
0 http://scfire-ntc-aa08.stream.aol.com:80/stream/1010
4141 ? S 0:33 /usr/bin mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -f 8192 -b
0 http://scfire-ntc-aa08.stream.aol.com:80/stream/1010
4171 ? S 0:20 /usr/bin mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -f 8192 -b
0 http://scfire-ntc-aa08.stream.aol.com:80/stream/1010
4173 ? S 0:23 /usr/bin mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -f 8192 -b
0 http://scfire-ntc-aa08.stream.aol.com:80/stream/1010
4195 ? S 0:19 /usr/bin mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -f 8192 -b
0 http://scfire-ntc-aa08.stream.aol.com:80/stream/1010
4196 ? R 0:19 /usr/bin mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -f 8192 -b
0 http://scfire-ntc-aa08.stream.aol.com:80/stream/1010
4237 ? S 0:17 /usr/bin mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -f 8192 -b
0 http://scfire-ntc-aa08.stream.aol.com:80/stream/1010
4238 ? S 0:17 /usr/bin mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -f 8192 -b
0 http://scfire-ntc-aa08.stream.aol.com:80/stream/1010
4338 ? S 0:09 /usr/bin mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -f 8192 -b
0 http://scfire-ntc-aa08.stream.aol.com:80/stream/1010
4339 ? S 0:13 /usr/bin mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -f 8192 -b
0 http://scfire-ntc-aa08.stream.aol.com:80/stream/1010
4513 pts/1 R+ 0:00 grep mpg123
No calls in progress.
Relationships ID Summary
related to 0016279 asterisk reload causes mpg123 streams t...
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-11-23 13:35 tilghman Status assigned => ready for
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