[asterisk-bugs] [Asterisk 0016307]: IAX calls drop after ~30 seconds between 1.4.27rc5 and 1.2.36
Asterisk Bug Tracker
noreply at bugs.digium.com
Sun Nov 22 18:39:49 CST 2009
The following issue has been SUBMITTED.
Reported By: tomsullivan
Assigned To:
Project: Asterisk
Issue ID: 16307
Category: Channels/chan_iax2
Reproducibility: sometimes
Severity: major
Priority: normal
Status: new
Asterisk Version: 1.4.27
Regression: No
Reviewboard Link:
SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball releases): N/A
SVN Revision (number only!):
Request Review:
Date Submitted: 2009-11-22 18:39 CST
Last Modified: 2009-11-22 18:39 CST
Summary: IAX calls drop after
https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=18#c30 seconds between 1.4.27rc5 and
For a small number of calls, the call will terminate after approximately 30
These calls are originated on a number of different PBXs running 1.4.27
and received by a PBX running 1.2.36, however we cannot be sure that this
is restricted to calls originated; it may also be the case for calls
received by those PBXs running 1.4.27.
There are no error indications in the console output of any PBXs; the call
is seen to be terminated correctly.
Reverting to Asterisk version for the originating PBXs fixes the
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-11-22 18:39 tomsullivan New Issue
2009-11-22 18:39 tomsullivan Asterisk Version => 1.4.27
2009-11-22 18:39 tomsullivan Regression => No
2009-11-22 18:39 tomsullivan SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball
releases) => N/A
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