[asterisk-bugs] [DAHDI-linux 0015498]: [patch] Console full of PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
Asterisk Bug Tracker
noreply at bugs.digium.com
Tue Nov 10 10:35:30 CST 2009
A NOTE has been added to this issue.
Reported By: alecdavis
Assigned To: sruffell
Project: DAHDI-linux
Issue ID: 15498
Category: wcte12xp
Reproducibility: always
Severity: block
Priority: normal
Status: assigned
Reviewboard Link:
Date Submitted: 2009-07-14 04:28 CDT
Last Modified: 2009-11-10 10:35 CST
Summary: [patch] Console full of PRI got event: HDLC Abort
(6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
Since Feb we've been running the following version with no problem.
DAHDI Version: SVN-trunk-r6005 Echo Canceller:
After upgrade to DAHDI Version: 2.2.0 Echo Canceller:
we get the following constantly on the console and hardly ever able to
establish a call
== Primary D-Channel on span 1 down
[Jul 14 21:20:31] WARNING[1464]: chan_dahdi.c:3546 pri_find_dchan: No
D-channels available! Using Primary channel 16 as D-channel anyway!
== Primary D-Channel on span 1 up
[Jul 14 21:20:31] NOTICE[1464]: chan_dahdi.c:11381 pri_dchannel: PRI got
event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
[Jul 14 21:20:32] NOTICE[1464]: chan_dahdi.c:11381 pri_dchannel: PRI got
event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
[Jul 14 21:20:33] NOTICE[1464]: chan_dahdi.c:11381 pri_dchannel: PRI got
event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
[Jul 14 21:20:34] NOTICE[1464]: chan_dahdi.c:11381 pri_dchannel: PRI got
event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
[Jul 14 21:20:35] NOTICE[1464]: chan_dahdi.c:11381 pri_dchannel: PRI got
event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
== Primary D-Channel on span 1 down
[Jul 14 21:20:36] WARNING[1464]: chan_dahdi.c:3546 pri_find_dchan: No
D-channels available! Using Primary channel 16 as D-channel anyway!
== Primary D-Channel on span 1 up
[Jul 14 21:20:36] NOTICE[1464]: chan_dahdi.c:11381 pri_dchannel: PRI got
event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
Relationships ID Summary
related to 0015529 PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primar...
related to 0015724 [patch] Echo with dahdi-linux 2.2.0 and...
(0113575) sruffell (administrator) - 2009-11-10 10:35
vinicusfontes: What happens when you add "options wcte12xp vpmsupport=0" to
/etc/modprobe.d/dahdi and the VPMADT032 is physically present?
(Unfortunately, the file permissions on the module parameters are
wrong....echoing to the vpmsupport parameter after the fact will not
disable the VPM. It should be read only).
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-11-10 10:35 sruffell Note Added: 0113575
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