No subject

Sun Jul 19 19:54:31 CDT 2009

exhausted, and asterisk will be killed/restarted by the watchdog, which in
my case is snmpd.

Seems like most allocations are done around lines 23905 and 23908 in
build_peer() in chan_sip.c

Second file is provided in the zip archive, due to its extremely large


 (0127265) drookie (reporter) - 2010-09-22 01:21 
Yes, I do use T38.

Well... it's not that easy to just decide and kill faxes on a production
box... I'll think about the way I'll do it. 

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
2010-09-22 01:21 drookie        Note Added: 0127265                          

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