No subject

Sun Jul 19 19:54:31 CDT 2009

considered unique on not just the call-id but on various other sip
attributes such as the From and To as well as the Tags that follow them.
(That's the meaning of the pedantic option in sip.conf) - Correct me please
if I am wrong.

The question is not why the UAC is sending the same Call-Id on two
different invites. The question should be why asterisk on pedantic=yes does
not take into consideration the To tag. And why the SIP Dialog is
considered established only AFTER the call has been answered. 

If Asterisk is playing the role of a SIP Proxy it will never Answer() the
calls but redirect them unanswered. With this implementation all Dialogs
would be considered not established. 

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
2009-10-21 17:20 m0bius         Note Added: 0112592                          

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