[asterisk-bugs] [Asterisk 0013488]: mISDN rejects incoming calls
Asterisk Bug Tracker
noreply at bugs.digium.com
Tue Oct 28 15:32:15 CDT 2008
A NOTE has been added to this issue.
Reported By: Christian_Pinedo
Assigned To: crich
Project: Asterisk
Issue ID: 13488
Category: Channels/chan_misdn
Reproducibility: random
Severity: major
Priority: normal
Status: assigned
Asterisk Version:
SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball releases): N/A
SVN Revision (number only!):
Disclaimer on File?: N/A
Request Review:
Date Submitted: 2008-09-16 08:15 CDT
Last Modified: 2008-10-28 15:32 CDT
Summary: mISDN rejects incoming calls
Asterisk seems to work well but sometimes per day calls from pstn are
rejected and outgoing calls cann't be done also. This is the output of a
rejected incoming call:
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] channel with stid:0 for one second still
in use!
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] set_channel: bc->channel:0 channel:1
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] I IND :NEW_CHANNEL oad:943336600
dad:943445807 pid:23 state:none
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16
rad: cad:
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:0 dnumplan:2
rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad:
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] Chan not existing at the moment
bc->l3id:20012 bc:0x81e0374 event:NEW_CHANNEL port:1 channel:1
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] NO USERUESRINFO
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] !! NO FREE CHAN IN STACK
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] Requested Channel Already in Use
releasing this call with cause 34!!!!
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] I SEND:RELEASE_COMPLETE oad:943336600
dad:943445807 pid:23
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] --> channel:0 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:34
rad: cad:
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:0 dnumplan:2
rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad:
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] $$$ CLEANUP CALLED pid:23
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] couldn't handle event
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] CC_RELEASE_COMPLETE|CONFIRM [TE]
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] I IND :RELEASE_COMPLETE oad: dad: pid:23
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] --> channel:0 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:34
rad: cad:
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:0 dnumplan:0
rnumplan:0 cpnnumplan:0
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad:
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] --> no Ch, so we've already released.
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 0] Cannot hangup chan, no ch
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] release_chan: Ch not found!
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] $$$ CLEANUP CALLED pid:23
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] $$$ CLEANUP CALLED pid:23
It seems that mISDN has the Port 1 (first BRI) in a bad state and network
tries to send a new incoming mail through this port. I have to exec "misdn
restart port 1" to solve this situation. The rest of BRI links are free and
network tries to send the calls always through port 1 because it thinks
that is free. mISDN thinks that this port is already used and so all call
are rejected.
Software versions:
Debian GNU/Linux 4.0
Kernel 2.6.18
Zaptel 1.4.11
mISDN and mISDNuser
(0094341) tsampouros (reporter) - 2008-10-28 15:32
I am having this issue since I upgraded asterisk from 1.4.18 to 1.4.22-rc5
keeping configuration same, in a 2xBRI port installation.
Blocks BRI port 2-3 times per day and rejects incoming calls on that port.
It seems misdn sends channel RESTART but does not seem to work the way it
is sent.
The proposed channel restart 'misdn send restart <port> <channel>' does
not seem to work when port is blocked and throws cause 34, I figured the
only way to restart port is by sending 'misdn restart port <port>'.
Mon Oct 27 00:00:06 2008: P[ 0] -- mISDN Channel Driver Registered --
Mon Oct 27 10:34:35 2008: P[ 2] GOT IGNORE SETUP
Mon Oct 27 10:34:35 2008: P[ 2] CC_RELEASE_COMPLETE|CONFIRM [TE]
Mon Oct 27 10:36:45 2008: P[ 2] GOT IGNORE SETUP
Mon Oct 27 10:36:45 2008: P[ 2] CC_RELEASE_COMPLETE|CONFIRM [TE]
Mon Oct 27 10:45:19 2008: P[ 2] **** Received CAUSE:44, so not cleaning
up channel 1
Mon Oct 27 10:45:19 2008: P[ 2] **** This channel is now no longer
please try to restart it with 'misdn send restart <port> <channel>'
Mon Oct 27 10:45:19 2008: P[ 2] Sending Restarts on this port.
Mon Oct 27 10:45:19 2008: P[ 2] Restarting and cleaning channel 1
Mon Oct 27 10:45:19 2008: P[ 2] Restarting channel 1
Mon Oct 27 11:02:43 2008: P[ 2] Requested Channel Already in Use
releasing this call with cause 34!!!!
Mon Oct 27 11:02:43 2008: P[ 2] couldn't handle event
Mon Oct 27 11:02:43 2008: P[ 2] CC_RELEASE_COMPLETE|CONFIRM [TE]
Mon Oct 27 11:04:12 2008: P[ 2] Requested Channel Already in Use
releasing this call with cause 34!!!!
Mon Oct 27 11:04:12 2008: P[ 2] couldn't handle event
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-10-28 15:32 tsampouros Note Added: 0094341
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