[asterisk-bugs] [DAHDI-linux 0013750]: Loading wctdm locks the system for too long
Asterisk Bug Tracker
noreply at bugs.digium.com
Tue Oct 21 09:11:11 CDT 2008
A NOTE has been added to this issue.
Reported By: smurfix
Assigned To:
Project: DAHDI-linux
Issue ID: 13750
Category: wctdm
Reproducibility: always
Severity: minor
Priority: normal
Status: new
Date Submitted: 2008-10-21 00:53 CDT
Last Modified: 2008-10-21 09:11 CDT
Summary: Loading wctdm locks the system for too long
Loading the wctdm module freezes the system for a few seconds.
That's not a good idea. One reason among many: Some systems have storage
controllers which need regular keepalives. "Load wctdm, lose your disk"
isn't a good use case. :-P
(0094033) blitzrage (administrator) - 2008-10-21 09:11
Do you have the ability to point out where in the code this freeze is
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-10-21 09:11 blitzrage Note Added: 0094033
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