[asterisk-bugs] [Asterisk 0013488]: mISDN rejects incoming calls
Asterisk Bug Tracker
noreply at bugs.digium.com
Sun Nov 30 06:57:43 CST 2008
A NOTE has been added to this issue.
Reported By: Christian_Pinedo
Assigned To: crich
Project: Asterisk
Issue ID: 13488
Category: Channels/chan_misdn
Reproducibility: random
Severity: major
Priority: normal
Status: assigned
Asterisk Version:
SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball releases): N/A
SVN Revision (number only!):
Disclaimer on File?: N/A
Request Review:
Date Submitted: 2008-09-16 08:15 CDT
Last Modified: 2008-11-30 06:57 CST
Summary: mISDN rejects incoming calls
Asterisk seems to work well but sometimes per day calls from pstn are
rejected and outgoing calls cann't be done also. This is the output of a
rejected incoming call:
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] channel with stid:0 for one second still
in use!
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] set_channel: bc->channel:0 channel:1
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] I IND :NEW_CHANNEL oad:943336600
dad:943445807 pid:23 state:none
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16
rad: cad:
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:0 dnumplan:2
rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad:
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] Chan not existing at the moment
bc->l3id:20012 bc:0x81e0374 event:NEW_CHANNEL port:1 channel:1
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] NO USERUESRINFO
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] !! NO FREE CHAN IN STACK
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] Requested Channel Already in Use
releasing this call with cause 34!!!!
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] I SEND:RELEASE_COMPLETE oad:943336600
dad:943445807 pid:23
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] --> channel:0 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:34
rad: cad:
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:0 dnumplan:2
rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad:
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] $$$ CLEANUP CALLED pid:23
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] couldn't handle event
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] CC_RELEASE_COMPLETE|CONFIRM [TE]
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] I IND :RELEASE_COMPLETE oad: dad: pid:23
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] --> channel:0 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:34
rad: cad:
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:0 dnumplan:0
rnumplan:0 cpnnumplan:0
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad:
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] --> no Ch, so we've already released.
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 0] Cannot hangup chan, no ch
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] release_chan: Ch not found!
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] $$$ CLEANUP CALLED pid:23
Tue Sep 16 09:58:11 2008: P[ 1] $$$ CLEANUP CALLED pid:23
It seems that mISDN has the Port 1 (first BRI) in a bad state and network
tries to send a new incoming mail through this port. I have to exec "misdn
restart port 1" to solve this situation. The rest of BRI links are free and
network tries to send the calls always through port 1 because it thinks
that is free. mISDN thinks that this port is already used and so all call
are rejected.
Software versions:
Debian GNU/Linux 4.0
Kernel 2.6.18
Zaptel 1.4.11
mISDN and mISDNuser
(0095624) owlnebula (reporter) - 2008-11-30 06:57
my fixed implement.
this bug is bring on deadlock, lt appears to me that...
static void update_name(struct ast_channel *tmp, int port, int c)
ast_string_field_build(tmp, name, "%s/%d-%d",
misdn_type, port,c) ; /*, glob_channel++);*/
***the modified is to avoid the chan->name changed in this session.
static int find_free_chan_in_stack(struct misdn_stack *stack, struct
misdn_bchannel *bc, int channel, int dec)
if( channel < 0 && !dec ){
dec = 1;
***the modified is to set the E1 outgoing to task from last solt.
expect perfection implement.
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-11-30 06:57 owlnebula Note Added: 0095624
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