[asterisk-bugs] [Asterisk 0013945]: Asterisk can't watch for more than 5 devices on a single hint
Asterisk Bug Tracker
noreply at bugs.digium.com
Mon Nov 24 15:45:42 CST 2008
The following issue has been CLOSED
Reported By: mdu113
Assigned To: Corydon76
Project: Asterisk
Issue ID: 13945
Category: Channels/chan_sip/Subscriptions
Reproducibility: always
Severity: minor
Priority: normal
Status: closed
Asterisk Version: SVN
SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball releases): 1.4
SVN Revision (number only!): 155861
Disclaimer on File?: N/A
Request Review:
Resolution: won't fix
Fixed in Version:
Date Submitted: 2008-11-21 13:26 CST
Last Modified: 2008-11-24 15:45 CST
Summary: Asterisk can't watch for more than 5 devices on a
single hint
Here's the hint in dialplan:
exten =>
there're currently 5 devices to watch and everything works fine if i make
a call to SIP/xyz010101 (last one):
-- Executing [101 at xyz:1] Set("SIP/xyz112201-b7304288",
"TIMEOUT(absolute)=10800") in new stack
-- Channel will hangup at 2008-11-21 22:17:36 UTC.
-- Executing [101 at xyz:2] AGI("SIP/xyz112201-b7304288",
"agi://pbxtest") in new stack
-- AGI Script Executing Application: (SetCallerPres) Options:
-- AGI Script Executing Application: (Set) Options:
-- AGI Script Executing Application: (Dial) Options:
-- Called xyz010101
-- SIP/xyz010101-081f8b58 is ringing
devel*CLI> show hints
-= Registered Asterisk Dial Plan Hints =-
__PRS2_010 at xyz : SIP/xyz010001&SIP/xy
State:Ringing Watchers 0
- 1 hints registered
-- SIP/xyz010101-081f8b58 answered SIP/xyz112201-b7304288
devel*CLI> show hints
-= Registered Asterisk Dial Plan Hints =-
__PRS2_010 at xyz : SIP/xyz010001&SIP/xy
State:InUse Watchers 0
- 1 hints registered
Now I'm adding another device to watch in front of SIP/xyz010101 making it
6th device:
exten =>
and do 'dialplan reload'. asterisk takes this configurion without a word
of complain, but now the state of SIP/xyz010101 is always Idle:
-- Executing [101 at xyz:1] Set("SIP/xyz112201-b7304288",
"TIMEOUT(absolute)=10800") in new stack
-- Channel will hangup at 2008-11-21 22:21:20 UTC.
-- Executing [101 at xyz:2] AGI("SIP/xyz112201-b7304288",
"agi://pbxtest") in new stack
-- AGI Script Executing Application: (SetCallerPres) Options:
-- AGI Script Executing Application: (Set) Options:
-- AGI Script Executing Application: (Dial) Options:
-- Called xyz010101
-- SIP/xyz010101-081f8b58 is ringing
devel*CLI> show hints
-= Registered Asterisk Dial Plan Hints =-
__PRS2_010 at xyz : SIP/xyz010001&SIP/xy
State:Idle Watchers 0
- 1 hints registered
-- SIP/xyz010101-081f8b58 answered SIP/xyz112201-b7304288
devel*CLI> show hints
-= Registered Asterisk Dial Plan Hints =-
__PRS2_010 at xyz : SIP/xyz010001&SIP/xy
State:Idle Watchers 0
- 1 hints registered
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-11-24 15:45 Corydon76 Assigned To => Corydon76
2008-11-24 15:45 Corydon76 Status feedback => closed
2008-11-24 15:45 Corydon76 Resolution open => won't fix
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