[asterisk-bugs] [Asterisk 0013854]: Crash after attended transfer and call park
Asterisk Bug Tracker
noreply at bugs.digium.com
Sun Nov 9 20:43:38 CST 2008
A NOTE has been added to this issue.
Reported By: Adam Lee
Assigned To:
Project: Asterisk
Issue ID: 13854
Category: Channels/chan_sip/Transfers
Reproducibility: always
Severity: crash
Priority: normal
Status: new
Asterisk Version: 1.4.22
SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball releases): N/A
SVN Revision (number only!):
Disclaimer on File?: N/A
Request Review:
Date Submitted: 2008-11-06 22:32 CST
Last Modified: 2008-11-09 20:43 CST
Summary: Crash after attended transfer and call park
Hi all,
I found a crash case after attend transfer and call-park usages.
Here is my scenario:
Phone 1: 1001
Phone 2: 1002
Phone 3: 1003
Step 1: 1001 calls 1002, and 1002 answers the call.
Step 2: 1001 makes an attended transfer to 1003, and 1003 answers the
Step 3: 1001 hangups the call with 1003, and then 1002 communicates with
Step 4: 1002 makes a call-park to Asterisk. After Asterisk repeats the
parking lot numbers to 1002, Asterisk disconnects the call with 1003
Step 5: 1001 calls 1002 once again, and Asterisk crashes.
I verified the case on 1.4.22 and 1.4.20, and the crash situation happened
on both versions. I doubt that Asterisk did not handle transferee well, and
if transferee wants to do call transfer or call park, it would fail.
(0094700) Adam Lee (reporter) - 2008-11-09 20:43
I am sorry for my mistakes. I changed my dial-plan with different extension
numbers. EXT 1002 is the EXT 1006 in my dial-plan, and EXT 1003 is the EXT
1007 in my dial-plan. And the issue is indeed not a SIP transfer issue and
should be placed in feature category.
In order to debug the issue, I dump the gdb back traces as attachment.
Thank you.
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-11-09 20:43 Adam Lee Note Added: 0094700
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