[asterisk-bugs] [Zaptel 0012387]: Cannot unload wct4xxp zaptel kernel module
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Fri May 2 13:17:50 CDT 2008
A NOTE has been added to this issue.
Reported By: Skarmeth
Assigned To: mattf
Project: Zaptel
Issue ID: 12387
Category: wct4xxp
Reproducibility: always
Severity: crash
Priority: normal
Status: ready for testing
Zaptel Version:
SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball releases): N/A
SVN Revision (number only!):
Disclaimer on File?: N/A
Request Review:
Date Submitted: 04-08-2008 14:27 CDT
Last Modified: 05-02-2008 13:17 CDT
Summary: Cannot unload wct4xxp zaptel kernel module
I cannot unload a unused wct4xxp zaptel kernel module. Every time I try to
remove it I get a kernel oops/crash.
1. boot-up the system
2. load zaptel module (modprobe zaptel)
3. load wct4xxp module (modprobe wct4xxp)
4. unload wct4xxp module (rmmod wct4xxp) <<--- it says that it's in use
and crash!
5. unload zaptel module (rmmod zaptel) <<--- I can't get here since 4
Skarmeth - 05-02-08 13:17
Here we go. Loaded and unloaded zaptel framework plus wct4xxp at last 4
times without erros. It worked fine to me now. Thank you very much!!!
here is the dmesg of load/unload
Zapata Telephony Interface Registered on major 196
Zaptel Version: SVN-branch-1.4-r4224
Zaptel Echo Canceller: MG2
Found TE2XXP at base address dfcfff80, remapped to ffffc200008b0f80
TE2XXP version c01a016a, burst ON
Octasic optimized!
FALC version: 00000005, Board ID: 00
Reg 0: 0x75c4a400
Reg 1: 0x75c4a000
Reg 2: 0xffffffff
Reg 3: 0x00000000
Reg 4: 0x00000001
Reg 5: 0x00000000
Reg 6: 0xc01a016a
Reg 7: 0x00001300
Reg 8: 0x010200ff
Reg 9: 0x00fd0000
Reg 10: 0x0000004a
Not prepped yet!
TE2XXP: Launching card: 0
TE2XXP: Setting up global serial parameters
Found a Wildcard: Wildcard TE220 (4th Gen)
About to enter spanconfig!
Done with spanconfig!
Registered tone zone 20 (Brazil)
About to enter startup!
TE2XXP: Span 1 configured for CAS/HDB3
timing source auto card 0!
SPAN 1: Primary Sync Source
VPM400: Not Present
VPM450: Not Present
Completed startup!
Stopped TE2XXP, Turned off DMA
TE2XXP: Disabling interrupts since there are no active spans
Zapata Telephony Interface Unloaded
Zapata Telephony Interface Registered on major 196
Zaptel Version: SVN-branch-1.4-r4224
Zaptel Echo Canceller: MG2
Found TE2XXP at base address dfcfff80, remapped to ffffc200008b0f80
TE2XXP version c01a016a, burst ON
Octasic optimized!
FALC version: 00000005, Board ID: 00
Reg 0: 0x7d455400
Reg 1: 0x7d455000
Reg 2: 0xffffffff
Reg 3: 0x00000000
Reg 4: 0x00000001
Reg 5: 0x00000000
Reg 6: 0xc01a016a
Reg 7: 0x00001300
Reg 8: 0x010200ff
Reg 9: 0x00fd0000
Reg 10: 0x0000004a
Not prepped yet!
TE2XXP: Launching card: 0
TE2XXP: Setting up global serial parameters
Found a Wildcard: Wildcard TE220 (4th Gen)
About to enter spanconfig!
Done with spanconfig!
Registered tone zone 20 (Brazil)
About to enter startup!
TE2XXP: Span 1 configured for CAS/HDB3
timing source auto card 0!
SPAN 1: Primary Sync Source
VPM400: Not Present
VPM450: Not Present
Completed startup!
Stopped TE2XXP, Turned off DMA
TE2XXP: Disabling interrupts since there are no active spans
Zapata Telephony Interface Unloaded
Zapata Telephony Interface Registered on major 196
Zaptel Version: SVN-branch-1.4-r4224
Zaptel Echo Canceller: MG2
Found TE2XXP at base address dfcfff80, remapped to ffffc200008b0f80
TE2XXP version c01a016a, burst ON
Octasic optimized!
FALC version: 00000005, Board ID: 00
Reg 0: 0x75cf2400
Reg 1: 0x75cf2000
Reg 2: 0xffffffff
Reg 3: 0x00000000
Reg 4: 0x00000001
Reg 5: 0x00000000
Reg 6: 0xc01a016a
Reg 7: 0x00001300
Reg 8: 0x010200ff
Reg 9: 0x00fd0000
Reg 10: 0x0000004a
Not prepped yet!
TE2XXP: Launching card: 0
TE2XXP: Setting up global serial parameters
Found a Wildcard: Wildcard TE220 (4th Gen)
About to enter spanconfig!
Done with spanconfig!
Registered tone zone 20 (Brazil)
About to enter startup!
TE2XXP: Span 1 configured for CAS/HDB3
timing source auto card 0!
SPAN 1: Primary Sync Source
VPM400: Not Present
VPM450: Not Present
Completed startup!
Stopped TE2XXP, Turned off DMA
TE2XXP: Disabling interrupts since there are no active spans
Zapata Telephony Interface Unloaded
Zapata Telephony Interface Registered on major 196
Zaptel Version: SVN-branch-1.4-r4224
Zaptel Echo Canceller: MG2
Found TE2XXP at base address dfcfff80, remapped to ffffc200008b0f80
TE2XXP version c01a016a, burst ON
Octasic optimized!
FALC version: 00000005, Board ID: 00
Reg 0: 0x75d78400
Reg 1: 0x75d78000
Reg 2: 0xffffffff
Reg 3: 0x00000000
Reg 4: 0x00000001
Reg 5: 0x00000000
Reg 6: 0xc01a016a
Reg 7: 0x00001300
Reg 8: 0x010200ff
Reg 9: 0x00fd0000
Reg 10: 0x0000004a
Not prepped yet!
TE2XXP: Launching card: 0
TE2XXP: Setting up global serial parameters
Found a Wildcard: Wildcard TE220 (4th Gen)
About to enter spanconfig!
Done with spanconfig!
Registered tone zone 20 (Brazil)
About to enter startup!
TE2XXP: Span 1 configured for CAS/HDB3
timing source auto card 0!
SPAN 1: Primary Sync Source
VPM400: Not Present
VPM450: Not Present
Completed startup!
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
05-02-08 13:17 Skarmeth Note Added: 0086332
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