[asterisk-bugs] [Asterisk 0013194]: Voicemail left in wrong mailbox if multiple users have the same mailbox # but are in a diferent context
Asterisk Bug Tracker
noreply at bugs.digium.com
Fri Aug 29 10:51:57 CDT 2008
A NOTE has been added to this issue.
Reported By: moliveras
Assigned To: putnopvut
Project: Asterisk
Issue ID: 13194
Category: Applications/app_voicemail/IMAP
Reproducibility: always
Severity: major
Priority: normal
Status: ready for testing
Asterisk Version:
SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball releases): N/A
SVN Revision (number only!):
Disclaimer on File?: N/A
Request Review:
Date Submitted: 2008-07-29 21:33 CDT
Last Modified: 2008-08-29 10:51 CDT
Summary: Voicemail left in wrong mailbox if multiple users
have the same mailbox # but are in a diferent context
I have two different customers set up on the same asterisk, each in a
different context. (voicemail.conf file is attached)
; Voicemail for customer 'NJ_ at cust1'
100 => 1234,Mike Oliveras,,,tz=pacific|imapuser=100 at cust1
200 => 1234,Grand Stream,,,tz=pacific|imapuser=200 at cust1
300 => 9999,Joe Blow,,,tz=pacific|imapuser=300 at cust1
400 => ,sipp,,,tz=pacific|imapuser=400 at cust1
800 => 1234,Michael Oliveras,,,tz=pacific|imapuser=800 at cust1
; Voicemail for customer 'NJ_ at cust2'
100 => 1234,Link Sys,,,tz=pacific|imapuser=100 at cust2
600 => ,Joe Blow,,,tz=pacific|imapuser=600 at cust2
700 => ,Fax Line,,,tz=pacific|imapuser=700 at cust2
I am using dovecot as the imap server.
If extension 200 calls extension 100 (both belong to cust1), then the
voicemail is left in the mailbox belonging to cust2. Also, vmwi is sent to
both 100 at cust2 and 100 at cust1. If user 100 at cust1 checks voicemail, the
response is that there are no messages waiting. If 100 at cust2 checks
voicemail, it is successful and vmwi is removed from both phones.
I can send additional debug if needed, but I just wanted to check first if
there is any known reason why this would not work. I also tried removing
the authuser and authpassword from voicemail.conf and provisioned an
imappassword for each user and got exactly the same result.
Is there any reason why I can't use the same mailbox number? This works
fine when voicemail is stored locally. It seems as if asterisk is not
taking into acount the context when leaving or checking messages.
Best Regards,
Mike Oliveras
(0091910) svnbot (reporter) - 2008-08-29 10:51
Repository: asterisk
Revision: 140421
U branches/1.4/apps/app_voicemail.c
r140421 | mmichelson | 2008-08-29 10:51:56 -0500 (Fri, 29 Aug 2008) | 12
Add context checking when retrieving a vm_state.
This was causing a problem for people who had identically
named mailboxes in separate voicemail contexts.
This commit affects IMAP storage only.
(closes issue http://bugs.digium.com/view.php?id=13194)
Reported by: moliveras
13194.patch uploaded by putnopvut (license 60)
Tested by: putnopvut, moliveras
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-08-29 10:51 svnbot Checkin
2008-08-29 10:51 svnbot Note Added: 0091910
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