[asterisk-bugs] [Asterisk 0011837]: [patch] [sound] Ability to send to multiple recipients.
Asterisk Bug Tracker
noreply at bugs.digium.com
Sun Aug 10 23:12:54 CDT 2008
The following issue has been UPDATED.
Reported By: travishein
Assigned To:
Project: Asterisk
Issue ID: 11837
Category: Applications/app_voicemail/NewFeature
Reproducibility: N/A
Severity: feature
Priority: normal
Status: new
Asterisk Version: SVN
SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball releases): trunk
SVN Revision (number only!):
Disclaimer on File?: N/A
Request Review:
Date Submitted: 2008-01-24 11:47 CST
Last Modified: 2008-08-10 23:12 CDT
Summary: [patch] [sound] Ability to send to multiple
for the menu option 3 (advanced), 5 (leave voice message to a recipient)
we came across the need to allow a user to be able to enter more than one
extension to send a message to (instead of the leave a message for just one
extension at a time as the current implementation was).
To make this work the logic is now
1- user presses 3, 5 to get to the leave voicemail prompt.
2- the existing prompt to enter the extension is played.
3- the user enters the extension for which to send the voicemail to
4- (NEW): the system play a message :press 1 to send message, press 2 to
add another recipient.
if user presses 2 on this new prompt, the system returns to the step 3,
to prompt and process of entering the extension.
if the user presses 1 on this new prompt, the system continues to the
"please say your message" as it used to before.
5- system plays the please say your message when finished hang up.
6- user sais their message, and hangs up, or preses pound key.
In order to realize this, we changed input gathering function so that the
char[] buffer that stores the target recipient is larger, as long as the
max receiver string. The operation of adding more recipients now builds the
delimited recipient string that leave_voicemail() understands and expects,
extension at context&extension at context
There is also boundary checking so that if the user tries to enter more
exensions than is room in the char[] array, the system will play a (new)
vm-forward-multiple-too-many message to indicate the user is attempting to
forward the message to too many recipients.
So in addition to the attached patch file, there are two new sound audio
prompts that the system must find in the sound prompts folder, so that it
can of course play these when needed.
vm-forward-multiple : "Press 1 to enter an send message, press 2 add
another recipient"
vm-forward-multiple-too-many : when the user has attempted to enter too
many exensions to leave a message to.
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-08-10 23:12 Corydon76 Category Applications/NewFeature
=> Applications/app_voicemail/NewFeature
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