[asterisk-bugs] [Zaptel 0012419]: Fix polarity reverse answer on zaptel 1.2.25 with driver wctdm
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Thu Apr 24 13:11:48 CDT 2008
The following issue has been ASSIGNED.
Reported By: korihor
Assigned To: sruffell
Project: Zaptel
Issue ID: 12419
Category: wctdm
Reproducibility: always
Severity: major
Priority: normal
Status: assigned
Zaptel Version: 1.2.25
SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball releases): N/A
SVN Revision (number only!):
Disclaimer on File?: N/A
Request Review:
Date Submitted: 04-10-2008 21:31 CDT
Last Modified: 04-24-2008 13:11 CDT
Summary: Fix polarity reverse answer on zaptel 1.2.25 with
driver wctdm
On the wctdm driver of zaptel version 1.2.25 some changes were done and the
code that handles polarity reverse was placed on a wrong place.
svnbot - 04-24-08 13:11
Repository: zaptel
Revision: 4194
U branches/1.2/wctdm.c
U branches/1.4/kernel/wctdm.c
r4194 | sruffell | 2008-04-24 13:11:46 -0500 (Thu, 24 Apr 2008) | 5 lines
Fixes a regression in versions 1.2.25 and 1.4.19 identified by korihor
the wctdm driver was no longer properly recognizing polarity reversals.
(closes issue http://bugs.digium.com/view.php?id=12419)
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
04-24-08 13:11 svnbot Checkin
04-24-08 13:11 svnbot Note Added: 0085963
04-24-08 13:11 svnbot Status acknowledged => assigned
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