[asterisk-bugs] [Asterisk 0012458]: [patch] chan_zap incorrectly passes information between sections in users.conf in 1.4

noreply at bugs.digium.com noreply at bugs.digium.com
Wed Apr 16 08:44:08 CDT 2008

The following issue has been UPDATED. 
Reported By:                tzafrir
Assigned To:                
Project:                    Asterisk
Issue ID:                   12458
Category:                   Channels/chan_zap
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   minor
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Asterisk Version:           1.4.19 
SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball releases): N/A 
SVN Revision (number only!):  
Disclaimer on File?:        N/A 
Request Review:              
Date Submitted:             04-16-2008 08:09 CDT
Last Modified:              04-16-2008 08:44 CDT
Summary:                    [patch] chan_zap incorrectly passes information
between sections in users.conf in 1.4
With the following users.conf:

zapchan = 1
group = 1,2,3

zapchan = 2
echocancel = yes

zapchan = 3
mailbox = 123

zapchan = 4

channel 4 will get the configuration of mailbox, echocancel and group form
previous sections. The configuration of them also depends on the order of
the sections in the file. This is unlike 1.6

The attached patch changes the behaviour to be the same one already
included in 1.6, thereby removing a TODO item. It's still not tested, and
thus this report is not labeled as [patch].

Total count of lines is unchanged :-)

Issue History 
Date Modified   Username       Field                    Change               
04-16-08 08:44  file           Summary                  chan_zap incorrectly
passes information between sections in users.conf in 1.4 => [patch] chan_zap
incorrectly passes information between sections in users.conf in 1.4

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