[asterisk-bugs] [Zaptel 0010950]: Provide make rpm functionality to Zaptel
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Thu Oct 11 17:33:29 CDT 2007
A NOTE has been added to this issue.
Reported By: cabal95
Assigned To:
Project: Zaptel
Issue ID: 10950
Category: NewFeature
Reproducibility: N/A
Severity: feature
Priority: normal
Status: new
Zaptel Version:
SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball releases): N/A
SVN Revision (number only!):
Disclaimer on File?: N/A
Request Review:
Date Submitted: 10-11-2007 13:05 CDT
Last Modified: 10-11-2007 17:33 CDT
Summary: Provide make rpm functionality to Zaptel
This patch provides the make rpm functionality to Zaptel, similiar to the
Linux Kernel method of building rpms. The patch has been tested on FC6 but
should probably receive more testing on various platforms before entering
Relationships ID Summary
related to 0010951 Provides(fix) make rpm functionality to...
cabal95 - 10-11-07 17:33
1) Right now (based upon the Makefile), if a .svn file is found then
ZAPTELVERSION is set to "SVN-$(shell build_tools/make_svn_branch_name).
Wether nor not this is appropraite I am not sure. Guestimating I would say
it is not as rpm will probably harf if the version number contains the
letters "SVN". Other projects I have seen use a revision # of 99999
instead of an ever incrementing one. This may be more appropriate, but I
would still like to see a way to have an incrementing number. Maybe take
the incrementing revision # and add 10000 to it.
2) The use of the custom KVERSION is to remove the "smp" if there is one,
perhaps I should base KVERSION on KVERS rather than KERNEL.
3) Hrm. Is the install-modconf target buggy, or the script (genmodconf)
buggy? It has worked for me so far. I would hate to re-create the wheel on
that one. Perhaps I am missing something and we just don't need it at
4) Oops. Yes, it should be including those. I believe I need to put some
conditionals in mkspec so that it only includes certain doc files if they
are selected, as I did for the modules.
5) It fails miserably. :) Much of the Makefile in svn has been altered so
I will have to build a different patch for svn. I did a svn checkout of
zaptel and most of the changes that I thought were going to be put in were
not. Specifically the CONFIG_FILE variable is incorrect. If DESTDIR is ever
declared while building then zaptel will look for the config file in
$(DESTDIR)/etc/zaptel.conf. This is related to bug
http://bugs.digium.com/view.php?id=10764 which was listed
as fixed, but I am wondering if another commit later wiped it out.
6) There is... I had misread the make docs on .PHONY, I need to include
zaptel.spec in the .PHONY target (I had tried the other way around and that
was not helpful).
7) What do you specifically mean by "non-reproducable"? The idea behind a
'clean' instead of 'dist-clean' is I don't want to wipe out any configured
options. Nor do I want to use a "fresh" tarball as that might preclude any
custom patches the user loaded in. Even a 'dist-clean' does not return the
directory to the state of a fresh tarball as it should, there are files
left over (that is another patch I am working on though).
8) Yeah... Not one of my finer moments :) I just noticed that the linux
kernel uses an external script to build a tarball so I will do something
I'll post a new patch once I get some of these issues resolved. Some of
the things you noted need to be fixed in asterisk and addons too. Although
I notice that I can't seem to delete an attached file nor upload one with
the same name. Do I just add "-rev2" "-rev3" etc. to the filename or is
there a more correct way?
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
10-11-07 17:33 cabal95 Note Added: 0071846
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